11 General Warren Blvd, Suite 1
Malvern, PA 19355
Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Planning Commission:
Matt Rogers, Chairman, Dan Walker, Vice Chairman, Daniel Ghosh, Mike Richter, Andre von Hoyer, and Bill Westhafer. Michael Churchill and Andy Motel were absent.
Daniel T. Wright, P.E., Tom Comitta, AICP, Wendy McLean, Esq.
Township Officials:
Lou Rubinfield, Township Supervisor
Chris Heleniak, Township Manager
See attached sign-in sheet.

Call to Order:

7:00 p.m.


Approval of Minutes

Mr. Richter moved to approve the February 27, 2023 meeting minutes and Mr. von Hoyer seconded. Mr. Rogers called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.

Bodine Properties LLC

Nelson Flores of JMR Engineering, representing the applicant Bodine Properties, LLC, presented a sketch plan for a proposed two lot subdivision of 2081 Bodine Road. Lot 1 abuts Bodine Road and the proposed Lot 2 is an interior lot that includes a small dwelling to be demolished. Lot 1 includes a house, garage, and pool to remain on that property.

Items on Mr. Wright’s review letter dated 3/18/24 were discussed as follows:

  1. Just commentary and a description of the lot’s location, size and non-conforming nature not requiring a response.
  2. Just commentary regarding the size of the lots, the existing structures and the plan layout not requiring a response.
  3. Will comply. A breakdown of the net lot area and the areas to be removed from the calculation were discussed and it was stated there are no floodplain, wetlands or steep/very steep slopes on the properties. The right-of-way area has been accounted for in the lot area calculations on the plan.
  4. Will comply.
  5. Will comply.

Items on Mr. Comitta’s review letter dated 3/26/24 were discussed:

  1. A tree survey has not been completed yet. The driveway is located in it’s current configuration to preserve as much of the existing tree line as possible to continue the existing buffer with surrounding properties.
  2. Will comply.
  3. There was discussion regarding the setback requirements for the driveway. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 20-foot setback for accessory structures. A variance will need to be granted to have only a 5-foot setback. Mr. Comitta stated that PC Solicitor Wendy McLean would need to look at the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance to determine whether a driveway is an accessory structure requiring a 20-foot setback.
  4. There was a discussion regarding the current rolled curb and small masonry wall along Bodine Road and the erosion at the existing driveway. There was further discussion regarding the configuration of the 2 lots. It was recommended that the applicant consider reducing the width of Lot 2 in order to allow for an increase in the depth of the flag portion and easing the northwest corner of Lot 1 in order to allow the driveway to turn earlier and increase the separation from the adjacent parcel to the north. The widening of the flag portion of Lot 2 would also allow the driveway to fit without the need for a zoning variance, and to save existing trees, provide for grading and stormwater management.

Additional Comments:

Action Items from Joint Session

The Commissioners discussed the following items reviewed at the Joint Session with the Supervisors on February 3rd:

  1. Swiss Pines - There was a brief discussion between the Commission and Staff regarding Swiss Pines and the future plans for the property.
  2. Accessory Dwelling Units (In-Law Suites), Grid Scale Solar, Agritainment - The Commission requested Staff to start looking at these topics for future discussions.

Administrative Note

Any documents referred to in the minutes are available to the public upon request at the Township office.


There being no further business, Mr. Rogers adjourned the meeting at 8:09 p.m. The next meeting will be held on May 14, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Building, 11 General Warren Blvd, Malvern, PA.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Heleniak
Township Manager/Secretary