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Planning Commission: Wendy Leland, Chair, Bill Westhafer, Vice Chairman, Michael Allen, Andy Motel, and Andre von Hoyer. Michael Richter arrived at 7:50 p.m. Michael Churchill was absent.
Consultants: Daniel Wright, P.E., and Thomas Comitta.
Staff: Linda Csete, Township Manager, Lisa Gardner, Recording Secretary
Public: See Attached List
Mr. Comitta told Members the Chester County Historical Society had written him a letter and thanked everyone for choosing their location for the Strategic Planning Session in February.
Mr. Comitta said the final Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting will be at this location on Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. on March 25th, 2014. It will be a hearing in advance of the Board of Supervisors’ later scheduled vote on the adoption of the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance.
Mr. Westhafer stated that there will be a work session for the Rails-to-Trails Committee on April 1st, 2014 at the Township office.
Mr. Motel stated Earth Day is Tuesday April 22nd. Mrs. Leland volunteered her family to work along the Volpi Tract.
Mr. Boyle, in the audience, asked about trash lining the roadside across from The Office Bar and Grille, Mrs. Csete will add it to her Earth Day site list.
Mr. Allen gave Members an update regarding lighting materials and vendors plus other DRC topics for Spring Oak.
Mr. Allen asked about the status of the Marshall Application. The Planning Commission was in a position to recommend or not recommend the Plan to the Board of Supervisors at the last meeting. However, there was no second on the motion to recommend, made by Mrs. Leland. The Commission’s next step will be to contact Gary Bender.
Mr. von Hoyer asked about storm clean up on Charlestown roads. Many trees along the side of the road have been left close to traffic, after being quickly cleared. Mrs. Csete said to always report dangerous conditions to the Township Office and the Roadmaster or PennDOT will be notified.
Mrs. Leland moved to approve the February 8, 2014 minutes, and Mr. Allen seconded. Mrs. Leland called for discussion, there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Mr. Motel moved to approve the February 11, 2014 minutes with a minor change, and Mr. von Hoyer seconded. Mrs. Leland called for discussion, there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Frank and Kim Boyle and Andy Eberwein, P.E. of E.B. Walsh and Associates were present to discuss Mr. Boyle’s sketch plan. They wish to convert an existing house into professional office space (and a barn into storage space) at 1001-1003 Yellow Springs Road. This will improve the parking for The Office Bar and Grille since employees could park across the street.
Mr. Eberwein said the road will be widened by PennDOT and ADA compliant signalized crosswalks will be installed. Mr. Eberwein asked if there were any formal agreements regarding Longford Road (13’ wide) that the Township knew about; a county search had revealed nothing. Mr. Motel vaguely remembered Thomas Fillippo having it since he was caring for it, even though it was a Township road (dead ended by the Turnpike).
Mr. Eberwein was uncomfortable with the parking at the retaining wall. To avoid problems with structural integrity, they will relocate spaces as addressed in Mr. Wright’s review letter. He will also change the size of the parking stalls as mentioned in Item #13. Mr. Westhafer discussed grading with the applicants, and they will comply with Township suggestions.
Mr. Allen said the primary modification was for the parking of the Office, but another group of parking stalls would be for the future businesses in the renovated office space. Shared parking and impervious coverage limits needed to be considered in the next revision of plans.
Discussion followed regarding the interpretation of the TND Ordinance with a hybrid NC-1 Zoning District having a TND overlay, the applicable design standard requirements, and site issues such as screening and impervious coverage. Mr. Wright read aloud from his review letter dated March 4th, 2014, “All new land development, development (including but not limited to any increase in impervious surface coverage and/or usable space), redevelopment and/or new uses within the TND District shall be governed by and comply with the TND District regulations in this Part (22).”
Mr. Comitta said both Township consultant review letters were from a TND aspect because that is what applies; if Mr. Eberwein proceeded in a different manner, then that needed to be discussed. While the continued use for the tract “as-is” would be governed by the regulations of the NC-1 zoning district, the proposed redevelopment and new uses (office and accessory parking), shall be governed by the TND District regulations.
Mr. Boyle said the house was built in 1937 [afterwards HARB stated it was the addition that was built in 1937]. Mr. Motel asked why consultant review letters discussed HARB oversight in this application. He questioned this because he thought the jurisdiction of the “Historic Area Review Board” was limited to the Historic Area Zoning District of Charlestown Village whereas this property is in TND 3/NC 1. Mr. Boyle displayed a photo prepared by Courtney Kish Interior Design that portrayed the building much similar in style to the existing deteriorating structure. But, it now had a new roof, an additional metal roof, stucco dormers, and other design improvements, helping the Commission visualize his project.
Mr. Wright suggested a 1 foot shift to comply with the setback to provide a 60 foot parking lot width.
Mr. Westhafer suggested fewer sidewalks and questioned Mr. Eberwein about parking area design.
The Members suggested Mr. Eberwein and the Boyles meet with the DRC and use the TND regulations for the next revision. Mr. Eberwein did not use setbacks of the TND but did use TND lighting and landscaping guidelines. Mr. Eberwein said his next revision will be from a TND aspect.
Mr. Comitta mentioned Sec. 27-22.21.3 of Article 5 of the MPC that basically says that stormwater, trees, curbing, etc. (SALDO items) can be less of an issue if applicants provide an attractive and innovative design to show the Board of Supervisors.
Also, when returning, the applicants were advised to bring a PennDOT traffic flow, turn diagram, and crosswalk plan.
Mr. Comitta distributed previously archived documents including 2011 maps regarding Whitehorse Estates “Not Lots”. He told Members they had an opportunity to modify the development to meet the Ordinance intent and requirements. The revised applicant’s plans arrived at the township office and are now being processed.
Mr. von Hoyer questioned the initiating factor for the DVRPC Crash Site Analysis Report that the Members recently received. Mrs. Csete indicated it was just for their information. Mr. Kuhn, in audience, said the study was initiated due to a local intersection being on the DVRPC hot list.
Mrs. Csete told Mrs. Leland the next agenda will likely include Fillippo Residential, the Marriot, and Whitehorse Estates.
Need a volunteer to act as a liaison for East Whiteland Township.
Need to discuss the ARLE Grant for intersection improvements at selected locations (example the Volpi tract).
Re-distribute Strategic Planning Session minutes assigned to Mrs. Gardner.
Re-distribute Strategic Planning Session “Take-Aways” for Mr. Comitta.
Mrs. Leland will coordinate the prioritization of Strategic Planning Session items via email and set the next Strategic Planning Session meeting date.
Mrs. Leland adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. The Planning Commission’s next scheduled meeting is April 22, 2014 at the Great Valley Middle School, Room 154.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Gardner, Recording Secretary