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Charlestown Township
Minutes were recorded for the meeting on June 12th, 2019 at the Great Valley High School Library, 225 N. Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355. Meeting was held from 6:00 p.m. - 7:50 p.m.
Attendees were Pete Goodman (Chair), Carol Armstrong (vice Chair), Veda Maany (secretary), Richard Findlay, Daniel Walker, and Greg Nesspor, and BoS Kevin Kuhn.
The meeting was called to order by the Chair and opened at 6:05.The chairman asked for comments to the minutes of the previous meeting. Armstrong questioned the accuracy of one statement, and it was agreed to remove the statement. A motion to approve was made by Findlay seconded by Armstrong. The minutes were then adopted by unanimous vote.
Goodman did not have any further updates on the Adelphia Gateway Project pipeline.
Findlay offered to write an article for the next township quarterly newsletter due 7/15. Also there should be an update about the spotted lantern fly.
Charlestown Day on September 14th. Armstrong, Findlay, Goodman and Maany will be there. We will be more interactive and cover just a few topics.
Findlay is currently working with Parks & Rec to create and organize a volunteer list to be more effective & trackable. Per Kevin Kuhns, the webmaster is working on combining everyone’s list of volunteers.
Armstrong & Walker provided an update on recognition of Charlestown businesses regarding sustainability actions and plastics reductions. The form has been revised to an electronic form. Questions on the form are as follows: Are you interested in the award?/ What changes have you made in past 6 months?/ What environmental practices have you established?/ What changes have customers suggested for your business? Linda has provided a list of 100 businesses in Charlestown. One potential issue may be how businesses come across this application on their own verses should it be directly mailed to them. We should engage at first all the most visible businesses. Armstrong and Walker have trialed this process by interviewing each other regarding their respective businesses. How will we decide who will be awarded? EAC members should personally reach out to any business they are familiar with to encourage their participation. Maybe we can post the recognition on the township website to provide incentive for businesses to participate.
Regarding the PA Turnpike Sound Walls, Goodman & Walker report they presented at an annual meeting at Charlestown meadows. Donations are trickling in.
Armstrong & Goodman provided updates on the riparian buffer grant for Pigeon Run on Brightside Farm. Ongoing planning and mapping. Results are pending on the sections of soil testing. Two grants have been submitted. There is funding available for tree planting. We are aiming for this fall but may be delayed until next spring. Area covers about 1.1 acres. Pre and post planting plans have been established.
Maany is planning on presenting on the subject of the environment and our health for our next Community Education Series. Need to secure with Linda if Monday September 23rd would work and if the choral room is available.
Goodman had contacted Audubon to clarify questions we had about establishing a Bird Town and is awaiting their response. Armstrong received responses of support after posting on nextdoor.com
Schuylkill Twp has officially named the streams that are primarily in Schuylkill Twp, which are tributaries of streams originating in Charlestown. We could work on publicizing this event. Goodman may consider doing an article for the newsletter
Goodman reports that thus far, the Turnpike commission has not approached the township about zoning permits regarding the New Turnpike maintenance facility- no new updates. The widening project may be divided in to 2 projects. May split it at the watershed break.
Goodman & Armstrong described their visit to John Pickering’s property on Hollow Road in Charlestown. There were lots of springs and stream in good condition with stability of stream banks provided by shade tolerant native trees.
Armstrong & Nesspor present their work with the BoS for consideration of a resolution on Charlestown’s plans to reduce greenhouse gases. Sue Bednar (BoS) led the task force that consisted of 2 BoS members, 2 members of the planning commission, and 2 EAC members. At this point, BoS has revised parts of the resolution and solicitor is reviewing it- once there is an agreement the task force will decide how to execute it. The planning commission approved it last night. It is on the Bos July agenda to approve to adopt.
A presentation on Experimental Return of American Eels to Control Invasive Crayfish & Restore Ecological Structure in Streams & Rivers was provided by aquatic biologist Erik Silldorff (Delaware Riverkeeper Network). His main objective is to create awareness of the project by presenting to all BoS and EACs involved in the Schuylkill watershed. He describes steep declines in eels in the watershed due to disruptions in their migratory patterns from the ocean to freshwater. Decline is very severe; 60% of sites in the Schuylkill watershed previously had high numbers, but now only 5% of sites catch a single eel. Schuylkill watershed as a result has invasive crayfish. Native crayfish thrive with areas of high density of the eels. Eels might also bring back freshwater mussels. This project is funded to answer the question: Can we reverse this trend of plummeting eel populations and have native crayfish restored. The benefits could extend to the biomass increase of fish. The EAC would like to help in anyway we can. Silldorff asked us to tell others about this project (sites of glass eel releases not given to the public), and he provided us with information sheets.
Armstrong and Goodman are still working on clarifying the question of how Charlestown ordinances on riparian buffers compare to the PA state code. Goodman will follow-up with members once he gets clarification.
Meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.