Charlestown Township
Board of Supervisors Meeting
5:00 p.m., Thursday, December 19, 2019
Charlestown Township Office
4030 Whitehorse Rd. Malvern Pa



Citizen’s Forum

Non-Agenda Items


  1. Minutes of November 6, 2019 Business Meeting
  2. Treasurer’s Report November 1 - 30, 2019
  3. Accounts Payable Report December 2, 2019 Operating Fund
  4. Accounts Payable Report December 2, 2019 Open Space Fund


  1. Manager’s Report
  2. Budget Review
  3. Zoning Officer
  4. Planning Commission
  5. Plan Status Report
  6. Design Review Committee
  7. Historical Commission
  8. Environmental Advisory Committee
  9. Public Works Superintendent
  10. Fire Marshal/EOC
  11. Parks & Recreation Board
  12. Brightside Farm
  13. Valley Forge Sewer Authority
  14. Phoenixville Regional Planning Commission

Old Business

  1. Brightside Farm Riparian Buffer [Pete Goodman and Carol Armstrong]
  2. Township Office Lease [F. Piliero]

New Business

  1. Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Board for Unexpired Term ending 12/31/20
  2. Open Bids – Cemetery Wall Repairs
  3. HARB Application for Certificate of Appropriateness – Nancy Long and Peter Segal
  4. Overview of Zoning Hearing Board Application for Paul Grafinger [Kristin Camp]
  5. ADP Payroll Services for 2020 [L. Csete]
  6. Charlestown Township Sanitary Sewer Needs Analysis [D. Wright]
  7. Resolution to Enter into 7 year franchise agreement with the Phoenixville Marion Youth Club
  8. Resolution to Enter into 7 year franchise agreement with the Phoenixville Area Soccer Club
  9. Tax Levy Resolution for 2020 [L. Csete]
  10. Budget Resolution to Adopt 2020 Budget [L. Csete]
  11. Schedule Conditional Use Hearing for Russell Becker [Supervisors]
  12. Schedule and Authorize Advertisement for Reorganization Meeting [Supervisors]

Other Business


[Next Ordinance #211-19, Resolution # 951-19]

Guidelines for Conduct at Public Meetings

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors recognizes the right of its citizens to present public remarks on Township issues and is very interested in your comments on the topics being discussed.

For items not listed on this evening’s agenda, the Citizens’ Forum is provided at the beginning of the meeting following Announcements. This is an opportunity for residents to address the Board; however this period is not a forum for debate or lengthy discussion. Please plan to limit your comments to three minutes to allow everyone an opportunity to be heard. If the Board determines that the subject requires more time for discussion, consideration, or research, the Chairman will schedule it as an agenda item either at the end of the meeting under “Other Business” or place it on a future meeting’s agenda.

For items that are listed on this evening’s agenda, the Board first hears from the presenter(s), and follows up with questions and discussion from its members. The Chairman will then open this discussion to the public for your comments and questions before any vote is taken. In the interest of time, we respectfully request that you refrain from reiterating comments already directed to the Board.

The Chairman may change the order of the agenda items during the meeting depending on the public’s interest.

Minutes are taken by hand for our public meetings. We ask that you preface your comments by stating your name, spelling it if necessary, and providing your address. Please speak slowly and clearly for the record.

How to Add an Item to a Future Agenda:

Contact the Township Manager, Linda Csete, via email ( or phone (610-240-0326) so we can coordinate on submitting all materials in advance of the next scheduled meeting. Depending on the complexity of the request, a lead time of one to three weeks will be required.