The Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors held their second regular monthly meeting on Monday, December 18, 1995 at the Charlestown Elementary School, Charlestown Road, Devault, Pa.


John C. Martin, Jr., Chairman, John B. Sauser, Vice Chairman, Irene W. Ewald, Member, Surender S. Kohli, P.E., Thomas F. Oeste, Esq., Linda M. Csete, Secretary and those on the attached attendee list.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M.


Mr. Martin announced that both the Re-organization meeting and regular business meeting for January 1996 would be held on January 2, 1996 at 8:00 P.M. at the Charlestown Elementary School.

Mrs. Ewald announced with great regret that former PA state representative Sam Morris passed away. She remembered him as a pioneer along with his wife Eleanor in the area of land conservation, historic preservation and farmland preservation as far back as twenty five years ago and praised his remarkable vision in recognizing these now crucial issues long before others did so. She commented on his appropriate nickname, “Silent Sam,” which spoke of his unique ability to sincerely listen to others. Mr. Morris was a former resident of Charlestown, and Mrs. Ewald remembered him for his devotion to his family and especially to Eleanor. Mr. Martin noted the instrumental role both Sam and Eleanor Morris played in helping Charlestown acquire state funding that was used to purchase over 100 acres of open space along the Pickering Creek.

Accounts Payable

Mr. Martin moved to approve the Accounts Payable Report for December 18, 1995. Mr. Sauser seconded and all were in favor.

PA Historical and Museum Commission Grant:

Mr. Martin introduced Pa. Representative Carole Rubley, who presented the township with a check for $10,000.00, representing the grant awarded by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission for a feasibility study of the Stinson Markley House. Mr. Sauser, who handled the grant application for the township, thanked Rep. Rubley for her participation.

John Martin - Retirement:

Rep. Rubley presented Mr. Martin with a citation from the Pa. House of Representatives acknowledging his 3 full terms served as a Charlestown Township Supervisor. The citation recognized his strong advocacy for open space procurement and interest in the restoration of historical sites and development of recreational sites.

Vincent G. Kling, President of the Charlestown Civic Association, extended his gratitude and appreciation of Mr. Martin’s time given to the township over the past eighteen years, which included his participation in the development and revision of the Township Ordinances.

Mrs. Baldwin, Chairwoman of the Historical Commission, presented Mr. Martin with a copy of A Historical Sketch of Charlestown Township by Harmon Rees and thanked him for his help in obtaining and developing the Jacob Wisener House as headquarters for the Historical Society as well as all of help he provided to the Historical Commission over the years.

Revolutionary War Cemetery:

Mr. Martin described the work done by Lord’s Tree Service at the Cemetery site, which was completed earlier today. Mr. Martin referred to Priscilla Crowell’s letter of Dec. 17th to the Board which requested a delay in resurfacing the turn around until this area can be further examined. Mr. Sauser suggested the development of an overall plan for the site, and Mrs. Ewald agreed that such a plan would be prudent.

Dismantling of the Department of Community Affairs:

Mr. Martin asked Rep. Rubley for information on the proposed dismantling of the DCA, who responded that some functions will be shifted to other departments, but it’s not yet clear what the outcome of the proposal will be.

Citizen’s Forum:

No issues were brought forward.

Devault Crushed Stone:

Discussion on the correspondences between Mr. Oeste (Oct. 10 and Nov. 9) and Mr. Fury (Oct. 13) was tabled to the Feb. 5, 1996 meeting. Mr. Kohli briefly reviewed the Planning Commission’s discussion of the land development plan during their Dec. 12, 1995 meeting.

Robert Berry - Driveway:

Mr. Sauser referred to December correspondence between Robert Berry’s attorney and Mr. Oeste, stating that he was satisfied with Mr. Oeste’s response to questions raised on the subject of a conditional use application. Mr. Oeste stated that Mr. Berry would like to schedule a Conditional Use hearing requesting approval to construct a driveway from his Eastwick subdivision lots to Church Road. Arrangements to schedule the hearing will be made.

Charlestown Hunt - Termination Agreement of the Agreement Prohibiting Conveyancing:

Mr. Martin referred to a letter dated Dec. 15, 1995 from Sallie Drumheller of Realen Homes requesting that a Termination agreement be executed this evening which releases Phase I from the March 1995 Agreement Prohibiting Conveyancing. Mr. Oeste stated that Realen has two settlements on Dec. 22, 1995 and they will not proceed unless the notation regarding the Broadwater Lane access is removed from the title reports. Both Mr. Sauser and Mrs. Ewald stated that they needed time to review the agreement before signing. Mrs. Ewald suggested that Mr. Martin poll them at a later time, but prior to the 22nd of December, for authorization to sign on their behalf and Mr. Martin agreed.

Salt Bids:

Mr. Martin read the following bids for road salt F.O.B. destination: Morton Salt: 33.89/ton; Akzo Salt: 39.40/ton, and Cargill Inc.: 38.66/ton. Mr. Martin turned the bids over to Mr. Kohli for his review.

Charlestown Oaks:

Frank Iacobucci Sr. and Frank Iacobucci Jr. presented sketches of proposed changes in the final plan for Charlestown Oaks. The revision would feature larger townhouses each with one or two garages, and would eliminate one unit per building and change the 50 foot right of way line to be measured from the curb instead of from a 20 foot setback line. Mr. Iacobucci (Jr.) showed a sketch of Victoria Court, which would have 16 units instead of the original 20. Throughout Phase I, this change would mean a reduction of 16 units from the original 69. Mr. Iacobucci displayed a number of pictures and sketches including photos of similar developments that Mr. Comitta suggested he examine. Mr. Sauser asked about the responsibility for sidewalk maintenance, and Mr. Iacobucci responded that it would remain the responsibility of the homeowners’ association. Mrs. Ewald was concerned about cars parked over the sidewalk area, and Mr. Iacobucci stated that this can be prohibited in the homeowner’s documentation. Mr. Kohli stated that the Planning Commission recommended approving the change, and that a revised final plan would be required for submission. Mr. Sauser moved to give conceptual approval to moving the right of way line on all Phase I court buildings from the existing line to the edge of curb. Mr. Martin seconded and all were in favor. In a related matter, Mrs. Ewald moved to approve a 90 day extension from the December 25, 1995 deadline for recordation of the Charlestown Oaks final plan. Mr. Martin seconded and all were in favor.

Salt Bids:

The awarding of the salt bid was deferred until questions on access and availability could be addressed.

Louis Moskowitz - request for extension of Conditional Use Approval:

The Supervisors briefly discussed the request for an extension on a conditional use approval to use his home, yet to be constructed, as a home based business for his psychology practice. Mr. Sauser moved to approve the extension for one year, and Mrs. Ewald seconded. Mr. Martin called for a roll call vote. Mr. Martin voted “Nay”, Mr. Sauser voted “Aye” and Mrs. Ewald voted “Aye”. The motion carried.

Eastwick Subdivision Lots 10-11-12 Final Escrow Release:

Mr. Martin moved to approve the final escrow release for the Eastwick common driveway servicing lots #10-12 in the amount of $23,106.15. Mr. Sauser seconded. The motion passed with two in favor and one opposed.

Resignation of Ray Ott:

Mr. Martin announced that Ray Ott, who has served on the Charlestown Planning Commission for 45 years, has sent a letter of resignation to the Board.

Spring Oaks - PUC application for at grade rail crossing:

This item was tabled until January 2, 1996 to give Mr. Oeste time to review the document.

Resolution #506-95:

Mr. Sauser moved to approve Resolution #506-95 commending John Martin for his 18 years of service on the Charlestown Township Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Ewald seconded and the resolution passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Csete, Secretary