The Charlestown Board of Supervisors held their Reorganization Meeting and their Regular January Meeting on Monday, January 4, 1993 at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman, John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; Thomas F. Oeste, Esq.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary; those on the attached list of attendees.

At 8:10 pm., the Chairman called the Reorganization Meeting to order and opened the nominations for officers for 1993.

Mr. Martin nominated himself for Chairman of the Board and Mrs. Ewald for Vice Chairman; noting that in the past, the Chairmanship has always been rotated. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Kling nominated Mrs. Ewald as Chairman of the Board for 1993. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. Mr. King and Mrs. Ewald voted “aye”, Mr. Martin voted “nay” – the motion so carried.

Mrs. Ewald nominated Mr. Martin as Vice Chairman of the Board for 1993, Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mrs. Ewald recommended Surender S. Kohli be reappointed as Township Engineer for the year 1993. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

Mr. Kling moved to reappoint Dennis Hiller as Roadmaster for the year 1993. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mr. Kling moved to reappoint Surender S. Kohli as Zoning Officer and Building lnspector for the year 1993. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

The Chairman stated the position of Fire Marshall is being newly defined this year. Mr. Martin has indicated he would like to be relieved of this position. The Chairman introduced Fred Alston who has worked in public service for 30 years and has served on the Board of Directors of the East Whiteland Fire Co. for 10 years. Mr. Alston had submitted a modified proposal to the Supervisors prior to this meeting. Mrs. Ewald moved to appoint Fred Alston to the volunteer position of Fire Marshall. Mr. Kling seconded the motion. Following a discussion on issuing “burning permits”-; the Chairman requested Mr. Alston to address this issue in writing within a month. The motion for Mr. Alston’s appointment carried.

Mr. Kling moved, with commendation to reappoint Ruth W. Buckwalter as Township Secretary for 1993. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

Mrs. Ewald moved, with commendation, to reappoint Linda M. Csete as Township for 1993. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

Mr. Martin moved to reappoint James E. McErlane, Esg.. of the law firm Lamb, Windle & McErlane. as Township Solicitor for 1993. Mr. KIing seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

Mr. KIing moved to reappoint Gary Bender, Esq.. of the law firm Camp. D’lorio. McConchie & Forbes. as Special Counsel to the Township for 1993 Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. Mrs. Ewald and Mr. Kling voted “aye”, Mr. Martin opposed the appointment for reasons given 6 months ago.

Mr. Kling moved to reappoint Kenneth Werner, Esq., of the law firm of Werner, Wood & Buckwalter. as Conditional Use Solicitor to the Township for 1993. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it unanimously carried.

The Chairman proposed a new position of Architectural Consultant to the Township. She stated that the Historic Commission, the Historical & Architectural Review Board and the Planning Commission have renewed interest in reviewing ordinances and guidelines having to do with the historic Charlestown Village, the Middle Pickering Rural Historical District and historic Township houses. Having interviewed several candidates, Mrs. Ewald recommended Dale Frens. Mr. Kling moved the Board approve the appointment of Dale Frens as Architectural Consultant to the Township for 1 993. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, Mr. Martin abstained, the motion carried.

Mr. Kling moved for approval of the reappointment of Thomas J. Comitta as the Township Land Planner for the year 1993. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the reappointment of Messrs. Michael Churchill and Vincent G. Kling. Sr to the Planning Commission for another 4 year term each. Mr. Kling seconded Mr. Churchill’s appointment and Mr. Martin seconded Mr. Kling’s appointment. The motion carried unanimously. The Chairman noted a third appointment to the Planning Commission will be tabled until the next meeting.

Mrs. Ewald moved to reappoint Harry Nagle to the Zoning Hearing Board for another three year term. Mr. Kling and Mr. Martin both seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

Mrs. Ewald moved to reappoint Sarah Winckelman to the Vacancy Board for another one year term. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

The Chairman recommended the appointments to the Parks & Recreation Board and the Historic Commission be tabled until the February meeting. Mrs. Ewald so moved, Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

The next business before the Board was to establish the rates of pay for 1993 as per the approved 1993 Budget:

Township Secretary - $10,560 salary, $2,000 benefits
Township Treasurer -$11,000 salary
Roadmaster - $3,000 salary, $5,000 expenses

Mr. KIing moved to approve the rates of pay, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion which carried unanimously.

Resolution #464 93. providing fire. ambulance and police protection for the Township, was read aloud by the Chairman. Mr. KIing moved for approval, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion carried unanimously.

Resolution #461-93. setting the depositories for the Township accounts. was read aloud by the Chairman. Mr. Kling moved for approval, Mr. Martin seconded and the motion unanimously carried.

The Chairman inquired if the meeting dates for the Board of Supervisors should remain the first and third Monday of each month. Mr. Martin expressed the opinion that the meetings should be more expeditious, perhaps starting at 7:00 pm, and thereby reduced to one meeting per month. The Chairman noted that the agendas have been too full to complete at one meeting, but at such months as possible, the second monthly meeting could be canceled.

All business of the Reorganization Meeting being completed, the Chairman entertained a motion to adjourn. Mr. Kling so moved, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion unanimously carried. The Chairman adjourned the meeting.

At 8:37 pm, the Chairman called to order the regular monthly meeting of January 4. 1993.

