SEPTEMBER 20, 1993

The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their second monthly meeting on Monday, September 20, 1993, at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault.

Present: Irene W. Ewald, Chairman; John C. Martin, Jr., Vice Chairman; Vincent G. Kling, Sr., Member; James E. McErlane, Esq.; Surender S. Kohli, P.E.; Ruth W. Buckwalter, Secretary, and those on the attached list of attendees. (Mr. Martin had notified the Board that he would be approximately 1/2 hour late for this meeting.)

At 8:10 pm, the Chairman called the meeting to order.

Announcements: The Chairman announced the following meetings: 2 Executive Sessions were held on Eastwick; Sept.12 - opening of the Phoenixville Marian Youth Club; Sept.13 - a.m. meeting at the proposed railroad crossing for Warner Quarry at Rt. 29 to discuss putting in the railroad tracks again. The issue here is the complicated traffic problems in that area of Rt. 29; Sept 13 - p.m. meeting of the Soccer Club with Mrs. Ewald and Mark Connolly to get an update on the Soccer Club’s plan to finish the new soccer field.

The Annual Fall Road Tour was scheduled for Saturday, October 23rd. The starting point will be from the Charlestown Elementary School at 8:30 am.

There was no Parks and Recreation Board report

The next item on the agenda was the Interim Order for Charlestown Oaks which was read aloud by Mrs. Ewald. Mr. Kling moved to approve the Interim Order as read. Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion, it so carried.

The next item to be considered was the Order and Declaration regarding the Eastwick Plan. The Chairman stated that this document proposes to reduce to writing all the items discussed at the last meeting. Louis Colagreco, Esq., made a correction to the Order: page 6, paragraph 12, regarding equestrian trails should read “combined lots BB and 9” throughout the paragraph. Mr. McErlane noted that Morris C. Kellett, Attorney for the Applicants, had not seen the document as yet. Mrs. Ewald made a motion to approve the Order of September 20, 1993, accompanied by the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Eastwick Subdivision. Mr. Martin seconded the motion, it so carried.

The Valley Forge Army Hospital remedial report was discussed at length. Mrs. Tina Daly, President of the Green Valleys Association, has been consistent in attending all meetings and she expressed several concerns regarding this report. She stated that the purpose of the remedial investigation was to identify the problems and apply a risk analysis. The initial investigation was prompted by the number of people living adjacent to the Hospital grounds having contracted Hodgkins disease. The Chester County Health Department did a study on this and slipped it into the remedial report without any public review. Many people have been waiting for this report and are unaware it is completed. Green Valleys Association is also concerned about water going through ash landfill and emptying into French Creek. Mrs. Daly stated that the Army Corps of Engineers will not clean up any contamination not caused by them, i.e. asbestos in buildings, for example. Mrs. Ewald expressed concern over an area near the landfill where the land is subsiding and there is a large area where nothing has grown in 15 years, not even weeds. Mr. Martin expressed his belief that the problems are so much greater than the funding. Mr. Kling recommended getting a good physical chemist to analyze this report and he volunteered to contact Dr. Everett Koop, former Surgeon General. In conclusion, Mrs. Ewald stated a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers will be drafted to notify them of the Supervisors’ proposed course of action and request the record be held open.

The Sunshine Law Amendment (Act 20,1993) discussed at the September 8th meeting was approved as Resolution #471-93. The time period for public comment shall not exceed 15 minutes and shall follow “Staff Reports” on the agenda. Mrs. Ewald moved for approval, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion so carried.

The next item on the agenda was a letter received from Michael J. Knievel, Director of Libraries, requesting favorable consideration of an appropriation of $2.00 per capita or $5,508. Mrs. Ewald commented that the Chester County Library is an agency of the County and suggested the County Commissioners support the library from their $15,000 surplus. Mr. Kling stated he was in favor of the appropriation request. (Amended 11/1/93). Mr. Martin noted the request is for the 1994 budget and suggested the Supervisors defer the request until the November budget is made up. Mr. Martin will inform Mr. Knievel by letter.

Charlestown Meadows: The Chairman reported that Russell Powell has requested a work session to be held at Mr. Kohli’s office, the time has been set for Thursday, September 30th, at 5:30 pm. Mr. Martin had suggested the agreement with Mr. Halderman be amended so that the continuance for the public hearings have a 6 month time limit in order to keep on a time schedule.

At this time, Mr. Martin said he would be unable to attend the October 18th meeting.

Zoning Officer’s Report: Mr. Kohli submitted his written report for the month of August. He reported the Bell Tower, located on West Valley Road, is vacating the building. The question is, since this is in a residential area, what should be the land use? Mrs. Ewald said that her understanding is that the County might be interested in acquiring the tower and, also, PECO is interested in an additional tower.

The subject of a Child Care Home at #7 Charlestown Road was discussed. Bonnie Rogers had sent Mr. McErlane a copy of her license and other information pertaining to her operation of a day care for young children (see Sept. 8 minutes). Because this is a residential area, the Zoning Ordinance does not allow her proposal and Mrs. Ewald requested Mr. McErlane to so respond to Ms. Rogers.

The next item on the agenda was a letter to the Supervisors from James A. Comenzo, Pastor of the Great Valley Community Church, inquiring if the Board would make an exception to the zoning and allow the Church to lease/rent the Mark Building on Phoenixville Pike, located in the LI district. Mr. Kohli said that the LI district is not zoned for this use and he had suggested to the Pastor to contact Hough/Loew to rent one of their buildings. Mrs. Ewald noted that churches are permitted in the Commercial district. No further action was taken.

Mr. Kling read aloud part of an article from the Sunday edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the headline being “Developers Feeling Conservancy About Towns Letting Concervancys Have Their Way With Developers”. (amended 11/1/93) He read a section that quoted Mrs. “Ewald’s views on the subject which made Mr. Kling believe that she is against conservancys across the board. Mrs. Ewald responded that the quotation was correct, but that this isn’t the context in which this article is framed. A discussion ensued between Mr. Kling and Mrs. Ewald. Mr. Martin stated that he felt the Chairman was speaking for the Supervisors on an issue that hadn’t been discussed.

Mr. Martin moved to approve Checks #7342 and #7358 (see page 6 of Sept. 8 minutes) and Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. The motion so carried.

All business being completed, Mr. Kling moved to adjourn the meeting, Mrs. Ewald seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth W. Buckwalter