Charlestown Township Parks & Recreation Board
Via Conference Call
Thursday, April 16th, 2020
Parks and Recreation:
Chris Lawrence, Chairperson, Frank Beyer, Dan Mount. Ashlee Beyer, Jim Quay, Brian Schlorff, and Bil Longua
were absent.
Kevin Khun, Tim Hubbard, Don Kaczmar of the Great Valley Mountain Biking Club and Charles Buck. Keith, PASC, Jim
The meeting was recorded.
Minutes for Approval
The March minutes were approved.
Old Business
New Business
Charlestown Park
Spring opening delay
Downed wire, tree limbs down, Tim Hubbard called Davey’s tree
Cast bronze plaques to replace park bench plaques ordered.
Memorial plaque by tree in park plan, need an anchor
Any issues with closing? Not that we know of, singles on the basketball court. Increase use in trails in the
Basketball net – Tim has solved!
PMYC may have a replacement hoop, will provide clubhouse keys to parks
Flag lost & rope snapped, replaced once already, not currently fixed.
May need to replace line anually?
Jim O’Brian – Lacrosse is shut down for the season
Most of registration fees returned, some families donated the fees
PMYC board retooled, new executive group and new volunteers
Remediation of all 4 fields will be done now, since they are not in use.
Ctown landscaping, ~$8400
Will put signs up “keep off grass”
Shutdown for the spring
Registration refund email sent to members, some are donating
Normal maintenance plan for fields
Possible Scout projects on hold
Trails Report
Trails open
Trail work plan – Earth Day canceled, JNJ work group on hold
Updated Pickering Dam Trail route blazed
Goats! On hold – Liz Anderson has goats?
Two stone historic structures in Pickering Preserve were raised about historic commission, Tim, Jim T. and Dan
went to look, agreed to put up signs for now. No current trespassing apparent. Some spray paint evident.
Historic value to ice dam chain links? Should we save/store/salvage it? Conveyor belt at one time. Might save
some? Reuse as railing in mill.
There was a sign put up on McDevitt Trail blocking access, has been removed with help from French and Pickering.
Brightside Farm Park & Community Garden reports
Memorial Bench Dedication
Garden status – caller to the township asked about new plots. No new fence update.
Other Reports
Jenkins Tract, lots layout to be adjusted to help progress sale.