Charlestown Township Office
11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, in Malvern, PA
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 7 p.m.


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Scott Ammerman, Cordelia Kane, Chuck Barbera, and Makinlee Fox. Stephanie Robinson was absent.
Kyla McFadden


Standing Items


Mr. Ammerman moved to approve the minutes for December with a minor edit, and Mr. Mount seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.

Youth Sport Reports

The seasons are over and no reports are expected until spring.

Trails Reports

The McDevitt Trail will be discussed in New Business.

Charlestown Township Park and Brightside Farm Update

Please see Old Business.

EAC Report

Ms. Fox is in communication with the EAC as the liaison, she had no update to share for tonight. In the November EAC meeting, the EAC agreed to further pursue investigating a proposal to use organic/non-hazardous chemicals on public lands. Next, Ms. Armstrong, the EAC Chairperson, appeared at the December P&R meeting.

Old Business

Charlestown Park To-Do List

The Charlestown Township Park “to-do list” is a work in progress and may be on the next agenda.

New Business

McDevitt Trail Signage and Repair

After Ms. Kane reported some trees down, some trash being dumped, and the absence of blaze marks, Mr. Mount reported that the trail had been anonymously marked. Marking included the PECO area and clear blazes for visitors to follow. Discussion followed:

Pickering Trail Repair

The dumping on the Pickering Trail roadside has been corrected. Mr. Ammerman will visit the eroded area of the trail. It may require a stone burrito or scout work.

Wild Flower Walk and Increasing Communication

Ms. Fox discussed an attempt to present scheduled events for the Township that will help the P&R, Historical Commission, and the EAC, attract more volunteers. Ms. Fox and Ms. Kane are streamlining events and have given Mrs. Csete a Calendar of Events that will appear in the next newsletter and on the website. 16 events are scheduled so far including Memorial Day, trail walks, six concerts, Earth Day, and movie nights.

Next, Ms. Fox will provide a year-end analysis, a marketing update, and then the events will begin arriving. Her vision for 2025 is to work with some ideas suggested by residents for “not-so-typical” summer camps.


Mr. Mount stated that the Valley Forge Audobon Society held a session at Brightside Park called Birding for Beginners at Brightside. Although it was not a Township-sponsored event, Ms. Fox would like events such as this to be advertised in a more impactful way and added to the Township’s event calendar.

Members discussed the future of Swiss Pines vs Charlestown Township and how it may influence the Park and Recreation Board. Mr. Mount stated that at the last Board Meeting, it was stated that the Township Manager was obtaining proposals on eradicating the bamboo and deciding what to do about the deteriorating fence.

The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting is scheduled for February 15, 2024.

Adjournment was at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary