Charlestown Township
Board of Supervisors Business Meeting
Minutes of October 9, 2006

The first business meeting for October was held October 9, 2006 at the Great Valley Middle School, Room 154. Kevin R. Kuhn, Chairman, Mike Rodgers, Hugh Willig, Mark Thompson, Esq., Surender S. Kohli, P.E., Linda M. Csete, Township Administrator, and those on the attached list were present.

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.

Announcements - none

Citizen’s Forum/Non-Agenda Items - none


Minutes of September 18, 2006

Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the September 18, 2006 minutes and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Treasurer’s Report – September 1 - 30, 2006

Mr. Willig moved to approve the September Treasurer’s Report and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Accounts Payable Report – Operating Fund October 9, 2006

Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the October 9, 2006 Operating Fund Accounts Payable report and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Accounts Payable Report – Open Space Fund October 9, 2006

Mr. Willig moved to approve the October 9, 2006 Open Space Fund Accounts Payable report, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.


Mr. Rodgers moved to accept the monthly reports as submitted, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Mr. Kuhn asked about the 120 hours charged for a tri-axle truck on Melchiorre Construction Co.’s invoice for work at the Woolen Mill. Mr. Alston said they used three tri-axle trucks for hauling materials to and from the mill.

Old Business – None

New Business

Open Bids – Charlestown Woolen Mill Flooring

The following bids were received at the Township Office by the 2:00 P.M. deadline of October 6, 2006, and opened and read aloud:

CRJ Construction Co. $23,900, alternate price for temporary plywood railing $3,780.00
Steinbauten Co. $27,745, no alternate price

These bids were solicited by a request for quotation from Dale Frens. Since the bids exceeded $10,000, the Board determined that it will be necessary to prepare a formal bid package and advertise. Therefore, neither bid was accepted and the project will go out for formal bid as soon as a bid package can be prepared and the bid advertised.

Open Bids – Road Salt 2006-2007 Winter Season

The following bids were received at the Township Office for 700 tons of road salt, and opened and read aloud:

North American Salt Company No Bid
Oceanport Industries 49.00 FOB Plant, 51.75 Delivered
Cargill Salt 51.79 FOB Plant, 53.79 Delivered
International Salt Company 52.00 FOB Plant, 52.52 Delivered
Morton Salt Company No Bid

The bids were turned over to Mr. Kohli for review. The contract will be awarded at the November 6, 2006 meeting.

Roof over Manure Pit – Brightside Farm

Mr. Kuhn said he obtained a third quote for replacement of the roof over the manure pit at the Brightside Farm from Mike Comasky of Carnagh Construction Inc. in the amount of $4,800.00. Mr. Comasky said he was unable to find the fiberglass roofing material specified in the RFP and made a substitution of New Century Red Metal. Mr. Rodgers was concerned about the substitution, although Mr. Kuhn vouched for Mr. Comasky’s work, adding that he has the required insurance coverage and is very competitive with pricing. The Board asked the Secretary to re-circulate all three quotes so they can make a decision at the next meeting.

Charlestown Park Improvements

Parks & Rec Chairman Bob Jones, Parks & Rec member and PMYC President Chuck McQuiston, and engineer Jeffrey Bodo, proposed improvements to Charlestown Park to be completed before the end of the year. Mr. Jones said he has a meeting with Kim Burgess from Chester County Parks & Recreation to request a letter of retroactivity that will allow work to proceed yet still be eligible for a county grant in the spring.

Mr. McQuiston said this is the 51st season for the Phoenixville Marion Youth Club, which moved their activities to Charlestown Park in 1992. He said the Club has steadily grown after beginning with just football and girls’ field hockey. They now offer football, field hockey, and girls’ lacrosse, and are adding boys’ lacrosse. There are about 750 children in the program ages 5 – 13, and there is no charge to participate in PMYC activities. They are funded through various fundraisers held throughout the year.

Mr. McQuiston said they propose to expand the main football field to 120 x 60 yards so it could be used for both football and lacrosse. It is presently 100 x 40 yards in size and isn’t entirely level, with a 4 foot differential from one end to the other. They would also level out the practice area, and propose to add a second field later on. They would like to create a joint effort with the Township, by coordinating these improvements with the Township’s demolition of the existing picnic pavilions and construction of three new pavilions adjacent to the field area. For their improvements, they have some funding available and are looking for additional funding from the County. The Township has budgeted $70,000 for Park Improvements this year, and he said Senator Dynan from the Phoenixville area has offered $15,000.

Jeff Bodo, of D.L. Howell and Associates, introduced himself as a civil engineer and project manager who is volunteering his time to prepare the plans for the improvements. He showed two drawings, the first, an overlay of the Park topography, and second, a drawing showing the proposed fields. He said in addition to the fields they would re-grade the adjacent embankment. He said they will submit an erosion & sedimentation plan to Mr. Kohli for review.

Mr. Bodo discussed the stormwater management plans, which would utilize the drains along E Street but would need additional drainage near the top of the slope. They will use as much of the existing stormwater management facilities as possible. He noted that they also propose to remove the existing sidewalk, which is in very poor condition and has steps without railings or lights. They would replace this sidewalk with a walking path that would eventually connect to the PMYC Clubhouse and the parking lot. Mr. Kuhn asked what material would be used and they said most likely asphalt, unless there was a substantial price break on concrete since some will be brought in for the pavilions.

Mr. Rodgers asked why they aren’t proposing a recharge basin in the area that drains into the field. Mr. Jones said this will be addressed later when the parking lot is re-done, possibly by adding a basin under the lot.

Mr. Willig asked about phasing. Mr. Bodo said they propose two phases. Phase I would be the field expansion, associated grading, and pavilion demolition and reconstruction. Phase II would be the addition of the new field. He said they are working with J. Loew and Associates, which has promised them free fill from their project at Charlestown Road and Route 29. Mr. Willig cautioned them that any project at Charlestown Road and Route 29 could take a while to get started and he’s concerned about timing. Mr. Bodo said they are aware of the timing issue.

Mr. Bodo said the increase in stormwater will be negligible in Phase I. He said stormwater could be managed under the field if needed. Mr. Kuhn said with the elimination of the four foot drop, runoff may actually decrease, though Mr. Kohli said the side slopes will collect more. Mr. Bodo said they want to maintain the same drainage characteristics as the present site, which is basically all lawn area. Mr. Kohli asked if it would be close to two acres disturbance, and Mr. Jones said yes.

Mr. Kuhn asked if they plan to remove all the pavilion pads, and Mr. Jones said yes. They will then replace 3 pads and construct 3 new pavilions. Mr. Jones said since there is a public sewer line running down F Street, they may be able to add bathrooms to the pavilions. The Club bathroom facilities are closed, so the only facilities are two porta-pottys on the site.

Mr. Kuhn said he and Mr. Willig visited the Park recently and he doesn’t have any issue with the fields or pavilions, which will be a great improvement. He asked if they would have any problem with the existing drainage fields, and Mr. Bodo said they would most likely be removed. Mr. McQuiston said there have been no runoff problems along Township Line Road during the heavy storms of the past two years. Mr. Jones acknowledged that drainage must be addressed, and said the Christian College may be doing work on the dam and pond area.

Mr. McQuiston said they also want to add a pre-fab storage structure adjacent to the expanded field for storage of lacrosse equipment.

Mr. Rodgers asked what increase in the number of players and parents they anticipate after the improvements are done. Mr. McQuiston said there would be no increase in the number for football and field hockey, which run in the fall and includes about 400 participants. The increase would be to the spring lacrosse programs, which now totals about 150. This would increase considerably, but still not equal to the 400 in the fall.

Mr. Rodgers asked why add parking, and Mr. Jones said the parking is insufficient at present, and they are using one of the College’s lots. Also, when the main lot is re-done, they will lose some spots due to landscaping.

Mr. Willig said the proposed improvements are compatible with the Master Plan and will increase both the variety of activities and the number of participants. Mr. Jones added that the other program, the Phoenixville Area Soccer Club, has about 700 kids using the Park too. Mr. Rodgers asked how many are from Charlestown, and Mr. McQuiston said participation seems to be evenly split between students at the Great Valley School District and Phoenixville Area School District.

Mr. Jones asked for authorization to proceed with the improvements. Mr. Willig suggested the Board start with authorizing Mr. Kohli to review the plans and give comments, and the other Board members agreed. Mr. Bodo said they’ll break the engineering into the two phases, but will show the grading plan for both Phases I and II. Mr. Willig wished to clarify that they don’t want any plans made contingent on obtaining fill from J. Loew and Associates, and that they don’t want the project sponsored by or dependent on them.

Ashford Subdivision (Bala Investments) – Preliminary Subdivision Plan

Elizabeth Witmer, Esq. presented the Preliminary Subdivision plan for the Ashford subdivision, stating that they received the Planning Commission’s recommendation in July. Richard Natow of Bala Investments was also present. Ms. Witmer said that because the Homeowners’ Documents are still being developed, they opted to seek Preliminary Approval and return with an application for Final Approval once those documents and associated issues with the neighbors are worked out. She said the subdivision consists of five lots, with one existing house and four proposed new houses. They previously obtained conditional use approval for incursion into steep slopes. The conditional use decision also incorporated the written agreement with the neighbor, Dave Capetola, outlining requirements for protection of the woodland buffer. She said page 6 of the plan includes the notes on the buffer. Enforcement power is set forth in the agreement and will be part of the HOA documents, which were sent to Tom Comitta, Mark Thompson, and Sean O’Neil for review. So far, comments have been received from Mr. O’Neil. A synthesis must be reached between Mr. Comitta’s recommendation to employ good management practices in the buffer area, and Mr. O’Neil’s client’s wishes for no disturbance of any kind in the buffer.

Ms. Witmer referred to Mr. Kohli’s review letter dated 9/22/06:

Items #1-3 No issues.
Item #4 Applicant is waiting for DEP approval of the submitted Sewage Facilities Planning Module.
Item #5 The Covenants, Restrictions and Agreements will be submitted with the Final Plan.
Item #6 The applicant proposes to dedicate the road and storm sewers to the Township. Mr. Kohli said that the Board should consider whether they wish to accept dedication or whether the road and sewers should be the responsibility of the Homeowners’ Association. Mr. Willig asked if other roads that size had been accepted by the Township, and Mr. Kuhn said some were accepted, such as Rosewood Lane, and others were not, such as Rapps Run Lane. Mr. Kuhn asked if ownership will have any impact on the alignment of the 4 way intersection, and Mr. Kohli said no. Mr. Kuhn said they’ll leave this issue open until the final plan submission.
Item #7 The Chester County Conservation District will give approval following the DEP’s approval of the Planning Module.
Item #8 The notes on Sheet 6 regarding the protection of the woodland buffer have been accepted by Tom Comitta’s office.

Ms. Witmer said two waivers were requested, as follows:

Mr. Willig asked about the driveway easement with the neighboring property. Ms. Witmer said the easement agreement is in place, and the neighbor is happy to have access from the proposed subdivision road instead of accessing Charlestown Road directly, and is also glad to facilitate the 4-way stop intersection.

Mr. Rodgers asked how they handle a tree that dies in the woodland buffer area. Ms. Witmer said if it’s a screening tree, it will be replaced by the HOA; otherwise it will be left alone.

Mr. Kuhn moved to approve the Preliminary Plan for Bala Investment Inc.’s Ashford Subdivision, subject to the comments on Mr. Kohli’s review letter dated 9/22/06 and with the understanding that the homeowners documents and a decision on road dedication will be addressed at the Final Plan stage. Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Bernhard Property Appraisal

Mr. Willig moved to authorize an appraisal of the Bernhard property on Green Lane Road, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Costs will be shared 50/50 with the Bernhards. Mr. Kuhn called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Chester County Association of Township Supervisors

Mr. Rodgers will attend the fall convention of the C.C.A.T.O. on November 9, 2006 at the Mendenhall Inn.

Schedule Hearing for Conditional Use – Bell & Clapper

The conditional use hearing for George and Denyce Rhoads, to allow a Bed and Breakfast at the Bell & Clapper, was scheduled to open on November 20, 2006, 7:30 P.M. in Room 154 of the Great Valley Middle School.

Schedule Budget Work Session

The budget work session to prepare the 2007 Budget was scheduled for Monday, October 30, 2006, 7:30 P.M. in Room 154 of the Great Valley Middle School.

Other Business

Quorum for October 16, 2006 Meeting

Mr. Willig and Mr. Rodgers both indicated they will be out of town and unable to attend the October 16th meeting. It was unclear as to whether Mr. Hogan and Mr. Philips will both be available. The Secretary will check with them and notify the hearing applicants if it becomes necessary to re-schedule their hearings due to lack of a quorum.

Jenkins Subdivision

Mr. Kuhn asked if the Secretary received the Sewage Facilities Planning Modules yet from Mr. Diehl, and when she responded no, he asked her to follow up and inform the Board of their status.

2006 Budget

Mr. Kuhn asked the Secretary to review the finances for 2006 to determine whether the general fund has sufficient funds to reimburse the Open Space fund for improvements to township properties such as the Woolen Mill and the Longwood School, so that all the EIT taxes collected for 2006 would be used for open space acquisition only. Mrs. Csete responded it would be best to wait until December to make a more accurate determination of the general fund balance. The matter will be placed on the December 4th agenda.

Charlestown Woolen Mill

Mr. Kuhn suggested the other Board members visit the Charlestown Woolen Mill, where site improvements have been moving along very well, with paving and sodding to take place this week in preparation for Charlestown Day on October 15th. With regard to flooring at the Mill, Mr. Kuhn said he’ll contact Mr. Frens about preparing a formal bid spec to be advertised for bid opening as soon as possible. Mr. Kuhn said he’ll contact the Chester County Visitor’s Bureau to see if they will agree to a further extension on the spring 2005 grant.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. The Board held an executive session following the meeting to discuss legal matters. The next meeting is scheduled for October 16, 2006, 7:30 P.M. in Room 154 of the Great Valley Middle School.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Csete
Township Secretary/Administrator