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Charlestown Township
Minutes were recorded for the meeting on May 8th, 2019 at the Great Valley High School Library, 225 N. Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355. Meeting was held from 6:00 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Attendees were Pete Goodman (Chair), Carol Armstrong (vice Chair), Veda Maany (secretary), Richard Findlay, Daniel Walker, and Greg Nesspor, and BoS Kevin Kuhn.
The meeting was called to order by the Chair and opened at 6:05.The chairman asked for comments to the minutes of the previous meeting. There being none, a motion to approve was made by Nesspor seconded by Armstrong. There being no objections the minutes were adopted by unanimous vote.Goodman reports that there are no further updates on the Adelphia pipeline activity in Charlestown township. The DEP issued permits for the Compressor Stations. West Rockhill Twp. has filed serious objection letter with FERC.
Our first Community Education Series on April 29th was successful and well received. For our next session we will have a sign-up sheet. We should have posters about the spotted lantern fly in Brightside and Charlestown Park near the pavilion. We could have advertised more— we did post on nextdoor and facebook, and could consider other platforms as well. We will also reach out to the Great Valley High School Environmental Enthusiasts. Armstrong suggested we make a checklist to streamline our event planning. For our next lecture we should schedule a date and location with Linda.
We will start planning for Charlestown Day (September 14th) during the summer.
Findlay is currently coordinating with the BoS and Parks and Recreation to make our email volunteer list more effective and trackable by using a specific App.
Armstrong & Walker update on recognition of Charlestown businesses regarding sustainability actions and plastics reductions. Armstrong drafted a form of 3 questions (short and sweet) to distribute to local businesses. We will obtain a list from Linda of all business that pay taxes in Charlestown. Per Kevin Kuhn, there are 200-300 businesses in Charlestown so we would need to filter out what businesses to approach. Doing a mailing would require some expenses. Walker suggested energy efficiency as a requisite. The list of requisites needs to be customized for the type of business.
Goodman & Walker on PA Turnpike Sound Walls. Money is slowly trickling in as a result of their fund raising effort.
Armstrong & Goodman provided updates on the riparian buffer grant for Pigeon Run on Brightside Farm. Soil testing– will take place on May 18th at Brightside from 12-1. Four different sections will be sampled. We would like to make this an event to create awareness around this project. GVWA is in the process of submitting 2 grants. We should distribute flyers at the upcoming concerts. June 20th and July 11th.
Due to multiple members absence in July, we have decided to cancel our July meeting.
We had a discussion about potentially becoming an Audubon Bird Town, especially in lieu of the recent installments of birdhouses at Brightside Farm. There are 3 different levels requiring different commitments and costs (i.e. to cover signs for the roads) Perhaps we get should get input from Parks and Rec as well. One level has requirements for stormwater management. These requirements will help guide us to make some suggestions as an EAC. We will continue to review this opportunity and perhaps get residents feedback about our township’s participation
Nesspor reports that we are unable to proceed with an Aqua Plant tour due to liability. As an alternate water focus Nesspor is researching a speaker/topic as part of the EAC educational series.
A discussion regarding ordinance review revolved around the following topics:
Trees: A resident in Charlestown Hunt has raised concerns around tree cutting in their development and the relevant ordinances. Kuhn commented township ordinances relate to cutting of mature trees in new developments only. This particular concern is for the Charlestown Hunt HOA to resolve.
Storm water: Goodman advised there is an Act 167 review under way at the County. Kuhn commented township ordinances are good.
Riparian buffer: Armstrong raised whether the township ordinances complied with the state regulation for 150ft riparian buffers for streams that are of exceptional value and high quality. Goodman will ask Dan Wright the township engineer to check.
Goodman addressed issues around the new Turnpike maintenance facility. There is preliminary meeting about this. They will want water and sewer infrastructure and we will have to consider the impact on our township.
Findlay & Goodman report that the Balderson Tract is still awaiting Department of Conservation Natural Resources award. This funding compensates for the loss of recreational use of land used for pipelines in the state to fund more open space in Chester County. Township is purchasing this land for conservation purposes.
Goodman & Armstrong plan to visit resident’s property on Hollow road that has a stream passing through it for recommendations on optimizing stream health. As a side note, Armstrong reports that the Stroud Water Research Center had picture of Charlestown township on its front page showing brown stormwater runoff from Ashenfelter development (Altemose property) in 2018.
Armstrong led a discussion on the BoS consideration of a resolution on plans to reduce greenhouse gases after resident’s presentation at the last BoS meeting by Phoenixville green team – ready for 100%. The original proposal is to be revised, and then the Board will consider review and acceptance. The Phoenixville Green Team agreed to change some of the original construction ordinances language as the township can’t supersede the BOCA code. In the end, this is meant to be a feel-good resolution that the township is making efforts to purchase clean energy- and advocate to others to do the same. We could write an article on what Charlestown Township is doing to make sustainability decisions. We cannot make green a mandate and the resolution does not obligate the township to make changes, therefore the resolution should reflect what our township wants to do.
Goodman had distributed by email for EAC members to watch and comment on Chester County report: “Return on Environment”. We agreed it is an impressive feature.
Video: https://youtu.be/22YPRHgLucA
Website: http://chescoplanning.org/openspace/roe.cfm
Meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.