Charlestown Township
Board of Supervisors Business Meeting
Minutes of September 13, 2004

The first business meeting for September was held September 13, 2004, at the Great Valley Middle School, Room 154. Kevin R. Kuhn, Chairman, Mike Rodgers, Vice Chairman, Paul Hogan, Charlie Philips, Hugh Willig, Surender Kohli, P.E., James McErlane, Esq., Linda M. Csete, Township Administrator, Melanie M. Lammers, Recording Secretary, and those on the attached list were present.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M.


Mr. Kuhn announced an Executive Session had been held on August 31, 2004 to discuss legal matters.

Mr. Kuhn announced that Priscilla Crowell, a member of the Charlestown Township Historical Society, passed away on September 11, 2004. He read a history of her life in Charlestown and said she was a great lady. She was 88 years old.

Mr. Kuhn asked if any Board members were previously Boy Scouts, and Mr. Philips said he was. Mr. Kuhn asked if he would be able to attend the Eagle Scout ceremony on Sunday at 2:00 P.M. Mr. Philips accepted.

Mr. Hogan announced a raccoon, possibly rabid, entered a home and was creating havoc around Sidley Hill and Hollow roads.

Citizen’s Forum/Non-Agenda Items

John Hoekstra of the Green Valleys Association spoke about the proposed upgrade of the Pickering Creek watershed. He said he is working with the West Pikeland Land Trust and any others who are willing to participate. The proposal is to upgrade the watershed to one of Exceptional Value. He said he will be sending a request to the Township asking them to join as co-petitioners. He said the intent is to give the proper designation to the watershed. There can then be no discharge into it that is worse than what is already there. Mr. Kuhn said he appreciates his efforts. Mr. Kuhn asked what the process is from here, and Mr. Hoekstra said it is a very long process, and that the designation is not given out lightly; it is very difficult to achieve. Mr. Philips asked where this fits when it comes to development. Mr. Hoekstra said the Planning Commission will still go through their normal process.


Minutes of August 16, 2004

Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the August 16, 2004 minutes, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report August 1-31, 2004

Mr. Hogan moved to approve the August 1-31, 2004 Treasurer’s Report, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote.

Accounts Payable Reports August 11, 18, and September 13 – Open Space Fund

Mr. Hogan moved to approve the August 11, 18, and September 13, 2004 Open Space Improvement Fund, Accounts Payables reports, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Ratify Payroll September 1, 2004 – General Fund

Mr. Hogan moved to ratify the September 1, 2004 payroll, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Accounts Payable Report – September 13, 2004 – General Fund

Mr. Hogan moved to approve the September 13, 2004 General Fund Accounts Payable report, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and Mr. Philips questioned the refunding of monies to Verizon. Mrs. Csete explained that Verizon applied for road occupancy permits on both township and private roads. Only township roads require a permit, so the payments for private road permits have to be refunded. Mr. Kuhn called the vote, and all were in favor.

Accounts Payable Report – September 13, 2004 – State Fund

Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the September 13, 2004 State Fund Accounts Payable report, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.


Mr. Kuhn listed which reports had been received and asked if anyone had any additional comments or questions. There being none, Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the reports, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Mr. Hogan said about 1,000 people came to the opening of the PMYC football season at Charlestown Park He also said that new guardrail was installed on Township Line Road adjacent to the Park, and wood chips have been replenished at the playground area.

Old Business

Resolution to Execute 5-year Snow & Ice Agreement with PennDOT

Mr. Alston’s memo dated September 13, 2004 recommended the Board not sign the 5-year PennDOT agreement. Mr. Kuhn indicated to the residents in attendance, that the only downside to not renewing the agreement is that if a resident contacts the Township office regarding bad roads, the resident will be referred to PennDOT.

Mr. Willig asked if PennDOT has the resources to take over this work, and Mr. Alston said PennDOT will hire an additional contractor and will be prepared to take over.

Mr. Rodgers moved to turn down the PennDOT agreement renewal, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and Mr. Hogan asked why it was being recommended to turn down the agreement. Mr. Rodgers responded it was because the Township was losing money. Mr. Kuhn called the vote, and all were in favor.

