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Parks and Recreation: | Chris Lawrence, Chairman, Charles Buck, Pat Doud of PMYC, Marylou Forcine, Karen Schlichter, Sue Staas, and representatives Mike Stevens and Scott Sinay from Healthy Kids Running Series. |
Consultants: | None |
Staff: | Lisa Gardner, Recording Secretary, Tim Hubbard, Property & Safety Coordinator |
There was no December meeting.
The relocation of picnic tables and benches along the main thoroughfare are next for Mr. Lawrence to discuss with Mr. Detorre of JD Bravo. There are also some free standing benches that still need to be repaired or made level. Since Mr. Cabot may not be able to take care of these, they can be offered to a scout troop as a project.
The handicap access question is still open, and the Township Solicitor is checking on the liability of a motorized handicap unit. Mr. Lawrence suggested further discussion with the Renaissance Academy Charter School. Their need would most likely be after school hours, but the PMYC is generally using a cart on weekends. Although there is a potential for a cooperative effort, the school would need to store it.
Mr. Lawrence discussed the need for the clubs (PMYC & PASC) to submit a wish list. This will be measured against feasibility. Mr. Doud will contact him with a dollar figure the club is willing to put toward funding, of a snack shack and clubhouse renovations. The items on the wish list are:
Mr. Sinay and Mr. Stevens asked for Park & Rec permission to use Charlestown Park as the newest location for their group that raises awareness of running, as a healthy activity alternative. Some points mentioned were:
The reps need to find a very smooth field for the 2-4 year olds to run a 50 yard dash. Mr. Doud suggested the football field, or one particular soccer field.
Wet weather brings up the kid’s safety as a concern, and secondly, the condition of the fields for others, if fields are used when wet. Mr. Stevens, looking for flat surfaces, was told that the entrance at Township Line Road will have a new parking lot, then the lot near the PMYC fields will be done near fall.
Mr. Lawrence said the Series fits well with the Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan, and Members said they would support the new idea as much as they can. Mr. Lawrence suggested tapping the Phoenixville Green Team network for volunteers. The Healthy Kids Running Series will also be mentioned in the Township Newsletter, club websites, and on Facebook pages, etc. Mrs. Schlichter is forwarding Charlestown Elementary School contact info to Mr. Stevens.
Mrs. Schlichter said the new date is the last Saturday in September (24th).
She welcomed the Healthy Kids Running Series, instead of having a 5K at this year’s Charlestown Day. Something smaller in scale fit well in the plan to keep things simple. The kids could also use the trails, or do a scavenger hunt. The group’s season also fell conveniently on the calendar with Charlestown Day. They had researched using a company that handles 5K’s for community days but finding volunteers was proving difficult.
Next step will be getting info out to vendors and social media.
Mr. Lawrence said the next step is designing the plan for the PMYC parking lot, which includes wheelchair access, drainage, and curbing.
Mrs. Staas said there was graffiti on the Pickering Trail, the most popular trail in the Township. Many thanks go out to Mr. Tom Kerrigan for his expertise in the removal. He suggested painting the bridge; this will be brought up to the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Lawrence will post the thank you on the P&R Facebook page.
The Thomson Trail letter has gone out, notifying nearby residents that ATV’s are not allowed on the Trail. Mr. Hubbard had no update. He has found someone that uses the trail daily, and will ask them to be a Trail Captain.
He is also working on a grant that would put 3 wildlife cameras in the Township’s possession. These could be easily moved around due to their small size, and can be another pair of eyes on things like the Pickering Trail Bridge, the Thompson Trail, or at Brightside Farm Gardens.
Mrs. Staas said that Pam Brown was working on the documents for an Auchincloss easement to conserve the two parcels in addition to creating a trail link to the Horseshoe Trail. The Horseshoe Trail should go along the property line and connect to Brightside Farm, parallel Hollow Road then cross Yellow Springs Road to the Deerfield community. Parking will now be available at Brightside for visitors to the Horseshoe Trail.
Trails for Tomorrow, a one day trail stewardship class, will be posted to social media. It is on Saturday, February 20th from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the PA Equine Council in Schwenksville. It is free to attend.
Members agreed that the Trails Committee, and Brightside Farm Gardens, needs a coordinated push to obtain volunteers. Mr. Buck said he usually considers gardeners only, but would consider outsiders. Whoever it is, they must be able to do things like mowing, and strenuous chores. He needs physically capable people. Mr. Buck is initiating a small scale composting program.
He also is working on an online collaboration for the gardeners on the Parks and Recreation Facebook account (closed group). Gardeners can share info about composting, share successes, or ask questions from other Brightside gardeners. Those without Facebook can participate via email. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Buck will get together to discuss the technicalities.
Mr. Buck added, that even the signs notifying the public about cameras there, may reduce gleaning. He also plans on monitoring and documenting for data metrics. He is working on a plan to distribute the data he collects, to help gardeners know when to plant, etc. Mr. Lawrence suggested Mr. Buck contact Penn State Weather Monitoring for a station for Brightside.
Lastly, Mr. Hubbard told Members that the problematic dogs had returned today, and he had contacted the owner.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.