Great Valley Middle School
255 North Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA
Minutes of Thursday, October 15, 2015
Parks and Recreation: |
Chris Lawrence, Chairman, Sue Staas, James T. Quay, Esther Underhill, Marylou Forcine, Karin
Schlichter, Kevin Kuhn and Brian Schlorff of PASC. |
Consultants: |
None |
Staff: |
Tim Hubbard, Property & Safety Coordinator |
Call to Order:
7:35 p.m.
Minutes for Approval –
The September minutes were approved with a minor edit.
Old Business
Charlestown Park:
- Mr. Lawrence stated that the trash bins have been installed. He stated he will be trading some seats from some
of the old benches along the promenade to some of the benches with better concrete bases.
- Mr. Kuhn stated that the new benches will be finished and delivered by 10/17. He also stated that there are some
problems with the stability of the new parking lot near the entrance - which the contractors are resolving.
- Resolving the issue of parking on Coldstream Road is still in process.
- Mr. Schlorff stated that the visiting soccer clubs will all be informed of where parking should take place.
- The boulders will be placed along Coldstream Road - close to the roadway to prevent parking.
- No parking signs will be posted - perpendicular to the subsidiary roads, like Mary Hill, so they are visible
to traffic on Coldstream Road.
- PMYC is concerned about the condition of its Lacrosse field. There was a discussion about how to repair the compacted
field and then about its ongoing maintenance. The point was made that PASC maintains its fields. Mr. Kuhn stated under
the lease, the athletic clubs are expected to maintain their fields.
- PMYC may receive two surveillance video cameras as donation.
- Some discussion about installing and maintaining bathroom facilities that would be open to spectators at games
and participants in park events.
- An audience member asked if creating an area for Frisbee Golf is possible.
Charlestown Day:
Karin Schlichter
- Charlestown Day was canceled largely because the weather on set-up day was impossibly rainy.
- There was only one unhappy vendor who regretted the $25 fee that by contract was not returned.
- Several runners who had pre-registered will be credited for their fees for 2016.
- Petrucci’s had made their ice cream for Charlestown Day, before it was canceled, so Mrs. Schlichter arranged to
donate it to several shelters in Phoenixville.
- Discussion about where to donate the Charlestown Day 2015 tee-shirts. Domestic Violence Center in West Chester
was suggested.
- Mrs. Schlichter announced that a planning meeting for Charlestown Day 2016 will be held on October 28, place to
be announced.
- Moving the Date of Charlestown Day to the second Saturday of October will be on the agenda.
- Developing a non-profit Friends of Charlestown Day to manage the donations of funds realized from the day will
also be discussed.
- The Charlestown Day Facebook page will be changed for the winter to be the Parks and Rec Facebook page.
- Mr. Kuhn reported that traffic at the mill on Charlestown Day was brisk. The working machinery is an exciting
- Devault Rail Trail is progressing – slowly. Supervisors are looking at getting the County more involved in an
attempt to speed things along.
- Ed Theurkauf just completed his environmental reports on Charlestown Park and Pickering Creek Preserve. The reports
have been forwarded to the Parks Committee.
- Sue Staas has sent the report, with the improvement suggestions highlighted to Pete Warner, scout master of
the troop that has already completed several Eagle projects on the trail.
- Township Trails: Sue Staas
- Sue distributed copies of maps of the individual trails that have been completed by members of the committee
and Nanci Sarcinello.
- A member of the Trails Committee, Hrishkesh Samant has developed an app for both Android and Apple phones. The
app which is called MyZyp is free. It can also be accessed on MyZyp.com.
Each trail is designated with &anditsname. It can be located on google maps, there is a map of the trail and description.
The maps will also be on the Charlestown website.
- The Township currently has 6 township trails plus the Horseshoe Trail. A few more, connecting important point
in the township are still a dream - but maybe!
- Perhaps more important are bike lanes on township road. The Trails committee has that on its to do list. Several
names of enthusiastic bikers were mentioned. Sue will follow up.
- Chris will submit Parks budget, including Trails budget to Linda.
- Trails budget is complete. More money to fund weedwacking of both Pickering Trails, replacing the volunteers
who have done a great job; but who are running out of energy has been requested.
Picnic at the Park for Park and Rec Board
Chris invited the board members to the Park for a picnic on October 24th. Details to follow.