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Ms. Leland reminded attendees that the 15th Anniversary of Earth Day is the 22nd. Please do your part by donning a safety vest and clean up some litter along Township roads. The Roadmaster will pick up the refuse, just called the office. Also, please send pictures of your activities to Mrs. Csete for the Newsletter or website.
Ms. Leland moved to approve the minutes of February 11, 2020, and Mr. Rogers seconded. Mr. von Hoyer called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
The meeting was canceled due to the school closing to outside groups, there are no minutes.
Mr. Boyle requested consideration of a zoning ordinance amendment that would permit apartments above retail in the TND Area 3 Zoning District, which is currently permitted in Area 2 only. He began by breaking down the 10 parcels by usage in TND 3 (after removing the parcels owned by the Turnpike).
Mr. Boyle’s points:
Members points:
The Commission was adamant to protect the outcome of what Mr. Boyle envisions and to protect it by restricting its ability to change into something undesirable if Mr. Boyle would sell. The impact of his vision, to other parcels is minimal and Mr. Boyle felt it could be a blanket amendment. Mr. Boyle was urged to return to the Members with an articulated presentation so Members knew exactly what they would be recommending to the Board. Mr. Comitta offered to send Mr. Boyle a draft for him to fill in, therefore, avoiding the cost of an attorney. Mr. Wright confirmed this process, and after completion of the draft, it should be sent to Mrs. Csete to circulate for the next agenda.
This item was removed from the agenda.
Mr. Randy Waltermyer and Mr. Chris Lincoln of Traffic Planning & Design updated the Commissioners on a meeting held at East Whiteland Township on March 5th. A joint effort to seek a grant for improvements to the Phoenixville Pike and Yellow Springs Road intersection was discussed. There is a grant from PennDOT due in June that the consultants are hopeful of receiving since COVID 19 may reduce competition and the state looks favorably upon joint requests.
The addition of a left turn lane onto Yellow Springs Road is proposed. Consultants discussed additional improvements that East Whiteland brought to the table for Sidley Road including a new right turn lane and the replacement of rolled curbing on the south side of Phoenixville Pike to full curb to improve water handling for the adjacent residents. These changes may lead to pushing the grant above or outside of the scope of the grant or lead to East Whiteland taking over the ownership of their intersection’s light. The intersection is in East Whiteland but traditionally Charlestown has owned the light. PennDOT has an interest in the intersection since it owns the road beyond the intersection itself.
The designers discussed the challenges which include property owner push back and 2 mailboxes that need to be relocated on the north side of Phoenixville Pike. However, all work will be done in the existing Right of Way. There will still be anticipated pushback from a resident owning Sidley and Route 29 land at that intersection. The benefit of having stormwater control measures added may change homeowner resistance.
Ms. Leland was hopeful the Township could not only end the responsibility of the traffic light in East Whiteland, but add bike lanes, room for nearby track teams, and a sidewalk. Consultants named the many moving parts to this grant, and even the possibility of East Whiteland needing to cover some cost themselves, to fit into the parameters of the grant (stormwater curbing, etc.). But, at this time the next step is to meet with East Whiteland again to show them the project and get the grant application submitted by June. Mrs. Csete was concerned about being able to achieve this within 7 weeks during the COVID 19 measures, therefore, Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Waltermyer will contact East Whiteland in advance of their tentative May 7th transportation meeting.
Mr. Churchill and Ms. Leland suggested a subcommittee be formed to discuss an operating agreement with East Whiteland and their traffic consultants, McMahon Associates, Inc. Ms. Leland stated all players were in place and suggested the Township proceed.
Mr. Thompson drafted a lightly regulating ordinance regarding equestrian uses in an attempt to provide more explicit standards. Currently, residents may have 10 horses on 20 acres and up to 40 horses using a sliding scale. If there are fewer horses and acreage, it is a Use by Right. It is not legal to unreasonably restrict agricultural activities, so the Township needs to differentiate between uses.
Since many residents own less than 20 acres in FR the Uses by Right need to be listed. Mr. Comitta stated it would be wise to list them and handle the events and larger gatherings with Conditional Use.
He suggested the Members use Mr. Thompson’s March 6th draft and list (a) Use by Right activities and (b) Conditional Use events.
Ms. Leland questioned stream crossing and trail riding and after some discussion, Members decided equestrian residents need to be contacted for their input. Mr. Motel was nominated as the member of the subcommittee to contact equestrians by Mr. Churchill and Ms. Leland.
Any documents referred to in the minutes are available to the public upon request to the Township office.
There being no further business, Mr. von Hoyer adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m.