New Business

Sal Lapio Inc – Trails and Seeding at Charlestown Oaks

Mr. Kuhn said there are a number of areas in the common and open space areas that the Township can speak to, and said plans are for those areas to be seeded at the end of the development operations. With respect to individual homeowners’ landscaping, Mr. Kuhn read an excerpt from their agreement of sale. He referenced item #9 which indicates the builder is responsible for the initial seeding and grading with existing soil, but that anything beyond that seeding is the responsibility of the homeowner. Mr. Kuhn said the Township will help where they can, but that frankly, they do not have the power to intervene in private contracts. He said they are holding $180,000 in an escrow account for the landscaping of the common areas.

Mr. Bill Fell, President of the Charlestown Oaks Homeowners Association asked the Charlestown Oaks residents to stand. He then voiced their concerns about ground erosion and the instability of trees, stating they are a safety concern. Mr. Kuhn confirmed these particular issues are in the common area and said they would be addressed by the Township consultants.

Mr. George Malone said he was chosen as the representative of the residents. He said most of the concerns are related to observed soil composition and erosion that has occurred. He voiced their concerns to the Board. Mr. Willig suggested they make a list of their issues and take them to the builder for resolution. Mr. Kuhn also suggested they copy the Township office on any correspondence to the builder, and said it was helpful to get feedback from the residents.

Mr. Philips suggested the Township offer Mr. Kohli’s services to the residents who may not be familiar with the planning and engineering process. He also reminded the residents of the power of the press, but cautioned it should be used as a very last resort.

Resident Mark Lindsay, said he has a natural spring on one side of his house. He said it came through the ground and was addressed by the builder. He asked if it resurfaces again, whose responsibility is it to take care of it. Mr. Kuhn said if it is in a common area, it is the responsibility of the Association; if it on his property, it is his responsibility. He also pointed out the significant amount of rain this year.

Based on all of the issues brought up by various homeowners, Mr. Kuhn suggested the homeowners create a punch list for the Homeowners Association to take to the builder.

In response to a residents’ question, Mr. Mike Matsak, a representative for Sal Lapio, agreed to have both trailers at the construction site removed within approximately one week.

Ms. Rhonda Forbes of 247 Yorktown Court summarized by stating that a lot of residents have called the builder regarding several issues, but have gotten no response. She said the lack of response is what has caused them to come before the Board for assistance.

Mr. Matsak said putting derogatory statements on websites about Sal Lapio is not the way to get things done. The residents’ representative said he was not aware of the derogatory statements Mr. Matsak was referring to.

Mr. Willig said he was not sure he liked the tone of Mr. Matsak’s last comment. He added that Sal Lapio sat here a few years ago and promised the Board they would do everything correctly, yet here they are again. He said the Homeowners Association should press hard for a comprehensive schedule, including specific dates.

Mr. Willig asked Mr. McErlane how long this project took from its first application, and Mr. McErlane said the first curative amendment took place in 1973, and that it has been 22-23 years since the first building permit was issued.

Mr. Philips thanked everyone for coming.

Toll Brothers Inc. – Phase II Financial Security Agreement

James McErlane, Esq., said the agreement is in order. Mr. Chris Schubert gave the documents, previously executed by Toll, to Mr. McErlane.

Mr. Philips moved to approve the Toll Bros. Inc. Phase II Financial Security Agreement, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Toll Brothers Inc. – Pump & Haul Agreement

Chris Schubert, Esq., is requesting approval of a Pump & Haul Agreement for Charlestown Meadows. He said there is no requirement for a separate planning module amendment to be filed. He said it is only necessary to have a sponsor, and that the Valley Forge Sewer Authority would be the sponsor. Mr. McErlane confirmed no separate planning module is required.

Mr. Kuhn asked when Toll Bros. needs this in place by, and Mr. Schubert said a lot of progress has been made and this Pump & Haul Agreement will be needed prior to closing on initial units in the early part of October. Mr. McErlane asked if it can wait until the first October meeting. Mr. Schubert asked for a decision from the Board contingent on approval from the Township consultants.

