Charlestown Township Municipal Building
11 General Warren Blvd., Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Monday, August 5, 2024


Frank A, Piliero, Chairman, Charles A. Philips, Vice Chair, Kevin R. Kuhn, and Louis P. Rubinfield. Hugh D. Willig was absent.
James E. McErlane, Esq., and Daniel T. Wright P.E.
Chris Heleniak, Manager, Linda Csete, Treasurer, Mark Koenig, Fire Marshal, and Jim Thompson, Roadmaster.

Call to Order: 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Kuhn announced that he attended a Zoom meeting with Tom Comitta and one of his associates, Mr. Heleniak, and Todd Pride, a board member of the PA Game Commission, who presented information on deer management that will be incorporated into the Master Plan for Swiss Pines.

Ms. Armstrong proposed an article for upcoming Township publications on Beech Leaf Disease, which arrived in the area this year after first appearing in Ohio in 2012. She’ll consult with an arborist on the best treatments and confirm which species of beech trees are affected.

Citizens Forum

No matters were brought forward.


Mr. Philips moved to approve the reports listed below and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

  1. Minutes for the July 1, 2024, Business Meeting
  2. July 2024 Treasurer’s Report
  3. Accounts Payable Report - All Funds for August 5, 2024


Mr. Kuhn moved to accept the July 2024 reports #1-16 as submitted, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Old Business

There was no Old Business.

New Business

Resolution to Commemorate U.S. Semiquincentennial

Mr. Kuhn moved to adopt Resolution #1057-2024 supporting the Pennsylvania Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial, and Mr. Philips seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor. Mr. Philips suggested a committee to write an article on Charlestown’s early role in the nation, highlighting its 1780’s houses, the Revolutionary War era cemetery, and marches that took place in that time.

Zoning Hearing Board Overview – Zaro

Mr. Christopher Zaro presented his and his wife Meg’s application for zoning variances for expansion and renovation of an existing garage to convert it to guest quarters. Variances are needed from Sections 27-1608.1.B(2)(c) and 27-202 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for the guest quarters to exceed 1,000 square feet, and to allow a full kitchen.

Mr. Zaro said the property is 10 acres in size, consisting of their current home built in 1987 on a private lane off Hollow Road. The family plans for the Zaros’ son and daughter-in-law to move into the main house with their three daughters while the elder Zaros move into the proposed expanded and altered three car garage structure. It would include 1 bedroom and a full kitchen.

Mr. Wright said historically, an accessory structure is permitted as a conditional use as a guest quarter if it’s under 1,000 sq. ft. in size and 40 feet from the property line with the utilities being served from those of the main structure. Therefore, even with zoning hearing board approval, a conditional use approval would be needed as well. Mr. Zaro said the septic system (currently two serve the main house) would be shared, but a new well might be needed as the current geothermal well may not have the capacity. Testing has been scheduled for next week to make this determination. Mr. Wright said this question can be addressed prior to the zoning hearing. Mr. Zaro asked if a separate electric meter could be installed, and Mr. Wright said they can discuss a submeter. Mr. Zaro said the property is already deed restricted against further subdivision.

Mr. Philips said that due to the growing interest in “aging in place” options, he’s on a committee with Tom Comitta, Planning Commissioner Matt Rogers, and others to work on amendments to the ordinance regulating guest quarters, and a final draft is in progress. It would require sharing utilities with the main structure and include a size restriction on the accessory structure.

Mr. Nesspor asked about the accessory structure, and Mr. Zaro said they propose demolitioning the top floor of the existing garage and altering it as living space including an elevator.

Mr. Wright said the text for the ordinance amendment is moving along quickly, and he’ll discuss the draft with Mr. Zaro while also moving forward with the zoning hearing process. Mr. Zaro said the hearing must be scheduled within 60 days, of which approximately 30 days remain. Mr. McErlane said the applicants can allow for an extension if they wish.

Mr. Nesspor asked about the deed restriction, and Mr. Zaro said that Chesterfield Lane serves 5 other homes in addition to his, and the lane is titled to his property.

Ms. Green asked how addressing is handled, and Mr. Heleniak said the accessory structure would have a separate address for emergency services and deliveries.

Mr. Philips moved to take a neutral position toward the application, and Mr. Rubinfield seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Presentation of Girl Scout Gold Award Project

Ms. Aarna Singh of Troop 41914 presented her project for a native flora garden, which was previously recommended for approval by the Parks & Recreation Board. She gave a PowerPoint presentation of the plan, featuring a 10 x 10 octagonal prefab gazebo, built in benches, and the planting of native species with informational signage at a location along the fitness trail loop at Charlestown Park. Additional existing benches in the area will be restored with replacement boards and paint. Assistance will be provided by the Jenkins Arboretum, Ms. Armstrong of the Charlestown EAC, and Ms. Robinson of the Charlestown Parks & Rec Board. Volunteer youth will be involved in the development of the project. The timeline is to obtain Township approval by August 31st, Girl Scout Council approval by Sept. 30th, with the project to start in April 2025. Mr. Philips recommended Ms. Singh coordinate with Mr. Wright for any permit requirements, and with Tom Comitta and Carol Armstrong for review of the proposed plant list.

