Great Valley Middle School, Room 154
255 North Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA


Planning Commission:
Mike Richter, Chairman, Matt Rogers, Vice Chairman, Michael Churchill, Daniel Ghosh, Andy Motel, Andre von Hoyer, Dan Walker, and Bill Westhafer.
Randy Paltry, P.E., Thomas Comitta (arrived late), and Wendy McLean, Esq.
Beth Martin, and Michael Allen, Linda Csete was absent.

Call to Order:

7:00 p.m.


Mr. Richter welcomed Mr. Churchill back after a long absence.

Approval of Minutes


Mr. Richter moved to approve the minutes of March 8, 2022, and Mr. Walker seconded. Mr. Richter called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Waiver Request

Valley Beech Rd – Placement of Shed within the front yard setback

Ms. Stephanie Rosenlund was present to request a recommendation to approve a waiver from Zoning Ordinance section 27-1608.1C(2) to permit the placement of a shed in the front yard. The shed will be 8’ x 16’ and buffered by trees.

Mr. Richter moved to recommend approval of the waiver to allow the shed in the front yard, and Mr. von Hoyer seconded. Mr. Richter called for discussion, and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Land Development Plans

Beyond Meat Expansion – Final Land Development Plan - Alternate Plan

Mr. Keffer, P.E. of Light-Heigel and Associates, and Timothy Dietrich, Esq. were present for a review of the alternate version of the final land development plan for the expansion of the Beyond Meat facility. Mr. Dietrich began with an overview of the process to date. The facility will contain approximately 130,000 square footage.

Mr. Keffer addressed numbered zoning comments on Mr. Wright’s review letter dated 3/14/22

3. Steep Slope Plans do not require Conditional Use since the disturbance is under the limits. (Sheet C-04)
6. Curbing off-street parking and loading spaces-Mr. Keffer gave detail of improved parking and curbing to control employee parking lot stormwater, including the front being curbed with some being flush. The PC and Mr. Wright were concerned about areas not curbed and the tendency for raveling. They would not support a variance. Mr. Keffer felt the higher quality paving material would prevent this and the curbing wasn’t needed in the access drive, treatment plant cartway, and parking lot since it is private property. Mr. Paltry stated that the ordinance is clear regarding vertical or flush curbing. A Member mentioned the separation of car and truck traffic and the safety problem of them all driving through a parking isle (Sheet C-08)
14. To be addressed. Will comply.
16. The Sequence of Construction will be updated after obtaining information from the conservation district and the Turnpike Commission.
19 C. Stormwater data is not available yet. Will comply.
20. The actual limits of the meadow area will be provided. Will comply.
22. Underground stormwater structures and testing for BMP documentation will be provided. Mr. Keffer outlined the structures in green for the PC. The structure on the eastern side is close to Spring Oak. Mr. Westhafer requested that the eastern most structure be repositioned to the north in order to allow expanded berming and trees to be placed in this location. Mr. Keffler indicated that this would be revised and that this additional berming and landscaping could be extended along the entire property line. (Sheet C-21)
28. Mr. Keffer mentioned the 3” stone being 15” deep.
30. Construction notations for inlet protection in the parking area will be via bag filter. (Sheet C-26)
32.A. Stormwater calculation will be submitted for review. Will comply.
34. The required PCSM Operation and Maintenance Plan details are not yet available but it will be on a maintenance agreement probably carried out by a subcontractor.
35 & 36 Will comply.
37. Changes to the existing easement and parking isle were discussed along with the abandonment of Devault Lane. (Sheet C-07)
38. This lot number is incorrect and should read 35-4-53 not 34-5-57.
42. Will comply with alternate solutions for the retaining wall area’s BMPs.
43. Retaining wall data will be distributed after compliance with setbacks and Turnpike approval. Mr. Keffer will forward the letter he received from the Turnpike to Advanced GeoServices.
44. The Subsurface Investigation and Foundation Report were provided tonight.
54. Truck traffic and car parking at the post office were discussed. Some of the land involved is not owned by Beyond Meat plus the future development of nearby property are variables. Mr. Dietrich maintained that this presentation was limited to what the owner would agree to. Beyond Meat cannot improve the driveway but they can surface it. Relocation would be to the east of the post office. Some PC Members would like a ≈90 degree intersection at Whitehorse Road, a road to separate the trucks from the foot traffic and having dedicated access for the post office. Mr. Dietrich stated again that they can only maintain the road, the owner wants an alternate drive on the east of the post office for other uses.
56. Will comply with the curtain wall going down and not horizontally to the wall.
58. Spot elevations will be provided. Will comply.
59. The level spreader details will be updated. Will comply.
61. Site maps are split onto C-06 and C-07. In 1992 the former owners had to convert to public sewer. There are underground facilities that are being encountered and they will remove them for the installation of the stormwater system. (See sheet CS-02)

