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There were no announcements.
No matters were brought forward.
Mr. Philips moved to approve the reports listed below and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Kuhn moved to accept the June 2024 reports #1-16 as submitted, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Heleniak said there was a request to amend the easement for the Owens with the French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust. The Trust is in agreement with the proposed change, which will allow for 3 structures instead of 2, adding a utility shed to the previously permitted single family house and barn. The amount of impervious surface allowable will not change. The owner has agreed to give up the additional impervious coverage he was permitted to have in the standard protection area and will pay the costs to amend the easement agreement. The Supervisors were agreeable to the amendment, which will be prepared by the Trust for their consideration.
There was no Old Business.
Ms. Morgan Duffy of Troop #4321 presented her project for a Little Library at Charlestown Park, for which the concept was recommended for approval by the Parks & recreation Board at their May 16th meeting.
Ms. Duffy proposes to place the modified kitchen cabinet containing books for all ages next to Pavilion #3 facing the playground. A sloped roof on the cabinet will protect the contents from rain. Bookmarks will be made by the troop members, and she lives close enough to the Park to check on the library regularly. The cabinet doors will be made of Plexiglas. The availability of books at the Park can be featured on the Township’s website and Facebook page.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve moving forward with the proposed project, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Piliero asked for comments, and Mr. Motel suggested adding a sign requesting that books not be left for donation outside the cabinet. Ms. Duffy said a sign would read “take a book, leave a book.” Mr. Piliero called the vote, and all were in favor.
Mr. Piliero thanked Ms. Duffy for her presentation.
Neil Hikert, Esq. of PAX Legal, LLC represented the applicant Bodine Properties, LLC, and presented an overview of their zoning hearing board application requesting a variance for a proposed two lot subdivision of 2081 Bodine Road. Lot 1 abuts Bodine Road, and the proposed Lot 2 is an interior lot that includes a small dwelling to be demolished. Lot 1 includes a house, garage, and pool to remain on that property. A variance will be required for construction of the non-conforming shared driveway to allow a 5-foot setback rather than the required 20-foot setback for accessory structures. The abutting neighbors signed affidavits indicating their approval of the application because it would preserve an existing tree line between the properties.
Mr. Kuhn moved to take a favorable position toward the application and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Wright updated the Board on a minor subdivision plan for Mr. & Mrs. Drew and Marjorie Alleva at 1 and 2 Honeysuckle Lane. The owners want to reverse the previous lot consolidation plan and return the property to its previous two lot configuration with an existing house on each lot. Nine waivers are requested since no improvements are proposed with the subdivision. The Planning Commission recommended approval.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve the Alleva Minor Subdivision Plan with the nine construction-related waivers as listed, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.
Larry Dugan, Laurie Saunders, and Adam Jackson from JP Orleans gave a PowerPoint presentation of their proposed solutions for treatments of existing homes at Devault Village and a proposal for those remaining homes to be built that are unable to meet the current design requirements.
Mr. Dugan said JPO representatives have met with the Design Review Committee three times in the past few weeks, with a site walk during the second meeting. 33 existing homes were identified where the HVAC, water heater pipes, and sump pump pipes come the front third of the side of the house, which conflicts with the Design Manual requirements. They propose to install flush mount kits and paint them to complement the stone, brick, or siding, showing the home on Lot #9 as an example. Twelve of the 33 homes have pipes extending from box bays. They propose adding flush mount kits to these pipes and painting them to match the box bays. The kit will extend 2 3/8 inches from the box bays, and won’t include the sump pumps. Landscaping is proposed for screening the 12 box bay homes with Otto Luyken Cherry Laurel as recommended by Tom Comitta.
The second part of their proposal addresses how to move forward with the 22 homes not yet constructed. Nine of them can’t meet the DRC design criteria due to having walk-out basements and garage-under layouts. They propose installing flush mount kits painted to match the stone, brick, or siding, to those 9 homes. No box bays are involved.