Funding was discussed and the Board was amendable to covering some of the cost of the project by including it in next year’s budget. Mr. Philips asked for the lead time for the gazebo, and Ms. Singh said it takes 2-3 weeks to build and can be installed in one day.

Mr. Piliero moved to approve Ms. Singh’s native flora garden project, and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Presentation of Girl Scout Silver Award Project

Ms. Sarabella Firkin of Troop 4321 presented her project for a bird garden at Charlestown Park, which was previously recommended for approval by the Parks & Recreation Board. The project would consist of a hanging bird bath, feeders and seed, and bird houses she will build. She showed the proposed location along the fitness trail for the garden near existing benches. The garden would also feature educational signage.

Ms. Firkin said that since she lives near the Park she’ll maintain the bird garden and pass the responsibility over to others in the Troop once she’s ready to move on. Mr. Philips said the feeders will need squirrel baffles and require frequent replenishing. Ms. Armstrong suggested that the signage include the Troop number to give ownership of the project.

The Board indicated their approval of the project to move forward.

Presentation by Uwchlan Ambulance Regarding 2025 Funding Request

Ms. Kathi Cozzone, Executive Director & Chief Tammy Whiteman of the Uwchlan Ambulance Corps presented their funding request for the Uwchlan Ambulance Company for 2025 along with a request for 2024.

Ms. Cozzone gave a PowerPoint presentation showing statistics on service to several municipalities and their support in 2023. Ms. Cozzone said Uwchlan Ambulance provides ALS service (Advanced Life Support), backing up the BLS (Basic Life Support) service provided to most of Charlestown by East Whiteland Volunteer Fire Association. They provide educational opportunities for the public as well as youth camps.

Chief Whiteman said they provide mobile integrated health care, which is non-emergent health care that supports the County Department of Aging and home health care services. A goal is to close the gap between hospital discharge to home health care. They also work with Uber health for transportation services.

Ms. Cozzone said most of their revenue comes from direct billing, but it’s not sufficient to cover the cost of the calls. Second is subscription and donation, then municipal contributions, grants, and training revenue. She said .6% of their call volume is in Charlestown, representing 50 calls, but they provide all the ALS coverage, including for our portion of the Turnpike, and referred to the overhead as the cost of readiness.

Ms. Cozzone said their request is for a contribution of $10,000 and additional capital contribution of $5,000 for each 2024 and 2025. Ms. Csete said the 2024 budget currently provides a $10,000 contribution and a $2,500 capital contribution.

Mr. Kuhn moved to approve an additional $2,500.00 capital contribution to the Uwchlan Ambulance Corps for 2024, and Mr. Rubinfield seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor. Mr. Piliero said the request for 2025 will be considered at budget time.

Interim Budget Report

Ms. Csete said that of the 9 separate funds, all funds are showing a projected yearend balance that is on target or favorable. Almost all categories of revenues and expenditures are where they should be. Swiss Pines was the most unpredictable of the founds due to this being the Township’s first full year of ownership. Costs were incurred for inspections leading to various long overdue repairs and clean ups. Even so, this fund is likewise very close to the target for the end of the year.

Insurance Renewal

This item was tabled.

Escrow Release #4 (Final) for “The Meadows

Mr. Wright said everything is in order for the final escrow release to Cedar Run Homes, LLC for The Meadows subdivision, the former George Meyer property.

Mr. Philips moved to approve Escrow Release #4, Final, for The Meadows in the amount of $51,674.83, and Mr. Kuhn seconded. Mr. Piliero called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Other Business

Mr. Kuhn asked if there were any more complaints about the hoarding situation on Hedgerow Lane. Mr. Wright said no, that the individual cleaned up a good number of items from the yard and the appearance from the road is improved. The prior neighbor who had initially complained has moved out, and the new owners have not contacted him with any issues.

Mr. Kuhn asked Mr. Koenig for the status of the flag at Charlestown Park. Mr. Koenig said that he’s waiting for shipment of a steel cable that should arrive by next week, after which time the flag can be replaced.

Mr. Philips asked for the status of the illegal business on Conestoga Road. Mr. Wright said the Carpenters have filed an appeal to the Zoning Hearing Board, and a date of August 20th has been proposed for the hearing but is yet to be confirmed.


There being no other business, Mr. Piliero adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. The next Business Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 7 p.m., at 11 General Warren Blvd., Suite 1, Malvern, PA.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Csete
Township Treasurer/Admin
sheet, 8/5/2024