NOVEMBER 11, 1991

The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 11, 1991, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., member; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; James E. McErlane, Esq.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary; and those on the attached list of attendees.

Mrs. Ewald announced Executive sessions were held on Charlestown Hunt and Charlestown Brae.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 pm.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the minutes of the October 7 and the October 19 meetings. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

Mr. Martin moved for approval of the October 1991 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

Mr. Kling moved to approve the November 11, 1991 Accounts Payable. The motion was seconded by Mr. Martin and carried unanimously.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted the October Building Permits and Use & Occupancy Permits for the Township files. Mr. Martin called attention to the heavy traffic buildup on Charlestown Road during peak hours caused by the traffic light at Charlestown Road and Route #29. He suggested the timing of the light be adjusted during peak hours. Mr. Kohli said he would check with PENNDOT re. this problem.

Planning Commission Report: Mr. Ziegler reported that no action was taken at the Planning Commission meeting due to the lack of a quorum. The Volpi sketch plan was discussed. Mr. Kling reported on a site tour of Charlestown Oaks to observe the relocation of the western end of the project due to wetlands and steep slopes. A revision of the plan is expected at the next Planning Commission meeting.

Roadmaster’s Report: As acting Roadmaster, Mrs. Ewald reported that during the month of October, the finish work was done on Tinkerhill Lane, Union Hill Road and Pickering Road. This involved tying in driveways and sealing the road edges. Stolen stop signs have been replaced. Guardrails have been installed, particularly on Green Lane near Foster Road. Subsequent to requests from residents of Merlin Road, PENNDOT was contacted re. installation of 35mph speed limit signs. PENNDOT responded that they would do a traffic study. PENNDOT responded to the Supervisors’ request for a “hidden drive” sign to be installed on Charlestown Road at Swiss Lane stating the Township was permitted to install such a sign. An accident on Buckwalter Road resulted in damage to a culvert and to private property. The police report that the driver of the vehicle had no insurance. Mrs Ewald requested Mr. McErlane to pursue this and make sure the Township is paid for the damages. At this time, Mrs. Ewald proposed Dennis Hiller be appointed as Roadmaster until January, 1992. Mrs. Ewald so moved, Mr. Kling seconded, the motion carried. Mr. Hiller was introduced to the Township residents and presented with a copy of The Farmers’ Almanac that he might continue in the tradition of the former Roadmaster, Mr. Harold Pyle. Mrs. Ewald motioned the Roadmaster’s salary remain the same as for Mr. Pyle. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried. In addition to the other road work completed in October, Mrs. Ewald noted that Delaware Valley Paving Co. had repaired the road in front of the Rapp House and also the driveway into the Township Park.

Parks and Recreation Board Report: Bob Elmer submitted a list of revisions to the long term Agreement the Phoenixville Soccer Club is preparing to lease ground at the Township Park. The Soccer Club is asking the Board to take action on their Agreement at the November 25th meeting. Mr. Elmer stated that the application for RIRA Grant will be submitted by the end of this week.

The Chairman thanked Townwatch for their Halloween patrol of the Township. There were 24 people out patrolling each night. Mischief was limited to toilet paper draped in two areas of the Township.

Mr. Brooke Cottman came before the Board to request a letter of approval for Phase I of his Land Development plan in order for him to make financial arrangements with his bank. After some discussion, Mr. Kling moved to have Mr. McErlane write the letter of approval, including the conditions (see October 7, 1991 minutes). Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

Mrs. Ewald reviewed the background of Charlestown Brae, a 210 acre subdivision with 59 proposed houses, located at White Horse and Rees Roads. Plan #1 and Plan #2 were mounted on easels and Mrs. Ewald enumerated the concerns re Plan #1. She then pointed out the significant changes as shown on Plan #2. A 20 minute break allowed the public an opportunity to view both plans. Following this, Mrs. Ewald introduced Sarah Peck, President of Rouse/Chamberlin, the developer, and attorney, Lou Colagreco, who answered the many questions from the public. Mr. Colagreco read the draft Stipulation and Proposed Order which he hoped would be signed and presented to Judge Joyner on November 13. The points listed were discussed. At the conclusion, the following Resolution was made:

”BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Charlestown Township approve the proposed Stipulation and Order which is a settlement of the zoning appeal brought by Rouse/Chamberlin. Inc. v. Charlestown Township.#89-07341.Court of Common Pleas, Chester County, Pennsylvania, in the form submitted, subject to the following; (1) revision and amendment to include the modifications approved during the public meeting; (2) confirmation by the Township Engineer of the specific plans’ to be identified as part of the Stipulation; and (3) acceptance of the Stipulation in its final form by Rouse/Chamberlin, Inc.”

Upon motion by Vincent G. Kling, and seconded by John C. Martin, the Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board of Supervisors following a roll call vote.

The proposed Township Budget for 1992 was presented. An increase of 1.5 mills is proposed, making a total of a 10 mill real estate tax. The proposed Budget is available to the public at the Township office.

All business completed, the Chairman called for adjournment. Mr. Kling so moved, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned - 11:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
