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Planning Commission:
Andre von Hoyer, Chairman, Michael Churchill, Dan Walker, and Bill Westhafer. Mike Richter, Vice Chairman, Wendy Leland, Andy Motel, and Matt Rogers were absent.
Daniel Wright, P.E., Dan Mallach, and Thomas Comitta.
Linda Csete, Beth Martin, Michael Allen, and Lisa Gardner.
Kevin Kuhn, Pete Goodman, Emma Rose, Carly Rumpf, Bill Davison, Lou Rubenfield, Ed Theurkauf, Nancy Hallett, and others.

Call to Order:

7:32 p.m.


There will be an open house meeting for the Devault Rails to Trails; look for a May date announcement.

The Final Land Development Plan for Beyond Meat will not be on tonight’s agenda.

The change to begin meeting in person for the Planning Commission will be discussed at the May meeting.

Please send further Joint Session agenda ideas to Ms. Csete or the Chairperson.

Approval of Minutes


Mr. von Hoyer moved to approve the minutes of March 9, 2021, and Mr. Westhafer seconded. Mr. von Hoyer called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.


Bill Davison – Land Development Plan for 3250 Phoenixville Pike

Mr. Davison and Ms. Rumpf presented a sketch plan for a proposed flex building at 3250 Phoenixville Pike. Details are listed below:

  1. Located in the Neighborhood Commercial zoning district on parcel (a.k.a. Lot #19).
  2. The parcel is .79 acres and was part of the approved subdivision plan for the Great Valley Commons, as a non-conforming lot, referred to jointly with its adjacent parcel as Lot #19. It is across the street from Charlestown Paving. It is near a .80-acre parcel owned by the Township, and Norfolk Southern’s railroad tracks where the future Devault Trail is proposed.
  3. It would contain a 6,000 sq ft flex building with 1,500 of it being office space. Mr. Davison feels this is the least impact of his choices and satisfies the hardship requirement.
  4. There is 48% impervious proposed and the maximum coverage allowed is 50%
  5. There is a 60’ right-of-way to 3222 Phoenixville Pike
  6. There is water and gas service from Phoenixville Pike
  7. Mr. Davison has been in discussions with a neighbor who may be cooperative in accessing a sewer hookup. Otherwise, he may need to cross Norfolk Southern’s property or take a longer route to Phoenixville Pike.
  8. It has 3 stormwater provisions with inlets located at 43, 47, and 49 General Warren Blvd.
  9. Mr. Wright stated that although variances are needed, this use is compatible with nearby uses and setbacks since it is adjacent to the I/O district.
  10. This NC-1 district allows retail establishments, restaurants, personal service shops, and business or professional office space but many of these are not as viable as the flex office space. It also allows all R-1 uses.
  11. Mr. Westhafer said Use drives parking so Mr. Davison may need more parking area if the office area is expanded. However, Mr. Davison said there is a rectangular area (64’ x 108’) behind the location that could push the building forward and provide space for more parking.
  12. The proposed improvement may require up to 5 variances.
    1. Depth of front yard due to a wide right-of-way.
    2. Depth of rear yard (but no rear neighbor building likely).
    3. Driveway-regarding lining up of across street entrance vs the minimum of 20 feet from the property line.
    4. Use variance for a Flex Space
    5. Lot size - the property is less than an acre.

Mr. Davison addressed comments on Mr. Wright’s 4/1/21 review letter as “will comply”. Regarding variances 1 and 2, Mr. Davison noticed that the area businesses seem to have relief from setbacks, but Mr. Wright said this is due to those businesses being in the TND3 District which has lower setback requirements. Mr. Wright removed the need for a side yard variance since there is 25’ on one side and over 65 feet on the other (#4).

Regarding the second parcel, a smaller triangular piece below the parcel being discussed this evening, he may consider building another flex space building and prefers not to combine the two parcels for one larger building.

The next step is for Mr. Davison to return with a more detailed engineered plan and to submit an application to the Zoning Hearing Board for the variances.

Nancy S. Hallett – 4034 Tinkerhill Rd

Mr. Theurkauf represented Ms. Nancy Hallett and discussed the sketch plan he provided to change the lot line between two parcels at 4034 Tinkerhill Road to get the septic field entirely on the parcel that contains the existing house. The second parcel is vacant except for the portion of the septic field. Adjusting the property line is the easiest and cleanest way per Mr. Allen to accommodate the system.

Mr. Theurkauf displayed a Site Condition Plan showing where the septic is on the built-out lot. They want to move the lot line to allow a minimum offset of 20 feet. Mr. Wright’s review letter dated 4/6/21 indicated a property line needs to be revised to provide the minimum 20-foot setback to the existing on-lot septic system. This would change the existing lot area as below and leave the unimproved lot as unconstrained:

Parcel # 35-2-139 to 103,841 (100,006 net)

Parcel #35-2-140 to 96,567 (94,500 net)

The Members waived the step requiring a site visit and advised the applicant to proceed. Next, the engineer will provide a survey to the Township with the submission of a minor subdivision plan application.

Beyond Meat Revised Final Land Development Plan

This item was removed from the agenda.

General Planning Items

Update on Jenkins Park

This item was removed from the agenda as Park and Rec continues discussion on future use of the property.

Biennial County Transportation Inventory Update

Mrs. Csete asked if the Planning Commission had any additions to the Biennial County Transportation Inventory List she was required to update by 4/26, other than what was previously discussed. The changes would be (1) change the Rt. 401 & Valley Hill Road signal improvement to Active Status, and (2) the addition of the one-lane bridge widening for Route 29. No further recommendations were discussed.

Amendment to Potential Service Area Radii for Selected Recreational Areas Map in Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan

Mr. Comitta referred to the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan and displayed a proposed update to include potential service area radii that can be used when determining the use of Fee-in-Lieu funds, such as those recently acquired from the Meyer subdivision project.

It is important for developers, such as Mr. Meyer, to see the area that benefits from their payment as Fee in Lieu. There is now a green line showing a 3-mile radius for Brightside Farm similar to the circle around Charlestown Park.

Mr. Churchill moved to recommend the amendment to the Parks, Recreation & Open Space Plan to include the 3/3/21 map updating the Potential Service Area Radii for Selected Recreational Areas, and Mr. von Hoyer seconded. Mr. von Hoyer called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

TND – Area 3 Proposed Ordinance Amendments

A discussion will be held on an upcoming agenda regarding continued amendments to the TND - Area 3 zoning district. Exhibits for changes to minimum quantities, types of common TND open space for each TND district, and edits to Part 22 of the Zoning Ordinance will be reviewed.

Joint Session Additions to Agenda for 4/19/21 meeting and future discussions

The members made changes to the draft agenda. Mrs. Csete will email reminders to Members for Joint Session agenda ideas and circulate the updated draft.

The wind ordinance will be revisited due to concerns about height vs. minimum lot size, acreage, or setbacks at the June meeting.

Administrative Note

Any documents referred to in the minutes are available to the public upon request to the Township office.


There being no further business, Mr. von Hoyer adjourned the meeting at 9:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary