Immediately following the 1995 Reorganization Meeting, the Board held their regular first meeting of the month.
Mrs. Ewald asked Mr. Martin to read the decision from the Court of Common Pleas on the Laura Brooke appeal — the Judge ruled in favor of the Charlestown Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Ewald reported that the tree dedication for Margaret Chiccino was well attended. The Chairman announced that the meetings on the Altemose Curative Amendment will be held on January 9 and 16. At this time, Mr. Martin announced that this year is an election year and that he will not run for another term as Supervisor but will be a candidate for the position of Township Auditor.
The Chairman entertained a motion to approve the December 5, 1994 minutes. Mrs. Ewald so moved, Mr. Martin seconded, the motion unanimously carried.
Mr. Martin moved for approval of the December, 1995 Treasurer’s Report. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sauser and unanimously carried.
Mr. Martin questioned the Roadmaster on the brevity of the Delaware Valley Paving bill. After a brief discussion, Mr. Martin moved for approval of the January 3, 1995 Accounts Payable. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sauser and unanimously carried.
Mr. Kohli reported that the cost of the purchase and installation of a guardrail at Charlestown and Township Line Roads would be $1,543. Mrs. Ewald moved for approval contingent on the price including installation. Mr. Martin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Prior to this meeting Mr. Kohli had mailed his written report on permits issued during the month of December. A copy of this report is in the Township files. Mr. Martin reported on a letter received from Morris Kellett regarding the Eastwick escrow. Mr. Kohli has been working with Mr. McErlane on this. Mrs. Ewald stated that on the common drive for lots 1 through 4 she can understand the escrow release. Referring to Tom Comitta’s letter on lots 10,11 and 12, Mrs. Ewald noted that there are serious problems that need to be addressed and asked to have this matter deferred to the next meeting. After further discussion, Mrs. Ewald moved to authorize termination of escrow for lots 1 through 4 and for lots 6 through 8. Mr. Martin seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Ewald reported that neighbors to Charlestown Meade have been complaining of large trucks going over their lawns and firing up at 6:00am. Mr. Kohli said that the lawns were damaged along the shoulder and would be repaired and that he had spoken to the developer about the Township Noise Ordinance.
The Chairman stated that Mr. DiPiano requested to be rescheduled to the January 16 meeting.
Mr. Churchill was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Mrs. Ewald commented on the December 13, 1994 Planning Commission minutes by stating that they were well written, but the most telling part of the minutes was in the first paragraph which stated four people attended, two of them recused themselves. All the decisions that were presented to this Board were made by two individuals which is not a quorum. Mr. Oeste stated that the Planning Commission has to have five members attending and that out of four, two is not a majority. Mr. Martin said that the problem with the Planning Commission remains “attendance”. Mrs. Ewald argued that there are so many conflicts of interest on the Planning Commission that there should be enough people so that if those people, when their conflicts come up, recuse themselves there are still five people to make a decision. She stated that if the decisions were represented to this Board as being the recommendation of two people, it would have been acceptable; but not to represent it as a recommendation of a quorum of the Commission.
For the Township file, Mr. Hiller submitted his written report detailing work done during December. He reported most of the work was items noted during the Fall Road Tour. Mr. Hiller was instructed to install 25 mph signs on Maryhill Road.
Mr. Alston read his December’s report; there were three vehicle accidents, one oven fire, one fumes and smoke investigation, one automatic alarm, one oil on roadway and one call for traffic control. He amended last month’s report to include an additional hazardous materials incident. A complete written report was given to the Secretary for the Township files. Mr. Alston reported that there was only one wet road accident on Rt.#29 at the ess curves north of Dickson Drive during 1994 as compared to 60 in 1993, and also, not a single brush fire along Conrail’s Rail line.
The Chairman reported that Mark Connolly will write up an annual report to be presented at the February Board meeting. He also reported visiting the park and noted it looks like a motorcycle has been running around the new field. Another problem is erosion at Township Line Road.
Bob Devlin commended the Board on the handling of the Laura Brooke case and stated that he attended the court hearing. Jim Mitchell agreed that a guardrail is needed at Charlestown and Township Line Roads and also expressed concern regarding the ditch at the edge of his property. Mr. Kohli will contact PENNDOT since this is their responsibility. Mrs. Ewald requested Mr. Kohli to document the need in writing. Mr. Mitchell requested a “stop” sign on Township Line Road. Gia Farra inquired if another newsletter would be put out noting that it would be very informative to people who do not attend the Supervisors’ meetings.
The next item for discussion was the Hazardous Material Ordinance: The Supervisors reviewed the revised Ordinance. Mr. Alston stated that the original intent of the Ordinance was to provide recovery of costs incurred in the remediation of an hazardous material spill in the Township, even though the material may subsequently prove to be non-hazardous. A lengthy discussion ensued on the subject. Changes were suggested for section 2 (e), section 3 (a), section 3 (d) and section 4 and section 5. Mr. Martin proposed the above changes be made to the revised Ordinance, Mr. Sauser seconded the proposal, Mrs. Ewald was opposed.
The Chairman moved on to the Valley Forge Sewer Authority Ordinance. Mr. Sauser said that he had objections to section 5 of the proposed Ordinance having to do with inspections. Following a brief discussion, Mrs. Ewald moved to approve Ordinance #67-95, Mr. Martin seconded the motion. Mr. Sauser opposed. The motion so carried.
The Chairman referred to a letter received from Robert Sugarman, Esq., enclosing a Notice of Deposition in connection with the Charlestown Hunt Interceptor. Mr. Martin stated that he thought the sewer problem was resolved according to Marc Kaplin’s statement during the December 19th meeting.
Mr. Featherman was present to represent Charlestown Brae regarding revisions to the Declaration of Easements, Covenants, etc. Mr. Oeste reviewed the changes which referred to the permanent entrance sign and lot owners obligations. Mr. Sauser moved to accept the revised draft of Declarations. The motion was seconded by Mr. Martin and carried unanimously.
Schuylkill Township sent a copy of their Act 537 to the Township office. At this time the copy was given to Mr. Kohli for his review.
The 1995 Signal Service contract was approved by a motion made by Mr. Martin and seconded by Mrs. Ewald. The motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Martin referred to a letter in which Charlestown Meade homebuyers of lots 11 and 12 requested to change the name of the private driveway from Reservoir Road to Lindsay Lane. Mrs. Ewald suggested sending a letter noting that the road name has some historical significance in that it was so named by the Valley Forge Army Hospital. However, the Supervisor permit the change.
Mr. Moskowitz requested by letter an additional time extension on his Conditional Use. Mrs. Ewald and Mr. Sauser approved the time extension, Mr. Martin denied it.
Mr. Kohli reported that he met with Mr. Wheeler and that Mr. Wheeler is satisfied.
All business completed, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 pm.