Charlestown Township Office
11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, in Malvern, PA
Thursday, February 15, 2024, 7 p.m.


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Chuck Barbera, Makinlee Fox, and Stephanie Robinson. Scott Ammerman, Kyla McFadden, and Cordelia Kane were absent.



Standing Items


Mr. Mount moved to approve the minutes for January, and Mr. Barbera seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.

Youth Sport Reports

he seasons are over and no reports are expected until spring.

Trails Reports

Information for Park and Rec is being organized into a Google Doc.

Charlestown Township Park and Brightside Farm Update

Five points were discussed tonight.

  1. Although snow removal is a budget line for P&R, no one is clearing sidewalks or around the pavilions. Mr. Mount will see if the budget is only for the parking lot.
  2. A new flag is needed.
  3. The To-Do List is not final for the Park.
  4. Trash and doggie bags are still a problem at the Park. Trash bags have been opened and emptied and the trash is blowing around.
  5. Off-season restrooms may be needed. Portable units for nicer days are suggested.

EAC Report

At the last Board of Supervisors meeting the EAC Chairperson, gave a presentation. It was called Parks with a Sustainable Future. Ms. Armstrong discussed site-specific organic land management principles from the non-profit group, Beyond Pesticides, and

Old Business

Charlestown Park To-Do List

Now that the P&R Board has no empty positions, the Members discussed the To-Do List and how projects get from the “sent to the Board for go-ahead” to obtaining quotes and following through to a finished project.

New Business

McDevitt Trail Signage and Repair

Last month Mr. Mount reported that the trail had been anonymously marked. However, the signage and trail clearing still will appear on this trail’s job list

Wild Flower Walk

Ms. Kane was absent tonight but the Save the Date information is out on social media for the Wild Flower Walk.


Ms. Fox updated Members:

  1. The push for some of the early 2024 events will start showing on the Charlestown Township Park and Rec Facebook page. This will include stand-alone flyers etc.
  2. The content calendar will be sent to Members including the rest of the flyers for review.
  3. By then the next P&R meeting will be scheduled on March 21, 2024.

Adjournment was at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary