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Charlestown Township
Minutes were recorded for the meeting on March 13th, 2019 at the Great Valley High School Library, 225 N. Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355. Meeting was held from 6:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Attendees were Pete Goodman, Carol Armstrong, Richard Findlay, Veda Maany, Daniel Walker, and
Greg Nesspor, and guest Kim Walsh.
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm with Pete Goodman as the Chair.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved by Findlay and Armstrong second the motion.
Regarding the Adelphia Gateway Project pipeline, Goodman reports that comments were submitted. Township comments are on the township website. There is a push to have a more thorough environmental impact study.
As an update to our education on single use plastics with PJ Whelihans’, the Office Bar & Grill, Dunkin Donuts, Snack bar @ Charlestown Park, Armstrong has drafted a certificate to present to businesses as an award of sustainability to display. We need to discuss what standards should be met to qualify. She will run certificate design by Linda and then propose to the BoS.
Goodman & Walker announced that the PA Turnpike Sound Walls will be sending out direct mailing for donations.
Armstrong reporting on progress on the riparian buffer grant for Pigeon Run on Brightside Farm. There is a possibility that a grant may require a 50% match that can be obtained through work/labor hours (estimated at $20 hr). We estimate that this project is around $15,000 (including labor cost). So, we would be required to raise $7,500 through volunteer efforts to fulfill a range of multiple needed efforts such as tree selection, clearing the floor, laying down stone mulch (no herbicides will be used) She estimates that it would require about 375 hours of volunteer time. There is a lot of work that requires paid expertise as well. Once we have a plan and a map, then we can decipher between volunteer tasks and what we need to hire out. Most of cost will be incurred before the actual planting; mowing, fixing/repairing, protection stakes, caging. We have mapped out where we will have the plantings. By next meeting we are hoping to have an actual map. Goodman suggests that we can get another grant to get the matching contribution. The best time for planting is in the fall. Armstrong will be working on one grant with April deadline.
Nespoor will be contributing an article for the next quarterly newsletter. Findlay will submit a banner ad for septic requirements, and Pete will write a little blurb about the Soundwalls Now project. We will consider submitting a section for the spotted lantern as well.
We discussed a summary of the EAC-initiated project for next 6+ months: Brightside Farm Riparian Buffer Planting, Stream Naming (un-named tributaries), Adelphia Gateway Project monitoring, PA Turnpike Sound Wall Group and Charlestown Park Native Trees (tree tending).
Goodman reminded all that Charlestown Day is scheduled for September 14th.
Charlestown resident Kim Walsh presented her concern over the proposed Meyer development on Bodine Road. She has lived on the property across the street for 20 years. A tributary of Pigeon run runs through their property. The Walsh’s are concerned about the potential large area of impervious surface and runoff created by this development which would threaten to pollute the tributary and their well given it is all a downhill flow. She is concerned that the proposed retention basin slotted to be placed at the front of the property is not sufficient and would like to see an alternative location for the new road. We will need to clarify what stage of review this project stands, as well as monitor/protect Pigeon Run and advocate for clean water rights.
Armstrong has arranged our first speaker for our Community Education Series regarding the spotted lantern fly. It will take place April 29th in the choral room at GVMS from 7 to 8 pm. We will provide refreshments
Maany reports that slowly more residents have signed up for Earth Day - Clean-up (April 6, 2019 - 9:00 a.m. to Noon) with Linda who is keeping track of volunteers so everything should go through her. PennDOT has approved closure of Cold stream road from 7 am to 9 am so we are looking for lots of volunteers. There is also a new project to have volunteers install bird boxes with Andy Motel on Brightside farm.
Armstrong initiated discussion on how to develop our relationship with the Planning Commission so as to welcome the EAC’s input on new or re-developments especially around stormwater issues. An objective would be to modify our ordinances to be stricter for stormwater management and sediment on construction sites. Perhaps have the planning commission come to a meeting to discuss current regulations and the EAC’s role to make recommendations. Goodman foresaw our mission as giving input into development.
Parks & Recreation updates: Findlay walked through 2 parks assessments of tree tendering needs and addressing invasive plants.
Board of Supervisors updates: Armstrong reports the Meyer development was seeking conditional use approval however there is a lot of detail missing especially regarding the easement for horseshoe trail that goes through the property. Also discussed were road improvement projects in 2019. Armstrong also announced that Goodman and she were involved with the Valley Creek Restoration Partnership which has won the Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence for 2019. This project was started in 2002 to improve Valley Creek. They had a lot of grants (3.3 million dollars) for stormwater management and stream restoration and had partnered with other organizations. VCRP organized plantings of 4068 trees and 1450 live stakes by 542 volunteers along more than 4385 lineal feet of stream, plus rain gardens and a green roof. Economic benefits from the riparian buffers will bring return on all VCRP grant funds for stream restoration projects in 7.1 years
Planning Commission updates: Walker reports that there is talk of a new ordinance proposal regarding storage of construction related vehicles on property.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.