11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Minutes of Wednesday, September 18, 2024

(Members attending are in bold.) Melissa Dicranian, Chairperson, Nancy Long, Rosemary Philips, John Pittock, Carol Quigley, Michael Richter, Paul Stevens, Cindy Thompson, and Dan Wright, P.E.
Linda Csete


Ms. Dicranian moved to approve the July 17, 2024 minutes, and Ms. Long seconded. All were in favor.

Old Business

Update on Swiss Pines

Mrs. Csete said that the group working with Tom Comitta on a preliminary comprehensive plan for Swiss Pines that should be ready to go before the Supervisors early next year. Mr. Wright added that the group has met twice so far and he’s seeking proposals for a boundary survey.

Ms. Long asked if they’re interested in having a botanic inventory done. She knows Tim Block from the University of PA who did previous work for the French and Pickering Creeks Trust. Ms. Csete will inquire with Mr. Comitta.

Update on historic wall niche at New 5/6 center

Ms. Dicranian said there will be a niche available for each of the four municipalities making up the Great Valley School District at the new 5/6 Center on Church Road, including Charlestown. She said artifacts from the Ansema Mill, similar to those at the Charlestown Mill, may be suitable for display. Ms. Long said Mark Hitchcock is in charge now for the school district and they plan to have a meeting soon. Ms. Csete will reach out to Rick Frunzi to ask if there are any spare items left over from the Charlestown Mill that could be used.

Update on 2025 Calendar

Mr. Stevens said he’s talked to two printers about timing and pricing for 250 calendars that he wants ready in time to set up a table at election time. Ms. Thompson gave him the name of a third, NuPrint in Paoli.

He’s spoken with George Csete who has a number of photos that may be useful and obtained a list from Jane Dorchester of suggestions for additional pictures to be taken. The members went over that list and pointed out some of particular interest. Mrs. Csete noted that the date stone on the Pickering Dam Bridge will be lost when the bridge is replaced by PennDOT and would be a good photo subject. Mr. Wright noted it’s stamped into the concrete and can’t be preserved. Mr. Stevens will take those additional photos.

Planning Commission Member for HARB

Ms. Dicranian said that a Planning Commission member is mandated for the HARB along with a Realtor, Historic Architect, and the Zoning Officer. Mr. Wright said he reached out to Michael Richter, the Planning Commission member who’s currently on the HARB but has been unable to attend. He said he recollected another member mentioned interest at the August meeting. Mrs. Csete will check with the Manager on which member that was.

Historic Resource List for Documentation by Jane Dorchester

Ms. Dicranian said that 3 of the 10 proposed properties has been removed from the list for research as follows:

  1. 1021 Morehall Road - The Valley Inn - it was discovered this was not in fact a former drover’s house.
  2. 4 Wheelock Lane
  3. 2123 Charlestown Road

For the latter two properties, the owners were hesitant to participate at this time but may consider it in the future.

New Business

Review 2025 Budget Items and Long Term Planning Budget

The members reviewed the budget worksheet for the HARB and requested some funds be available for costs associated with PA250 and to continue to include the cost for repairing the cemetery wall until a mason is found. Ms. Long said she knows someone who could do this work. Another suggestion would be to propose a commemorative tree be planted at one of the Township owned properties. Ms. Csete said this could come out of that specific budget (e.g., Mill, Brightside) if there’s already a category to include that cost.

Historical Society Artwork

Mr. Pittock said a number of paintings are being stored at Ann Kline’s house while the Rapp House is undergoing some improvements, but in any case, they are looking for a more

suitable location to hang them as the climate at the Rapp House is not ideal. They will speak to one of the supervisors about the possibility of displaying some at the township office.

Other Business

Ms. Long suggested the Township consider incorporating some recognition of the Lenapes in the PA250 project, as has been done in New York City, where some theater productions have included a thank you in their programs to indigenous people for unceded lands.

Adjournment at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Csete