Mr. Allen referred to his email circulated to JPO and township officials earlier today, summarizing his comments on the proposal. In depth discussion followed with Mr. Allen calling for additional changes in placement, including some relocations, and landscaping.
The Supervisors determined that the DRC’s concerns with the existing homes have been suitably addressed by JPO’s proposal, and Mr. Wright said 13 of the 22 units to be built will meet the current requirements and only 9 cannot. JPO will meet with the DRC for review of the 9 units that can’t meet the guidelines to determine and agree upon reasonable adjustments.
Mr. Thompson gave a brief description of the Conditional Use Application decision for John Gary Kulp. The hearing was held on June 3, 2024, requesting approval for construction of an accessory structure (garage) in excess of 50% of the footprint of the principal structure.
Conditions included in the decision were compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and all other ordinances along with the consultants’ review letters. The variance is limited to the relief depicted on the submitted Plan, and a waiver is granted from stormwater management ordinance section 23.303.e.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve the written decision for John Gary Kulp and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Wright stated that the following bids were received from PennBid for the 2024-2025 contracts as follows:
Mr. Wright explained that this year the contracts were separated into two bids where in the past they had been combined. Mr. Rubinfield asked if the separation changed the outcome significantly from the lowest bidder in the previous year. Mr. Heleniak said the total was actually higher last year at $233,850.00 whereas the combined bid for the lowest bidders using the new method totaled $196,750.00.
Mr. Kuhn moved to award both the Road Maintenance and Snow Removal contracts to Cedar Springs Construction, subject to Mr. Wright’s final review, and Mr. Willig seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Wright will award the contracts electronically.
Mr. Heleniak said that a structural engineer had been engaged to inspect the foundations of the five remaining houses on Swiss Lane. Four of the houses are rented to tenants and are structurally sound. The fifth house has a bad basement foundation and repairs needed to the outer foundation wall at the garage.
The following repairs were proposed:
Estimates were received of $60,780.00 for the sister wall option and $76,020 for the new wall option. Mr. Piliero asked about the condition of the rest of the house, and Mr. Heleniak said it wasn’t bad, that additional repairs would likely bring the total cost close to $100,000.00.
Mr. Heleniak asked if the Board would like to repair the house or consider demolition. The consensus was to send the project out to bid.
Mr. Kuhn moved to direct the Manager to make arrangements to advertise a bid package including costs for both options for structural repairs to 61 Swiss Lane, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion. Mr. Nesspor asked what the current rent is for the houses, and Mr. Heleniak said the highest is $1,400.00.
Mr. Willig asked who would prepare the bid package, and Mr. Heleniak said he would work with Bob Dettore. Mr. Willig asked if there are drawings available, and Mr. Heleniak said yes, from the structural engineering firm that did the inspections. Mr. Piliero called the vote, and all were in favor.
The conditional use hearing for Kurl Jablonski, 47 Holly Hill Lane, was scheduled for September 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Office.
Mr. Philips moved to add an item to the agenda to make an appointment to the Environmental Advisory Committee, and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Philips moved to appoint Jill Green to an unexpired term on the Environmental Advisory Committee ending 12/31/25 and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Motel announced that purple martin chicks were banded at the Brightside Farm this afternoon. He noted that Dan Mummert of the PA Game Commission recommended moving a tree that is too close to the purple martin house. He also requested that the mowing done in recent weeks for a concert should be done earlier in the year and cut throughout the season so grassland birds don’t get settled in it. Mr. Heleniak noted both the tree and the mowed grass are on the Charlestown Historical Society’s property surrounding the Rapp House, so John Martin should be contacted.
Mr. Kuhn mentioned that along the back quarter of the trail at Brightside Farm the view to the Stillittano property needs to be addressed. Mr. Heleniak said Ed Theurkauf has given recommendations for landscaping that need to be compared to the RES landscape program for any conflicts before moving forward.
There being no other business, Mr. Piliero adjourned the meeting at 8:12 p.m. The next Business Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 5, 2024, at 7 p.m., at 11 General Warren Blvd., Suite 1, Malvern, PA.