SEPTEMBER 14, 1992

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their regular meeting on Monday, September 14, 1992, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown

Road, Devault.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; James E. McErlane, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary and those on the attached attendee list.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.

Announcements: Sept. 3 - Mrs. Ewald met with Mr. McErlane to review all current Projects with legal issues; Mrs. Ewald did a tour of the Township with a new reporter from the Inquirer; Sept. 13 - Mrs. Ewald participated in the opening ceremonies of the Phoenixville Marian Youth Club at Charlestown Park.

The minutes of August 3. 1992 were approved on a motion made by Mr. Kling. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

The minutes of August 17, 1992 were approved on a motion made by Mr. Kling. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

The August 1992 Treasurer’s Report was approved on a motion made by Mr. Kling, seconded by Mrs. Ewald. The motion so carried.

The September 14, 1992 Accounts Payable were approved on a motion made by Mr. Kling and seconded by Mr. Martin. The motion carried unanimously.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted his written report of Building Permits and Use & Occupancy Permits issued during August. He reported having received a complaint of land being cleared on the Schulze property located on the Horseshoe Trail. This work has been stopped and the Applicant is in the process of drawing plans to be submitted with a Building Permit Application. Mr. Kohli met with a representative of the Mobil Oil Company re. the clearing of their pipeline running through the Township; their procedure is to clear the pipeline every five years.

John Garvin questioned Mr. Kohli on the blasting at Devault Quarry. Joseph Sappone, Union Hill Road, stated his house is vibrating and that other residents of Union Hill Road also have problems. Mr. Kohli said the blasting must not exceed the DER’s decibel specifications and he will check into the matter. Mr. McErlane advised that quarries are regulated by State law and that Township jurisdiction is extremely limited.

The Chairman asked Mr. Kohli to check with the Quarry to see if there has been a change in their blasting pattern. Mr. Kling suggested a report be registered with the Bureau of Mines.

Roadmaster’s Report: Mr. Hiller submitted a written report for the Township files. Paving has been completed on Oak Lane. Sealing will be done on both Pine Drive and Oak Lane. This finishes the paving for this year.

The Chairman turned the meeting over to Mr. McErlane who opened the Public Hearing on amendments to the Township Subdivision/Land Development and the Zoning Ordinances. The Hearing was recorded by a court stenographer. At the conclusion of the Hearing, Mr. Kling moved for approval of Ordinance #64 (Providing additional requirements for construction of streets). Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it unanimously carried. Mr. Kling moved for approval of Ordinance #65 (amending the uses permitted in the I Institutional District) Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it unanimously carried. Mrs. Ewald noted two pending Ordinance revisions: Recycling and Composite Restraints. Mr. McErlane was asked to advertise these for discussion next month.

The Chairman reported the Charlestown Meadows Plan was presented before the Planning Commission and now feel that they are close to being ready for Public Hearing before the Township. Mr. Kohli noted that additional information is needed and also there are several items that need clarification. The date of October 19th or November 2nd was appointed for Public Hearing on this plan, whichever date best suited the Developer.

It was agreed by the Board to change the October 5th Board meeting to October 12th. The Secretary was instructed to so advertise.

At this time, Michael Churchill gave a report on the Planning Commission meeting. The Altemose proposal was brought to the Commission and comments from the Commission and the public will be heard at their first meeting in October. The Commission formally recommends the Township support the PUC application of Hough/Loew re. the railroad track crossing. No other formal action was taken.

The Chairman stated that several times residents complained to the Board about Cable TV service in the Township. As a result, a letter of invitation to attend this meeting was sent to both Harron and Suburban Cable TV to address the concerns of residents from Wyndham Lane and Church Road. Robert M. Lawrence represented Suburban Cable TV and Andrew J. Walton represented Harron Cable TV. At this time, Mr. McErlane publicly disclosed for the record that Lamb, Windle and McErlane now have Harron Cable TV as clients. Lynda Franklin stated that she and 5 other people cannot get cable service and want to know why, since both companies have service on Church Road. After a discussion, both Cable Companies agreed to have a satisfactory resolution to this problem by the October 12th Board meeting.

Leon Altemose reviewed his proposal for the use of the former Valley Forge Christian College property - The Village at Valley Forge. He proposed to re-develop the 90+ acres into retirement housing, with nursing facilities, for senior citizens. This would be done by re-building some of the present structures in colonial style. Structures that cannot be re-built would be demolished. At the conclusion of the presentation, Mrs. Ewald stated that she would embrace the concept. Following a ten minute Executive Session, Mr. Kling moved that the Board embrace the concept and see it go forward into plans. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it unanimously carried. Mr. Martin objects to renting the apartments and would prefer to see them sold. Mr. Altemose noted that financing the project depends on renting the units at the present time.

The Chairman announced that a vacancy exists on the Charlestown Township Historical Commission. Mrs. Baldwin and the Commission have recommended the appointment of Rosemary Phillips to the Historic Commission. Mr. Kling so moved, Mr. Martin seconded the motion: It unanimously carried.

Mr. Kling moved to authorize the advertisement of salt bids. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

The Correspondence was made available to the public by the Chairman.

All business completed, Mr. Kling moved to adjourn. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned - 11:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter