Parks and Recreation:
Chris Lawrence, Chairperson, Charles Buck, Tim Hubbard, Ashlee Beyer, Dan Mount, and Linda Csete. Jim Quay, Brian
Schlorff, Frank Beyer, and Bil Longua were absent.
Keith Maurer, Jim O’Brian, Marty Mackie, and Warren Anders.
There may be an announcement tomorrow regarding a phase change from yellow to green.
Minutes for Approval
The May minutes were approved.
Old Business
New Business
Charlestown Park
- The Park is open since the County is in the yellow phase.
- The restrooms are open and regularly cleaned but it is strongly suggested that family pods or one person at a
time enter.
- The playground is closed. The basketball hoops are still down.
- The move to green and how to navigate this will be discussed via email since it is likely to happen before the
next meeting (July 3rd estimated date).
Volunteers have contacted Mr. Lawrence and he discussed the best usage of their time helping with:
- Placing stone at erosion areas
- Preparing benches for painting
- Reinforcing the wooden walking bridge
- Mulching trees
- Helping the teams prepare for camps.
Team and Club Sports
A lengthy discussion followed regarding the handwashing for soccer practice and camps. Camps will
be social distancing, but do not expect to be competing in late July. A long-term solution for handwashing will be discussed
with the Board of Supervisors. Other items discussed:
- Restrooms were built for occasional park users, not large groups/teams.
- Using the Snack Shack would require waste/gray water to go uphill to meet septic.
- Teams plan on rotating players to restrooms and running camps at different times.
- The University pays for the park water usage.
- The PMYC and PASC will work together and try to come up with a handwashing solution for short-term.
- Drain options for gray water
- Portable handwashing options
- Locking options for handwashing stations
- Use of volunteers to help
- There will be a Plan B for changes made by the state of PA.
- Healthy Kids Running will use the perimeter of PMYC fields that were remediated for $8,000.
The Park & Rec will help the teams try and attain the following:
- A water source for hand washing for camps.
- Hooking up to a sewer for gray water to be coordinated with the University.
- Long term club handwashing solution to possibly be discussed with Mr. Dettore.
- Storage solutions for goals.
Mr. Lawrence reported that Charlestown Landscaping and Davey Tree have cleared significant debris
since the last storms. Mr. Lawrence noted that many trails are showing wear due to wet areas, and use by horses and
bikes. He would like everyone to walk their respective trails and report prioritized blockages, etc.
- McDevitt Trail is clear – Mr. Buck offered to watch over this trail.
- Brightside Trail will also benefit from Mr. Buck’s occasional visit.
- Thompson Trail has not been inspected lately.
- Pickering Trail – Ms. Beyer walked a part of the trail. This trail needs work on invasives, redirection or blazing,
and removal of thick vegetation.
Funding was recently approved for the administrative costs of establishing infrastructure for the
Rails to Trails project.
Brightside Farm Park
There are 60 garden spots and only 1 remains untouched, the garden is very active. Volunteers have
been a great help with fence repair. The portable restroom is still closed and needs to be reopened and cleaned; Mr.
Hubbard will take care of contacting the vendor again. Mrs. Csete received a repair kit for one of the benches at the
office. Lastly, Mr. Buck and Mr. Lawrence discussed solutions for the Spotted Lanternfly.
Charlestown Day
Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Anders discussed Movies in the Park. Three more music groups have asked to perform
at CTD. Particulars were discussed for an art and photo contest. Mr. Lawrence suggested emailing each other with ideas.
Adjournment was at 8:00 p.m.