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Charlestown Township
The first business meeting for May was held May 1, 2017 at the Great Valley Middle School in the Choral Room, #154, 255 N. Phoenixville Pike, in Malvern, PA.
Mrs. Csete made three announcements.
The Board of Supervisors held an Executive Session on April 3, following the business meeting, and before tonight’s May 1st meeting, to discuss legal matters.
The 12th Annual Earth Day Event on Saturday had a great turnout, with both individual residents and groups including the Planning Commission, Trout Unlimited, two scout troops, and the Great Valley Mountain Bike Team turning out to help clean up our roads, parks and stream sides.
PA State Representative Duane Milne’s Annual Recycling and Shredding Event is taking place at Great Valley Penn State Campus this Saturday from 9 am to noon.
Lieutenant Donahue of the PA State Police introduced himself as the new commander of the Embreeville Barracks. He reported two recent unrelated burglaries, with most calls due to automobile accidents or false alarms.
Members from the Pickering Crossing Development were in attendance to obtain the Township’s answers to 5 questions stemming from the neighboring Allan Myers Devault Asphalt Plant. Mr. Robertson and Mr. Wattamwar wished to discuss the following:
Mr. Thompson, Mr. Wright, and Supervisors responded:
Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes for the April 3, 2017 Business Meeting and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Philips moved to approve the April 2017 Treasurer’s Report and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Philips moved to approve the General Fund Accounts Payable Report for May 1, 2017 and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Rodgers moved to approve the Open Space Fund Accounts Payable Report for May 1, 2017 and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Kuhn had one request. He asked Mr. Hubbard to check on a brief beep from the Limerick siren that sounded instead of the usual longer siren.
Mr. Kuhn moved to accept the April 2017 reports #1-13 as submitted and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Thompson opened the hearing; the proceedings were taken by Mr. Mark Hagerty, Court Reporter. The Andersens wish to obtain a Conditional Use at 23 Eastwick Drive. Mr. MacKay told the Board that the Andersens want to remove an existing driveway that only goes to their home, and construct a new driveway that serves the barn and home. The new driveway would be within 2 feet of high ground water elevation (Section 1104.2.B.1). This is the reason for the Conditional Use hearing. The Andersens also own an adjacent lot. It is a smaller parcel (2.23 acres) that is not developed and does not have a driveway access.
Mr. Thompson entered the following exhibits:
B1-Application #CU-17-01
B2-Public Notice
B-3 Proof of Publication
Proof of Notification to the surrounding neighbors within 250 feet in attendance was to be Exhibit B4, however Mr. Andersen did not have these required documents.
Therefore, the hearing was continued to June 5, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Great Valley Middle School, 255 N. Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA, Room 154.
Mrs. Csete announced that September 16th is the next Charlestown Day. Mrs. Schlichter will update Supervisors in June or July.
Mr. Thompson verified that Mr. Comitta could not be the Planning Commission member for the HARB Committee. Mr. Willig and Mr. Kuhn both attempted to discuss the HARB’s meeting time, being somewhat difficult to attend at a 4pm time slot. Mr. Philips said that the time of the meeting would not change.
Since Mr. Allen will no longer serve on the Design Review Committee, Mr. Richter, from the Planning Commission, volunteered to be the representative on the DRC. Mr. Kuhn moved to appoint Mr. Richter to the DRC and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Wright provided an overview of the MS-4 (Municipal Separate Storm System) Engineer’s Report for the 14th year, ending March 9, 2017. Mr. Wright told Supervisors that the Township will need to consider funding compliance measures for the next report in 2019.
Valley Creek in Charlestown Township has tested high in silt content and the DEP is requiring a 10% reduction effort. The new permit will require the delineation of the drainage area to each storm sewer system controlled by the Township within the urbanized area that is located within a watershed impaired for siltation or nutrient impairment. This will affect the southern portion of the Township that drains to both Valley Creeks since they are impaired for siltation.
Best Management Practices will need to be put into action by all stream side farmers, builders, etc. The DEP provides a suggestion or theoretical improvement plan for municipalities to adopt involving a park alongside the stream. However, Mr. Wright said the layout does not fit well with Charlestown Township. But, he has the tools, criteria, and methodologies to plan a course of action to lower the silt level. Mrs. Carol Armstrong offered her help in forming potential solutions.
Mrs. Csete stated that State Representative Duane Milne’s office has been in touch with her regarding the need for lane widening and signal improvements at the Route 401 (Conestoga Road) and Valley Hill Road intersection. The cost of the upgrade is estimated at $350,000 - $500,000, with the possibility of obtaining an 80% grant from the Green Light Go Program.
