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Charlestown Township
Minutes were recorded for the meeting on April 10thth, 2019 at the Great Valley High School Library, 225 N. Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355. Meeting was held from 6:00 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Attendees were Pete Goodman, Carol Armstrong, Richard Findlay, Veda Maany, Daniel Walker, and Greg Nesspor, and BoS Kevin Kuhn.
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm with Pete Goodman as the Chair.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved by Goodman and Nespoor second the motion.
Charlestown resident Allyn Greeney briefly stopped by to announce her concern about water runoff with the proposed Myer development.
Regarding the Adelphia Gateway Project pipeline, Goodman reports we are awaiting FERC comments on EA public comments.
Maany will submit an article for this quarter’s newsletter. Goodman will write a blip on sound walls. Findlay is adding a banner about septic systems.
As a tangent discussion about Findlay’s role as tree tender for Charlestown Park Native Trees, Armstrong would like to ask P&R about invasive cleanup on trails. In the past Sue Staas has organized clean-ups. Could we hire a crew to tend to them? There are a lot of trails and some on private property.
On single use plastics, Armstrong had emailed other members suggested criteria for the award. We can give different levels of accomplishments i.e. bronze, silver and gold. Apply for renewals each year. Provide the businesses with forms to fill out and give some guidelines on how to achieve change, and then follow with a discussion. Next step is to create the application forms and distribute.
Goodman and Walker reported that with regards to the PA Turnpike Sound Wall, Sound Walls Now Association has distributed brochures by direct mail on 4/1. A few donations have trickled in. They would like to raise ideally $75,000.
Armstrong & Goodman report on the riparian buffer grant - Pigeon Run on Brightside Farm. There are 2 grants presently available; National Fish and Wildlife Federation and Schuylkill Highlands (Natural Lands administers and it requires a 50% match). One current concern is to ensure the runoff basins from Deerfield are working properly, especially given the tremendous amount of rain in 2018. We could have township engineer review it. Armstrong presented a map of where the planting will occur - about 2 acres. This map will be presented to the Bos next meeting, or wait until we get the grants (6 months from now). We have been sensitive to and taken into account all parties involved unique requests; planting non-shading species that won’t compromise haying. We plan to use organic methods to be in continuity with the organic community garden. We plan to have cages instead of tubes and use stone mulch. We may have to pay for hired help to remove the rosa mutiflora.
Reminder that we will have our first Community Education Series on April 29th about the Spotted lanternfly. We have advertised through P&R and Historical Society. We will post on nextdoor.com, newsletter, and on Facebook. We discussed the next talk would be help sometime in September, and a possible topic would be environmental health by Maany. Should aim to advertise in the July newsletter.
Of note, Goodman is involved in a public presentation with the Tredyffrin Supervisors about the value of their streams on April 22.
Maany reports that Charlestown Township Earth Day was a success. Much litter was collected around the township. Especially on Cold Stream Road. 6 Great Valley high school students from the Environmental Enthusiasts Club helped out. Some of them expressed interest in our EAC projects.
Walker reports that he and his son, Andy Motel, and Mike Allen installed many birdhouses on Brightside Farm on earth day as well; one Kestrel box on a telephone pole, two screech owl boxes, and 10 bluebird boxes. We discussed if we should collaborate with Bird Town Pennsylvania which is associated with Audubon society of PA. Goodman to bring more information to next meeting.
Nesspor reports our Aqua Plant tour is pending approval. It will take place over the weekend at the West Chester Plant on the Brandywine (east branch).
Findlay introduced a discussion on how to use our email volunteer list so it is more effective and trackable. Should we have a platform like on Facebook? Or shall we join the P&R already established page. There are also other platforms- doodle, paperless and punchbowl. Members are to think about what platform is best to reach people and will be discussed further.
Armstrong introduced discussion on New Ordinances and their priorities for the township as considered by the EAC. For instance, stormwater issues, and riparian buffer to reflect DEP recommendations of 150 feet (and 025 PA Code Section 102.14 Riparian buffer requirements) of a perennial stream located in an Exceptional Value or High Quality Watershed (Charlestown ordinance is 100 feet). There is the problem of pollution of headwaters as there is not enough protection from building/construction and it’s adding to stormwater runoff. Armstrong is involved in projects monitoring the Pickering at 2 sites- at Montgomery school and YMCA, and there is evidence that sediment and salt levels are increasing and compromising stream life. The intention is to arrive at a compromise and improve ordinances. This could be achieved by creating a relationship with planning commission assess their needs and troubleshoot problems through modification or updating an existing ordinance. We could ensure that construction sites are still operating in compliance with DEP.
Goodman was inquiring about the Anderson property on church road that is proposed to be subdivided. There is a concern that Eastwick drive has a lot of runoff. Does the property involve a sleep slope that is wooded requiring clearing? We would be concerned that would increase the run-off.
Meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.