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Charlestown Township
HARB met at the GVMS on Tuesday, September 19th. Those members present are in bold: Tom Fillippo; Dale Frens; Sheila Klement; Ann Kline; Nancy Long; Rosemary Philips; John Pittock; Fran Rodgers; Dan Wright. Madeleine Carlson was also present.
Rosemary Philips distributed an invitation for the opening of the Club House at Spring Oaks from 12
to 3 pm on Sunday, September 24th. This is located in the historical barn at Spring Oak.
John Pittock announced that the Charlestown Historical Society would have a program on October 11th at 7pm featuring
a presentation on Duffy’s Cut which is located in Malvern. Dr. Watson of Immaculata University who worked on this project
will speak. The meeting takes place at Charlestown Elementary School in the school cafeteria and all are invited.
Rosemary presented a copy of the revised Charlestown Historic Resources map which has been approved
by the Board of Supervisors. She noted some revisions such as the one for demolished structures which will now be shown
in pink, A few other changes were that the Naylor Barn is now shown separately and the Ott Fur Shop has been added.
Some changes have not been shown such as the division of the Davison tract on township property on Yellow Springs Road.
It was suggested that the BOS could simplify some designations on the map if only small changes were made.
The Grange had been discussed at our July meeting and a representative of the organization contacted
John Pittock to say that they were not interested in selling the building or of leasing it to the Township.
Ann Kline updated us on the proposed study at the Township Revolutionary Cemetery scheduled for October 13th. Dr. Sherrod
of Kutztown University and her students will be there to perform a Ground Penetrating Radar study. Darah Ribble of CHS
photographed the area and sent pictures to Dr Sherrod. Ann feels that it will take more than one visit to complete the
project. Results of the survey will be reported to CHS and the BOS will also receive a report.
In old business, it was asked if the owners of the former Allen property were conforming to the directive
to lay down the footprint of the demolished home. Dan Wright said that he would check this.
In new business, Rosemary said that we have a request for an estimated 2018 budget for HARB and asked for any requests
from members. Usually, the cochairmen meet with Linda Csete and draw up the estimate. Rosemary also reported that Linda
Appier did not wish to renew her appointment to the board and therefore we must have a licensed realtor to replace her.
Dale Frens applied for a review of the Carlson Barn Project at 2218 Union Hill Road. Madeleine Carlson, the owner, was also present to answer any questions from the Board. The property of 1.1 acres has a single family dwelling and a small bank barn with an existing apartment where the work will be done. Since no changes are involved that require a HARB hearing, Dale explained this presentation was to inform HARB and to receive any recommendations from us. An older apartment does exist but new laundry and heating equipment will be placed on the ground level, a great room and newly designed rooms will be on the first floor and the second floor will have space for two bedrooms and storage areas. The design seemed appropriate and we agreed that it could be done in an agreeable manner.
A question arose of whether the criteria for properties on the historic resource map should be changed and one idea was to consider properties that were 50 years old. Members felt that was not a proposal that we would endorse.
It was noted that our next meeting would be November 21st and the meeting was adjourned.