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There were two executive sessions before tonight’s meeting. One was on January 11th for personnel matters. The second meeting was before tonight’s meeting regarding legal matters.
Earth Day fliers and Township Newsletters are available.
Ms. Lorraine Fillippo said she can’t make a right turn at the intersection of Fillippo Way to get to her home. Beyond Meat tractor trailers are blocking the road and idling on both Whitehorse Road and Fillippo Way. She also hears the backup beep from Devault Lane early in the morning. Ms. Sharon Stiles said that cars are not supposed to turn right from Fillippo Way to Devault Lane but do. They ignore the stop sign and congestion is added by cars waiting to pick up employees. It is dangerous going through that area at shift change. Contractors are not obeying the traffic flow that management is trying to establish. Mr. Wright has already notified management.
Mr. Kuhn asked Mr. Wright if Beyond Meat can place a camera in the area since plant management is having trouble enforcing the traffic flow. Lastly, Mr. Rubenfield stated that on January 26th there was a very loud noise from the plant from 7:30-9 a.m. Mr. Wright will follow up on this issue too.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve the reports listed below and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Willig moved to accept the January 2023 reports #1-16 as submitted and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Greg Adelman, Esq., and Mr. Brynn Schaffer, PE, PLS, attended tonight to obtain Preliminary Approval of their October 18, 2022, plan for a subdivision at 4219 Howell Road. Mr. Adelman began with a list of updates:
Mr. Kuhn stated that the applicant has the legal right to request a subdivision and if they comply the Township cannot deny the plan. The Board of Supervisors relies on its expert consultants. He asked Ms. Green to consider the local and expert opinions of the Planning Commission Members and Township consultants who intimately know the land’s characteristics, the roads, and the site’s history. In addition, the Applicant’s stormwater plan has received approval from the DEP and the CCCD. These are both agencies she was contacting for help and insight. However, Ms. Green wanted the CCPC to do a new review at the Board’s request. Mr. Kuhn again said the County acts in an advisory capacity, the Board will rely on its consultants.
Mr. Piliero wondered why Ms. Green felt the Township didn’t assist her. In one of three meetings, the Township provided swales and woodchips as help until the matter could be further investigated by the consultant team.
Mr. Neil Camens, of Chester Valley Engineering Inc., representing Ms. Green, asked to speak about stormwater calculations, mainly the volume control vs the area of disturbance. An assumption that the reforested area would be “immediately reforested” was his main concern. Planting 13 trees is certainly better than how it is now with none, but now it is in “terrible condition” so it only makes it a bit better, not providing enough relief for Ms. Green.
Mr. Kuhn asked about ground cover and Mr. Camens thought it would be very beneficial. Mr. Camens said it needs to be detailed in the plan, using a meadow to forest transformation, with a maintenance plan for the trees. Mr. Adelman stated that there was a Northeastern Forestry Concepts plan originally submitted calling for the reforestation of the logged areas with saplings and that the applicants are willing to implement the plan, as well as the landscape plan already approved by Mr. Comitta. In response to a question, Mr. Adelman stated that the plan calls for ongoing maintenance of the trees.
Mr. Shaffer asked everyone to remember that this stormwater system was over-engineered. Since the level spreader was eliminated, the stormwater storage volume went far beyond meeting the requirements. The Township has even more stringent stormwater parameters for the Applicant than the County. The stormwater properly models the steep slope area as “Wooded-Poor” which properly models the slope area as a wooded area that has been timber harvested. Mr. Wright said all the factors were evaluated and the runoff to the Green Beyer property will be less than pre-construction. This plan addresses stormwater satisfactorily.
Infrastructure and staging would be enforced by the conservation District during construction, the DEP is also involved. The developers will make any future owners of that land obtain annual inspection testing by engineers.
Mr. Camens said he was happy with clarified volume due to the over-engineering explanation and Mr. Willig was satisfied about the stormwater. He was pleased to hear that there was an official reforestation plan in the project.
Mr. Philips moved to approve the October 18, 2022, Preliminary Plan for the Greene-Marks Subdivision Application:
Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Waivers approved:
Ms. Heidi Shiver, Birdtown Pennsylvania President, presented the Board of Supervisors with an award for the Township achieving the status of Birdtown USA. She gave a brief presentation about the goals, resources, and workshops that are available on the BirdtownPA.org website. She presented the Chairperson with an official Certificate of Recognition.
