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Charlestown Township Parks & Recreation Board
The April minutes were approved.
July 18 proposed mid-year meeting to review purpose and goals. All should try to attend.
Linda handles requests for Pavilion reservations, and has a report tracking reservations
June 2nd memorial tree planting of native sycamore. Private event.
Franchise agreement to be renewed for 7 more years. May need to update for possible utility options in the future.
Herbicide use on ball fields? Representative from PASC ran through the field care, including limited early season pre-emergent use, with a consideration to surface water.
End of season is approaching
Wet, but only cancelled 2 games
7 travel teams
Scout Ryan Theil finished the fence by the snack shack Eagle Scout project
Downed tree by creek. Path is clear, but logs are left
Can permanent trash cans be installed by snack shack?
Turf Field project team will go to township supervisors meeting June 3rd
Would also love water service to snack shack
Would need to design water line and sewage drain
2 Kiosk signs to reduce dog waste and alert to lanternfly
EAC has these signs ready, will coordinate with Tim Hubbard to add them to the kiosk.
Suggestion for short informational signs along the trail.
Mark mileage, provide information about Brightside and Charlestown.
2” post plus small 2 color sign, stones at base to keep mower away.
Too many signs are a problem for mowing.
Paint on the trail will wear and limited for showing information
Mike Rodgers bench dedication
Farm Manager Alix can no longer drive her car to the far end of the farm.
Scout Project suggestion – replace the kiosk near the Community Gardens
Mile-a-minute vine and Garlic Mustard along the Pickering Trail
Replace with native seed – a day will be selected to organize a weed removal effort, and plan overall effort.
Charlestown Park wet area on nature trail, scout troop outreach is next step
Reroute Pickering Trail, raised plank bed or trail burrito in wet areas
EAC had a long debate about the benefits of the birdtown designation. Limited benefits.
Race organizer involved.
Fire trucks confirmed
Multiple music options – The Manatees, Settlement Institute.
Charlestown Day group will continue planning event details.