Planning Commission:
Andre von Hoyer, Vice Chairman, Michael Allen, Michael Churchill, and Michael Richter. Bill Westhafer, Wendy Leland,
and Andy Motel, were absent.
Daniel Wright, and Thomas Comitta
Lisa Gardner and Linda Csete
Call to Order:
7:35 p.m.
There were no announcements.
Approval of Minutes
February 13, 2018 Minutes
Mr. Richter moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 2018, and Mr. Churchill seconded. Mr. von
Hoyer called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
Sketch Plan
Apostolic Church Sketch Plan
Mr. Allan Zimmerman from Commonwealth Engineers was present to discuss the Apostolic Church Sketch
Plan dated 2/14/18. The proposal involves renovations of the church building originally reviewed and proposed in 2008.
The applicant was told to review the Advanced GeoServices letter dated 2/22/18 and the Thomas Comitta Associates letter
dated 2/22/18. The next step is to proceed to the Preliminary/Final Plan.
Points of discussion:
- The current sketch footprint is slightly smaller than the previous vision.
- They are trying to preserve the Bur Oak south of the church building (40 inch cal).
- Applicant may want to revise the exterior lighting plan.
- The proposed parking count indicates the parking lot will be one stall short.
- Trees installed as a part of the 2008 project do not have to be replaced per Mr. Wright.
- Applicant was reminded to maintain the basin as natural and not to mow it.
General Planning
Review Conditional Use General Standards & Criteria
Mr. Comitta led a review of Section 27-1809 of the Zoning Ordinance, entitled Standards for Approval
of Conditional Uses by the Board of Supervisors. He proposed a number of additions to the standards and some amendment
of existing requirements.
- (no change)
- (no change)
- (no change
- The word “moral” will be removed and the sentence changed. It will read “The use would not adversely impact the
maintenance of the health, safety, and general welfare of the Township.”
- (no change)
- Delete
- (no change)
- Delete
- The word “any” will be removed.
- The word excessive will be replaced by Mr. Comitta.
- The sentence will begin with “The proposed use will provide”
- Same as K, the word “adequate” will be removed.
- Same as K, the word “adequate” will be removed.
- Same as above.
- Same as above, with the addition of applicable ordinances to be noted.
- Minor edit.
- Minor edit.
- Minor edit.
- Mr. Wright stated some Conditional Uses don’t require an Environmental Impact Assessment, therefore, the phrase
“unless a waiver is appropriate” should be added
Page 1, items 3 & 4 (#4 should be bold) are being considered for a move to a different section.
Page 2, item 5 (should be bold)
Page 3, item d, private club may be removed or move to I/O/B
Page 8, item 1) and 2), shall include “required by the Township”/
Mr. Comitta will return after a meeting with Mr. Thompson and Mr. Wright, with 3 issues clarified.
He will research Uses with backup criteria.
- There is a lack of defined terms, some terms are outdated, terms needing consistency.
- Which Uses do we want to use? Be wary of banning legitimate Uses and occupations which do not impose big burdens
on neighbors and which will help owners be able to keep their properties or not sell off lots.
- What are the explicit standards?
Other Business
There was none.
Administrative Note
Any documents referred to in the minutes are available to the public upon request to the Township
There being no further business, Mr. von Hoyer adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary