Great Valley Middle School
255 North Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA
Minutes of Thursday, December 15, 2016


Parks and Recreation: Tim Hubbard, Susan Staas, and Frank Byer
Additional Visitors and Volunteers: Kevin Kuhn, Brian Schlorff

Minutes for Approval

The November minutes were approved with a minor edit.

Old Business

There was none.

New Business

Charlestown Park Report

Update by Kevin Kuhn


Mr. Kinka and Mr. Lawrence met at the Park to find a site that would be suitable for the play of Stones. Mr. Kinka liked the area near Township Line Road above the soccer field, off of 6th Avenue, on a tee box rise. His environmental proposal should be available for the January meeting. He had 5 questions for P&R:

  1. Is there a size restriction that P&R would like Mr. Kinka to keep in mind? Members felt that Mr. Kinka should just present the proposal as he sees fit, then they will visit the site.
  2. Is there a Township stockpile of items to make the course more challenging such as boulders or logs, etc.? Members said they were sure they could help with this.
  3. Mr. Kinka is wondering how far the course needs to be from the path, or if P&R would require vegetative buffering? Members felt they needed to see a proposal and then visit the site to decide on this.
  4. Will the maintenance of weed-whacking around boulders be bothersome to landscaper? Members did not seem to think this would be an issue.
  5. Would P&R permit small sand bunkers to be installed? Members had no problem with this since the mower easily passes over these pits.

Other points of discussion:

PASC Report

Mr. Lawrence thanked the club for providing the demographics report. The season is over. Membership is increasing about 10% yearly with the fall program at ≈700 participants. Mr. Lawrence will post the registration information on the P&R Facebook page. Mr. Schlorff will send Mrs. Csete information to include in the next newsletter.

PMYC Report

Mr. Lawrence will contact Mr. O’Brien for an update next month.

Trails Report

Mrs. Susan Staas stated the Spring Meadows equestrian trail effort is under legal review by Mr. Thompson. The language of the HOA document is supportive to the trail. The wording of the caveats mentions homeowner rules, but does not mention the policing of the rules. However, the homeowners have an obligation, and the group is waiting to hear back from Mr. Thompson. Mrs. Staas has contacted Mr. Thompson and outlined the situation, requesting guidance on handling the situation kindly and thoughtfully, while pursuing the goal.

Lastly, the trail will be very demanding to establish, with large amounts of stone needed for horses to cross wetlands, brush removal, etc. Mr. Kuhn suggested adding the blazing of this equestrian trail in the next newsletter.

Mrs. Underhill has finished the 2017 Township Trail Walks schedule.

  1. Sunday, April 23, 1 p.m. (22nd is Earth Day) Pickering wildflowers, Woolen Mill.
  2. Saturday, May 20, 10 a.m. following blazes on the McDevitt Trail.
  3. Sunday, June 11, 1 p.m. visit the birds on the Horseshoe Trail.
  4. Saturday, September 9, butterfly identifying at Brightside Farm Park

Other Business

There was none.

Adjournment –

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.