11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Members Present:
Melissa Dicranian, Chairperson, John Pittock, Rosemary Philips, Paul Stevens, and Dan Wright.
Linda Csete

Approval of Minutes

Mr. Stevens moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 2023 and Ms. Dicranian seconded. All were in favor.

New Business

Update members’ contact information for Township Directory

Ms. Csete asked members to update their information with her for the Township Directory.

2024 Budget

Items discussed for the 2024 budget where as follows:

  1. Include $200,000 for repair of the cemetery wall, a project that’s been deferred for several years due to difficulty with hiring masons.
  2. Include the cost for Historical Signage for Pickering Crossing and Spring Oak.
  3. Consider developing a sign listing the known names at the Charlestown Cemetery.
  4. Consider updating the inventory of all structures on historic properties, for example, barns and springhouses.
  5. Creation of a 2025 calendar to be sold at election time that may also feature barns or springhouses. Photos could be taken in conjunction with the inventory research.

Discuss properties visited during 7/19/23 property tour for potential additions to the Historic Resource List

The HARB members reviewed the list of properties provided by Ms. Dicranian that Jane Dorchester will research in November. They decided to include all the properties on the list, including:

  1. 3196 Yellow Springs Road - spring house
  2. 4 Wheelock Lane - residence
  3. 1064 Tinkerhill Lane - residence
  4. 1021 Morehall Road - “The Valley House
  5. 4039 Pickering Dam Road - residence
  6. Pickering Dam Road Bridge
  7. Norfolk Southern trestle bridge
  8. Union Hill Tunnel & culvert

Discussion included:

For item #6 - Since the Pickering Dam bridge is being replaced by PennDot, the research done by the HARB could be used to make recommendations on preserving historic elements.

Properties that are still to be visited include the Union Hill Tunnel plus 2023 & 2025 Charlestown Road.

Property Maintenance issues

Mark Koenig joined the meeting and the following was discussed:

  1. Cemetery Headstones: Mr. Koenig asked if some of the stones that have fallen over should be reset. The HARB said they’re too fragile to work with and should be left as is.
  2. Brightside Farm: Should the dilapidated structures, including several chicken coops and pig pens, be repaired? The HARB said they should be repaired and possibly be put to use by residents. Mr. Wright suggested they be reproduced if too far neglected to be repaired.
  3. Brightside Farm: The HARB discussed the Oskar Stonorov steel modular houses owned by the Preservation Society of Philadelphia. Mrs. Philips thought the Society would be willing to transfer ownership to the Township so we could reassemble one of the two houses, including some added exhibits, at the Farm as a way station along the trail.

Action Items

  1. John Pittock offered to meet at the Rapp House with anyone interested in accessing the research materials there.
  2. Paul Stevens will contact the printer for pricing for the 2025 Calendar.
  3. Rosemary Philips will contact Fran Rodgers or Ann Kline to ask for their photos and text already prepared for the historic signage for Pickering Crossing and Spring Oak.
  4. Mellissa DiCranian will contact the Preservation Society of Philadelphia about the Stonorov houses.
  5. Dan Wright and Dale Frens/Carol Quigley to reassess the coops and pens at Brightside and provide a recommendation on whether they can be repaired.


Mrs. Philips announced that Charlestown Township is to be honored by the Chester County Historical Preservation Network at their June 2024 banquet for its efforts in historic preservation.

Adjournment at 2:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Csete