Mr. Keffer addressed items on Mr. Comitta’s review memorandum dated 4/6/22

The submission of the Alternate Final Plan has resolved many of the fundamental issues of overall site design and visual buffering that were prior review comments. Discussed tonight:

15.B. Site lighting details are to be changed to include cut-off shields and a color temperature not to exceed 3000K per comment 10.D.
15.C. The building will be made from insulated sheet metal panels on steel frames. Mr. Comitta wants to see the building design and asked Mr. Keffer to view the suggestions that he would forward. Mr. Comitta had many suggestions as did the PC for aesthetic improvement. A parapet was suggested or moving the wall 40-50 feet closer to the center of the building, making it look less than its 30’ (vs. the existing 15-20-foot building). Mr. Keffer will have the sound consultants check on this.
15.D. Mr. Comitta deferred to the Township Engineer regarding the truck circulation, hours of operation, and truck idling. Mr. Dietrich stated there were no regulations that dictated hourly operation. Discussion continued regarding the Impact Assessment Report, the noise ordinance, engine idle vs. reefer equipment, the reefer equipment being replaced by the new building, etc.

In his review, he found no change since none of the items that were listed as “open” had been addressed since the 6-23-2021 review (see Review Comments letter from Stan Stubbe).

Mr. Richter asked the residents if they had any comments or questions:

  1. The first resident (Kim) asked if the material from the demolition would be tested and disposed of properly to not leach into the water, soil, or get into the air. Mr. Keffer said that the permit process addresses this and the information would be public. Secondly, she wants the odor coming from the plant to be verified as safe and feels it would go a long way toward earning some credit from the neighbors.
  2. Ms. Lorraine Fillippo asked why the plant suddenly sold. She stated she is grandfathered but feels displaced, pushed out, and is frustrated by the trash, noise, inappropriate parking, odors, and wonders how much the term “grandfathered” covers for the plant. Devault Foods was not Beyond Meat-and now there is a much larger worldwide company trying to fit into a small-town neighborhood. There is a lack of trust from her, as they have not managed to get small requests into compliance. The impact on the Souders’ and her home, since 2019, has been terrible and she doesn’t feel she can trust them on a larger scale.
  3. Mr. Rubenfield was frustrated by the Township because they approved Spring Oak knowing that there was a Devault Meat expansion happening at any time (approved in 2005). Even though there was a signed letter, the noise violations have not been fixed, reefer trucks continue to be a problem, along with odors, etc. Mr. Churchill said that the owner had the zoning approved so the Township could not say no, but there is some discretion now. Mr. Churchill warned Beyond Meat reps that so far, the goals set by the Township were not achieved. Reps said they are making progress and are in an experimental phase.
  4. Mr. Voota asked about the timeline for breaking ground. Beyond Meat has 5 years to carry out the plan. This could change due to many factors, such as the economy. But, the Beyond Meat reps stated that they intend on returning next month.

Mr. Motel’s final advice to Beyond Meat was to come to the next meeting with a much improved visual of the finished building. He suggested Mr. Keffer review the suggestions that Mr. Comitta will be sending.

General Planning Items

East Whiteland Township Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Mr. Comitta reviewed his comments in a memo dated 4/5/22 on the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space chapter of East Whiteland Township’s Comprehensive Plan. While two sidewalks along Route 29 are recommended, and an existing sidewalk is shown on the plan, no crosswalk is shown. He suggested sending a letter asking they show the crosswalk from Morehall Road to the Village at General Warren.

Mr. Comitta also recommended an additional Appendix consisting of a cost estimate for their Recreation Fee-in-Lieu program. He will send the 2017 link to assist with this request.

Mr. Churchill and Mr. Comitta will check with Mrs. Csete about the requests and verify that the Devault Rail to Trail link to the Great Valley School Campus is added to the map, or more clearly reflected. These comments will be forwarded to East Whiteland Township.


The next meeting’s time and location will be confirmed by Mrs. Csete. There being no further business, Mr. Richter adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m. The next meeting, pending confirmation, will be held on May 10, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the East Whiteland Volunteer Fire Association, 205 Conestoga Rd, Malvern, PA.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner, Recording Secretary
sheet, 4/12/2022