One prerequisite of the grant application is that the project be listed on the DVRPC’s Traffic Improvement Project Inventory (TIP) list. The instructions on how to get on the TIP list actually say the process is not easy. She suggested that if the Supervisors were interested in pursuing the grant, a traffic consultant be engaged to assist in the process. She suggested the Board authorize her to obtain a proposal from Traffic Planning & Design if they wish to move forward.
Mr. Kuhn said to contact Mr. Milne’s office and indicate the Township would consider covering the 20% balance of the improvement. He suggested she ask Representative Milne to please forward the studies that provided evidence of the problem at the intersection. Supervisors remember that previous suggested plans involved land that would need to be taken.
Mr. Thompson stated that a resolution was adopted at the April meeting authorizing the sale of the Auchincloss property and directing him to finalize the agreement with realtor Ms. Cynthia Thompson Ilaqua. Mrs. Ilaqua will receive 5% of an estimated 2.2 million for the 2 properties. Mrs. Csete was instructed to advertise for acceptance of bids at the end of June. If there are no bids, the relationship with the realtor ends, and the process will start over. Further details of the agreement were discussed. The buyer will have 90 days to consummate the agreement (s). They can be sold separately.
Mr. Philips moved to ratify and execute the listing agreement, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
The Roadmaster discussed the possible need for Benburb Road speed humps. He has posted “Children at Play” signs and has exhausted ways for slowing or reducing traffic near the intersection of Charlestown and Coldstream Roads.
Mrs. Csete said that specific procedures must be followed if speed humps are constructed to ensure the roads are still eligible for state Liquid Fuel Funds. Mr. Rodgers suggested portable speed humps.
The Roadmaster’s first step is to contact PennDOT and request that they lift the curb at the intersection of Charlestown and Coldstream Roads in front of the former Stables Bar. This may reduce the number of motorists using Benburb Road as a shortcut so speed humps would be unnecessary. Hopefully this will begin a dialogue to improve the conditions near Benburb, Coldstream, and Charlestown Roads.
Mr. Philips said he and Mrs. Rosemary Philips worked with Mr. Comitta to provide 5 updates for the Historic Resources Map. It is an appendix to the Historic Resources Protection Ordinance and has to be approved by the Board when there are changes.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve the amended Historic Resources Map dated April 28, 2017, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor. Mr. Thompson will confirm whether a zoning ordinance amendment is needed since the map is an appendix to the historic resources protection ordinance.
Mr. Philips referred to the Lighting Fixture Specs dated March 2017 provided by Interpretive Solutions to be used in preparing the bid package for the Mill lighting project.
Mr. Kuhn moved to accept the bid specs for use in preparing the bid package for the Charlestown Mill lighting project, and authorized advertising. Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
The following bids were received by the Township Office for the 2017 Road Paving Project.
Charlestown Paving & Excavating Inc. | $197,423.80 |
Cedar Springs Construction Co. | $161,174.00 |
Innovative Construction Services, Inc. | $174,439.00 |
The bids, which did not include materials, were turned over to Mr. Wright for review and recommendation prior to the bid award at the June 5, 2017 meeting. The Township’s estimated bid amount was $208,000.
Mr. Wright gave his recommendation for approval.
Mr. Philips moved to approve Escrow Release #1, in the amount of $64,464.18 for Phase III Spring Oak and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mrs. Csete provided details on the spreadsheet she prepared, proposing amendments to the 2017 Budget. Adjustments were made to the carryover figures for the General Fund and Open Space Fund to reflect the actual year-end balances from 2016. Revenues increased for pavilion rentals, court fines, permits, and interest earned. Expenditures were increased for the projects at the Mill and for road paving, with minor adjustments in several other categories. The net difference is an increase in carryover at the end of the year for both funds.
Mr. Philips moved to adopt Resolution #889-17 amending the 2017 Budget as proposed, and Mr. Rodgers seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mrs. Csete suggested the July meeting scheduled for July 3rd be moved to July 10 and the Board agreed. She will advertise the schedule change.
Mr. Wright told Supervisors that he would begin a dialogue with the Allan Myers plant and remind them of the approaching deadline on May 12th. Mr. Kuhn wants some kind of effort by the plant to comply with the ordinances. Two different ordinances are involved, one that limits construction activity in the evening hours (noise disturbance). The other involves zoning district activities vs. noise levels and property care (nuisance).
Members discussed the difficulty of getting an ambient reading on a noise meter, due to the nearby Turnpike, truck traffic, air traffic, busy roadways, etc. However, Mr. Willig expressed the importance of obtaining the beginning parameters of the study. He wishes to obtain criteria to help establish a baseline involving many location readings. Then the Township could begin to look at these readings in comparison to the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Hubbard will research the issue with a local municipality.
Mr. Piliero adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 5, 2017, 7:00 p.m. at the Great Valley Middle School, Room 154, 255 N. Phoenixville Pike, in Malvern, PA 19355.