Ms. Ingrid Cantarella-Fox requested support toward the cost of printing the 26th edition of the Horse-Shoe Trail Guidebook as the Township had done five years ago in 2017. She distributed the 2018 version.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve a donation of $1,500.00 toward the publishing of the 26th Edition of the Horse-Shoe Trail Guidebook, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Township Planner, Mr. Tom Comitta, provided details on suggested updates to the Zoning Ordinance in 2023. He discussed small cell wireless facilities, short-term lodging, and high cube warehouses. He also suggested a subcommittee discuss agritainment (large outdoor seasonal gatherings) that would utilize 50 acres or more. He asked the Board members to consider these updates to allow for further discussion.
Mr. Ed Theurkauf and Ms. Kelsey Stanton-Murphy, of Theurkauf Design & Planning LLC, presented the Master Site Plan for Jenkins Park. It was developed in accordance with the approved Concept Plan dated 9/13/21. The three parcels comprising the Jenkins tract total 16.4 acres. It is located on North Valley Hill Rd. Tonight’s goal was to obtain feedback from the Members and Charlestown Township’s residents.
Ms. Laura Pappas, whose home is across the street from the project, wants just one wider driveway opening, not a drive-through entrance and exit. She wants it offset for driveway privacy. However, PennDOT advises against offsets, and the park’s ingress and egress are not able to be flipped. Mr. Theurkauf mentioned the screen along Valley Hill Road, evergreen trees along the eastern property line, and cherry laurels hiding most of the parking from her home. Any further screening could impair sight distances, increase the amount of tree removal, and raise impervious figures. He believes that as the project finishes, Ms. Pappas and the Township can work together.
Mr. Charles Buck was concerned about the speeds on the road and park traffic flow, including pedestrians. Plus, after hours visitors are not welcome. Mr. Theurkauf stated that once the site is finished it is easier to police, has fewer unwanted visitors, and more eyes to see them. Mr. Raymond Clarke, Vice-President of the Open Land Conservancy, attested to this in another county park. It puts the area on the map so that the PA State Police can easily patrol it. Planners did not want to hide the parking deep into the property for security reasons
Mr. Tanner Laudenbaugh wants to increase the screening because many trees have fallen and their homes are more exposed to the trail zone than last year. Mr. Theurkauf was aware of the area and they will remediate the area with undergrowth as a natural barrier.
Mr. Willig moved to approve the Master Plan and direct Mr. Wright to prepare bid documents and to authorize Mr. Theurkauf to research grant opportunities. Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being nothing further, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. John Koutsourous, P.E., presented a minor subdivision plan for a lot combination at 3041 Hollow Road. Mr. Koutsourous addressed comments on the consultant review letters as follows:
Mr. Koutsourous referred to the letter points as either resolved or “will comply”. The well was moved, the lot was perk tested, only four trees will be removed, and the PC has recommended approval.
However, the Board asked the engineer why the stormwater was above ground. He stated it involved less disturbance, was easier to repair, cheaper to build, and the property had the perfect hidden spot for it, very far from neighbors. It has a 4 to 1 slope and a 2’ depression in the ground in the rear of the home. Mr. Philips wanted a reason why he couldn’t design it subsurface. Waivers are not usually granted for these reasons.
Wanting Preliminary Approval tonight, Mr. Koutsourous agreed to design a subsurface stormwater system, and will do infiltration testing. It the testing determines that a subsurface infiltration basin is not feasible, then the Applicant will return to the Board to request a waiver for above ground facilities. Underground design would not require a waiver. Mr. Wright was comfortable with this arrangement.
Mr. Kuhn moved to give Preliminary Approval to the Stillittano subdivision in compliance with the consultant review letters and a redesign to provide for underground stormwater facilities. Mr. Willig seconded and there being no further discussion, Mr. Piliero called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Philips moved to appoint Ms. Ashley Pietak as an Alternate to the Environmental Advisory Committee to complete an unexpired term ending 12/31/24, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Kuhn moved to appoint Mr. von Hoyer as Auditor for the unexpired term ending 12/31/23, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Piliero moved to adopt Resolution #1029-23 authorizing the Manager to execute PennDOT’s Electronic Access Agreement, and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
A hearing to consider a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 27, Part 2, Definitions, was scheduled for March 3, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at 11 General Warren Blvd, Suite 1, Malvern, PA.
Three items remained on the agenda.
Mr. Piliero moved to approve the above 3 items. Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.
There being no other business, Mr. Piliero adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. The next Business Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 6, 2023, at 7 p.m., at 11 General Warren Blvd., Suite 1, Malvern, PA.