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Charlestown Township Parks and Recreation Board
Parks and Recreation Board: Chris Lawrence, Jim Quay, and Esther Underhill.
Consultants: Ed Theurkauf
Staff: Tim Hubbard, Property & Safety Coordinator and Lisa Gardner, Recording Secretary.
Public: See Attached List
The minutes for February were approved.
Mr. Ed Theurkauf, Township residents, representatives from the Charlestown Township Historical Society, and Mr. Kuhn, Charlestown Township Supervisor, had a design discussion around maps depicting the latest suggested trail routes for the Board of Supervisors’ approval. Mr. Kuhn told those present the goal was not to only preserve the farm but to use funds, received from Chester County, to make Brightside Farm a passive park.
Mr. Theurkauf informed those present that he had contacted Pamela Brown, the Conservation Director of the Pickering Creek Conservation Trust. He showed a line of delineation that she said protected the eased area, mostly to the left of the creek, and therefor would not be compatible with a paved trail. However, to be ADA compliant, some impervious parking (along with some gravel parking) may be necessary, so he will be re-contacting her for clarification. Also, Mr. Theurkauf found no easement language in the agreement for pervious parking, even though Ms. Brown said it was allowable.
Mr. Theurkauf discussed the springhouse area being the most restricted area. He removed the path going through the wetland found on earlier versions. Mr. Kuhn suggested a raised boardwalk. Mr. Theurkauf said some spots were very wet and still in need of a field check. These spots may need to be avoided for expense reasons.
Trail visitors will be made aware of the history of the road and invited to walk in the steps of Revolutionary War soldiers. The paved trail will be visible from the road, with respect to the Wisner/Rapp house, the grass trail nearby will remain grass. Both sites will have historical markers.
Mrs. Esther Underhill suggested routing the Brightside trails in the best way for the park itself, then giving the freedom of how to route the Horse-shoe Trail to the users of that trail. It was agreed that the main trail could be marked and then alternates or spurs could be marked differently. Mr. Theurkauf liked this viewpoint, since it was not vital to the goals of Brightside Farm. He will contact Mrs. Staas.
Parking will be in the center towards the meadow or across from the Pyle house, not along Hollow road. Mr. Theurkauf will check on parking options vs. wet areas. Parking will be the main difference in his next 2 or 3 versions to be portrayed to the Board of Supervisors.
On April 18th those interested in helping should meet at the Township Building. Cleanup and safety supplies will be made available. A Girl Scout Brownie troop will be at Brightside Farm and Alix Coleman will be coordinating.
Mr. Lawrence is coordinating this, details are not firm. This talk will include problems with a list of solutions.
Mr. Thompson will be coordinating with Mr. Lawrence. The trees are bare root trees of various species. They need to be picked up, and stored overnight. Mr. Kuhn and Mr. Lawrence will try to pre-dig the holes. Stakes and straps are included, but deer protection is a concern. Mulching will keep the water in but a schedule and plan for watering needs to be set up. Mr. Kuhn suggested contacting Denise Hillard for watering. Mr. Lawrence provided a map showing the placement of the plantings. The tree species were selected in respect to power lines, and the placement of the trees took into consideration the trail proximity and absence of the fence. Mr. Lawrence is working on finishing the details of the day, such as water for the volunteers, and having the holes ready.
Mr. Lawrence designed t-shirts for the young volunteers that are helping, but they will be wearing safety vests too.
The Trail Walk with the Charlestown Parent Teacher Organization for Screen Free Week is on hold for now.
The Park sign on Township Line Road has been struck and needs replacing. The new Plan for the park includes a brick or stone sign. Better signage for those not familiar with the area is often a complaint heard by P&R Members.
Mr. Lawrence said he finally had talked with Mark Cabot. They discussed 50 gallon trash barrels, park signage that uses pictograms and problems with people putting regular trash into the dog waste containers so they are quickly filled.
Mr. Kuhn was unsure when the fence was being removed, but it will be utilized for construction and held for field renovations.
Mr. Lawrence is still talking with Lisa Tull.
Black Cherries were previously identified by the University; Mr. Lawrence is in contact with a science professor.
The stream has no name. The Charlestown Playhouse may be contacted to choose a name.
To be discussed at the April meeting
The burned out lights at the park, a concern of the Soccer Club, will be addressed soon, now that it is spring.
Since it is spring, Mr. Thompson will begin to work on these and other items that have waited for the spring thaw.
There was none.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.