Announcements: Dec.17 - Mrs. Ewald, Messrs. Kling and Kohli and Mrs. Tina Daly attended a meeting at Zynaxis Cell Science. Inc., a firm in the Industrial Park which has applied to DER to expand their facilities for cell biology research; Mr. Oeste reported that on Dec.28, there was a hearing before Judge Gavin in the matter of the MCF case. MCF Counsel and Mrs. Baugh’s Counsel petitioned the Court to have the Township file a $500,000 bond. A decision should be handed down in a week or so; Mr. Kling commented on the letter of Charles lsaacs which gave an excellent summary of the general attitude of the Township towards the Liberty House project. He also referred to a letter written by Christopher Hem to Cheryl Flanagan, CMHS, which, in general, points out that processing of this land from a teaching center to a homeless center was done secretly.

The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the minutes of December 7, 1992. Mr. Kling so moved, Mrs. Ewald seconded and the motion so carried.

Mr. Martin moved to approve the minutes of December 14.1992. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it carried unanimously.

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the December, 1992 Treasurer’s Report. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Mrs. Ewald moved to approve the January 4, 1993 Accounts Payable. Mr. Kling seconded the motion, it so carried.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted his written report of December, 1992, for the Township files. He reported receiving an enquiry about the Stuart property and also stated that Brownie’s Tavern is discharging wash water which goes down the drive to the street and then into a stormwater catch basin. The County Health Dept. is working with the Tavern to correct this problem. Mrs. Ewald noted that, over the holidays, cars were parking on Warner Lane to the extent that it was impossible to drive up the lane. She requested Mr. Kohli to write a letter to Hough/Loew informing them that Warner Lane is a public road and Charlestown Township does not allow parking on a public road.

Planning Commission Report: Carol Altemose reported that both LauraBrooke and Eastwick were reviewed, no recommendations were made.

Roadmaster’s Report: Mr. Hiller reported the following: Dec.10 - roads salted due to light snow, tree down on wires; Dec.11 - wind and rain storm caused trees down on Charlestown Road, Rt.#29 and secondary roads. Mr. Hiller noted that the State roads, main arteries through the Township, were cleared by the Township because PENNDOT was unable to so do. A discussion followed re. Mr. Martin’s enquiry of PENNDOT reimbursement to the Township. The chairman stated she had authorized Mr. Hiller to proceed on the basis that it was pointless to clear secondary roads if the main roads were impassable; Dec.29 - ice storm, roads cleared by noon. A complete written report was submitted to the Secretary for the files. At this time, Mrs. Ewald questioned if the number of trees going down in the Township could be an environmental problem due to PENNDOT spraying 2 years ago and asked Mr. Hiller to check on this.

Mr. Kohli for his review. She proposed Mr. McQuilkin submit a time extension to February 5th and be on the January 19th or the February 1St agenda. Mr. McQuilkin agreed to this and will submit the time extension in writing for the files.

The next item on the agenda was the Pa Fish and Boat Commission’s request to establish a Delayed Harvest trout fishing area along Pickering Dam Road and Rt.#29 -the Township’s open space area. The Chairman reported that she has carefully reviewed those documents, Mrs. Daly has made some inquiries and the Fish Commission has responded to questions that were asked. Three concerns were noted by Mrs. Ewald: 1) insufficient parking for 2100 fishermen proposed to utilize this delayed harvest; 2) signs to be placed on trees are a violation of the deed restrictions; 3) Township not ready for such a big project at this time. The Board discussed the proposal. Mrs. Ewald suggested writing a letter politely declining the proposal.

The Chairman reviewed the work involved with the office of Tax Collector. The rate presently is 4% of the taxes collected. Mr. Martin said that, according to the Township Code, a change in compensation must be made before February 15th. He compared Charlestown and Schuylkill Townships’ compensation. Mr. Martin feels that the Board should consider restructuring and reducing the present compensation. At the conclusion of a discussion, Mrs. Ewald proposed Mr. Martin visit the Township Tax Collector and review the job with him. The matter was tabled until the February 1st meeting.

The next item on the agenda was PECO, represented by Messrs. Charles Sheppard and Gregory R. Carey. The Chairman stated that PECO has agreed to meet with the Supervisors, Roadmaster and Township Engineer and work together to resolve concerns having to do with service and tree removal on Pikeland Road.

At this time, Ted Mondzelewski presented his plan LauraBrooke, an approved plan for offices in the LI District. Mr. Mondzelewski is asking for a Conditional Use in order to change the use from offices to apartments (114 units and 214 parking spaces - 3 buildings) which he called a more appropriate use of the property. Mr. Martin disagrees., noting that office space generates tax revenue for the Township without providing tax service, whereas apartments require service plus more students to populate the Great Valley School District. At the conclusion of the presentation and a discussion, the Chairman stated the Board should look at the original plan and tabled this project until the February 1st meeting.

Mark Danbly came before the Board regarding a lot line change in Rosewood Farm. Mr. Kohli explained that a house built on one of the lots is 1 1/2 ft. over the side yard set-back. Mr. Dambly is asking for approval for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy permit for the house during the time it takes to go through a subdivision process to change the lot line. Mr. Kling moved to approve issuing a temporary permit, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried. Mr. Kohli said that in order to avoid such a situation in the future, he is going to change the policy to include an “as built” inspection which will take place after the foundation has been built. Mr. Dambly was instructed to submit an application, plans and $5,000 escrow.

The Chairman turned the meeting over to Thomas Oeste, Esq., for the continuation of the Conditional Use Public Hearing for the Merriwether Subdivision Plan. The minutes of the Hearing were recorded by a Court Recorder. This Hearing will be continued at the next Board of Supervisors’ meeting, which will be held at the Charlestown Elementary School on Tuesday. January 19.1993. at 7:00 pm.

All business completed, Mr. Kling moved to adjourn, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried. The Chairman adjourned the meeting - 11:47 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter