September 15, 1997

The second regular business meeting for September was held September 15, 1997 at the Charlestown Elementary School. John B. Sauser, Chairman, Robin J. Kohn, Irene W. Ewald, Thomas F. Oeste, Esq., Gary Bender, Esq., Surender S. Kohli, Linda M. Csete, Secretary, and those on the attached attendee list were present.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Mrs. Ewald announced that she attended a meeting on September 9, 1997 along with Mr. Kohli, the Smurthwaites and their attorney, and Mike Honan, P.E. from Rouse Chamberlin at the Smurthwaite property on Rees Road to discuss problems they have experienced due to the Whitehorse @ Charlestown construction. She feels that the meeting was positive and resolved some of the issues while others will receive further attention.

Mrs. Ewald announced that Historical Commission Chairwoman Janet Baldwin and township Historical Architectural Consultant Dale Frens met with Neal Kerrigan, an eagle scout candidate, at the Revolutionary War Cemetery to discuss his plans for an eagle scout project. Mr. Kerrigan has surveyed and measured the cemetery property and has performed extensive cleanup. He showed Mrs. Baldwin where the cemetery wall can be improved and plans to submit a report to the Township proposing how to do so.

Citizens’ Forum - Items on Tonight’s Agenda

No issues were brought forward.

Phoenixville Marian Youth Club (PMYC) Contract

Mr. Sauser stated that the Board has reviewed the current seven year contract between the Township and the Phoenixville Marian Youth Club for the use and maintenance of playing fields at Charlestown Park in consideration of its renewal. Parks & Recreation Board Chairman Mark Connolly submitted a memo to the Board with some suggestions to be included in the new contract. Mr. Kohn moved to approve a new seven year contract with the PMYC which will incorporate Mr. Connolly’s suggestions and some minor revisions to the existing contract as noted by the solicitor. Mr. Sauser seconded and all were in favor.

Charlestown Hunt - Curbing

Mr. Sauser stated that he and Mr. Kohn met with Mr. Kohli at the Charlestown Hunt site to review curbing that was installed contrary to what was shown on the approved plans. Both agreed that the depressed curbs were unacceptable. Mr. Sauser moved to require Realen Homes to install raised curbs as shown on the original plan. Mr. Kohn seconded and the motion passed. Mrs. Ewald did not vote.

Carr - Driveway Application

The Secretary was directed to send a letter to the Carrs outlining the procedure, as described in Mr. Oeste’s memo of September 15, 1997, that they will need to follow in order to obtain their road occupancy permit.

DHR Ltd. - Escrow Release Request #1

Mr. Kohn moved to approve DHR Ltd. Escrow Release #1 conditioned upon DHR Ltd. reimbursing the Township for all review fees related to the project that have been incurred up to the present time. Mr. Sauser seconded and all were in favor.

Scheduling - Conditional Use Hearing for Dr. Gaffney

Mr. Oeste will check on the time constraints for scheduling the Gaffney Conditional Use Hearing and will review recent correspondence from Dr. Gaffney’s representative.

Emergency Operations Control - Relocation

The Secretary was directed to hold the payment to Bell Atlantic for their installation of phone lines for the EOC center at the Great Valley High School until the Chairman has an opportunity to speak with Great Valley School District representatives about the possibility of relocating to the Elementary School.

Sprint/Spectrum - Conditional Use Hearing - Construction of a Communications Tower in the LI2 District

The proceeds were taken by a court reporter and the record was left open.

Citizens’ Forum

Ellen Behrle asked about restrictions on hours for construction work, since work is being performed near her home as early as 6:50 A.M. and at various times on weekends. Mr. Kohli responded that the time is limited between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M., and that he has just advised this particular group to observe these restrictions and will follow up with a memo to them.


Mrs. Ewald moved to adjourn and Mr. Kohn seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda M. Csete, Secretary