Charlestown Township
Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC)
Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 8, 2024

Armstrong opened the meeting at 7:05

Carol Armstrong (Chair), Dan Walker (Vice Chair), Anu Soundararajan
Jill Green

March minutes approved.

Place Holders

(Reminder of EAC-initiated projects for next 6+ months):

New Business

Ongoing Business

  1. EAC Membership, presentation to HOAs - No update, it was agreed by the attendees that the current version is acceptable.
  2. EAC Logo - no update.
  3. Recycling of Food and Waste in Charlestown - No Update
  4. Adoption of Charlestown Road, cleanup for PennDOT - next cleanup on April 13th at 8:00AM with rain date on 14st. All collection materials are in place and all postings have been posted.
  5. Single Use Plastics Ban - Discussion of the agenda for the meeting with the businesses. Questions were developed to ask the attendees. Soundararajan to put together the agenda. Armstrong to check with Heleniak about attendance.
  6. We ConservePA statewide conference February 24th - virtual conference - Armstrong presenting on our battery program. Armstrong to send us her slides.
  7. Nature News topic for April - No update.
  8. Invasive/ Native Species Day (combo event) - May 16th. Repeat children’s art contest for Native Species. Repeat table at Brightside Farm Park with assistance from Master Watershed Stewards; Armstrong will discuss with MWS - Chester County program. Jill Green to start the process with the same flyer as last year. Change prizes from gift cards and plants to birdhouses.
  9. Bird Town program - No update.
  10. Parks for a Sustainable Future - Rika presented to BoS and was well received. Waiting for the BoS to assess and green light the project.
  11. Township Newsletters - (due dates are 1/15, 4/15, 7/15, 10/15.) Armstrong to check with Solomon and Goodman.
  12. Riparian buffer maintenance - Deerfield section of the buffer was mowed. Maintenance day at Brightside set for May 5, 2-5pm.
  13. Review of PA Outdoor Corps to help with invasive removal in riparian zone of Brightside Park- Armstrong to reach out to Heleniak again.
  14. Battery Collection Program - 2 current boxes are almost full. Need to order more boxes
  15. Increasing Stream Temperatures - postponed until Spring. No update.
  16. Earth Day - Girl Scouts to work at Charlestown Park. Bill Longua to work along Pickering Dam Trail.
  17. Election Day - No table to be manned at the election day location.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06.