Mr. Willig said they just received a marked-up copy today. Mr. Rodgers moved to table this topic until the next meeting, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Agricultural Security District (ASA) – Adding East Pikeland Properties

Mr. Kuhn said the Township needs to go through a review of its existing ASA every seven years. He said East Pikeland Township has several parcels that would like to be joined with our area. He said he doesn’t have a particular problem with it and doesn’t think it will hold up Charlestown Township in any way. He suggested the Board direct Mrs. Csete to start the process and have her investigate what needs to be done to pull East Pikeland in. He also suggested the Board provide dates to East Pikeland that they have to march to.

Mr. Willig said all property owners in that area have to be notified of the review. Mrs. Csete said the Board also has to appoint a new ASA board consisting of one resident, three farmers, and one Supervisor.

Mr. Willig asked if only those in the district will be notified or also those interested. Mr. Kuhn said everyone interested should be notified. Mrs. Csete said it is advertised in the paper and can be posted on the website. She said it also must be posted five places in the Township. Mr. Willig said a mass mailing should be done to everyone with 10 acres or more.

Mr. Rodgers moved to authorize Mrs. Csete initiate the process and conduct the mailing, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Four Resolutions to Accept Dedication of Various Township Roads

Mrs. Csete explained that there were several roads that were never added to liquid fuels. Her memo to the Board of Supervisors explains the purpose for these resolutions.

Mr. Hogan moved to accept Resolution #630-04 (Academic Way), #631-04 (Southwest Avenue), #632-04 (Blackstone Lane, Great Woods Lane, Crown Oak Drive, Jamie Lane, Three Ponds Lane, South Winds Lane, Primrose Lane, Sawgrass Lane) and #633-04 (Tinkerhill Road) and Mr. Hogan seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Authorize advertising for Road Salt Bids to open October 4th

Mr. Philips moved to authorize advertising for the Road Salt Bids to open October 4, 2004, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Schedule Budget Work Session

Mr. Kuhn asked if it is worth getting all of the Boards in a room for a budget work session and to give them a heads up as to what the Board of Supervisors expect. Mr. Willig said it is worth a try to get others involved. Mrs. Csete said that this would be a kick-off meeting and would need to take place soon. Mr. Kuhn said this might also be a time to let the boards know that their formal written monthly reports should be submitted to Mrs. Csete by the Friday before the Supervisors’ meeting.

It was decided the budget kick-off meeting would be held at 7:00 P.M. before the next Board meeting. The budget work session was scheduled for 7:00 P.M. on October 25, 2004.

Schedule Phoenixville Area Regional Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting on Project Goals and Objectives

Mr. Kuhn said they want a dedicated meeting lasting 1-1.5 hours. Mr. Kuhn said a mailing should go to all the residents of the Township to advertise this and ask for participation. The meeting was scheduled for November 8, 2004 at 7:30 P.M.

Request for PennDOT to do Traffic Studies on Bodine

Mr. Alston said that since Bodine is a Township road, he can do the traffic study himself once his computer is set up for it.

Mr. Philips moved to recommend Mr. Alston conduct the above-mentioned traffic study, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Mr. Willig said he also received a request to put a stop sign at Township Line Road at the intersection with Coldstream Road; however, it was noted that previous studies conducted by PennDOT found the stop sign to be unwarranted. Since Coldstream Road is a PennDOT Road, they would have to conduct a new study.

Mr. McErlane said Mr. Oeste gave him the deed for the Longwood School and asked the Township to acknowledge receipt of possession.

Mr. Philips asked who holds the easements in Four Oaks, and Mr. Kuhn said the Township does. He said he is fairly certain the easement was only on a 20-acre portion, not on the other properties. Mr. Philips asked if someone could look into it. Mr. Kuhn said Cindy Thompson probably has a copy of the easement, since she just marketed the property for sale. Mr. Philips said he is also interested in the status of all of the other properties.

Other Business

There were no Other Business items discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:41 P.M. The next meeting will be held on September 20, 2004 at 7:00 P.M. at the Great Valley Middle School, Room 154.

Respectfully submitted,

Melanie Lammers
Recording Secretary