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Charlestown Township Parks & Recreation Board |
Due to poor weather, the November trail workday was canceled.
The October minutes were approved with a minor edit.
Mr. Maurer introduced Scout Braden from Troop #158. They had discussed PASC projects. Since Field #4 had success with new fencing this scout decided to take on the project of adding a fence to the north side of Field #2 near Coldstream Road. The scout described the fence as:
Members and Mr. Maurer discussed with Braden the possibility of the fence being 3 rails so that it matched the other field. Braden said he would do it with three and Mr. Maurer thought the club could help with the small increase in cost. The scout and Mr. Maurer will obtain costs on the additional fencing and contact Mr. Lawrence.
Mr. Lawrence updated Members on scout projects. Scout Brandon has hit a delay after starting the Pickering Trail project and Scout Cameron will be considering some of the current Park projects available such as:
Nature Trail signage at Park replacement
Picnic bench replacement
Bleacher repair (needs a welder)
Roof work (not available for scouts since close inspection showed structural problems)
Press box roofing
Press box steps
Clubhouse flooring
Garden mulching and weeding.
Mr. Maurer asked Members about ending the season now vs playing games that were rescheduled. Members agreed that since the COVID data reflected an increase that the season would end and no further games would be played. Also, the PMYC and Healthy Kids Running have finished their seasons.
Mr. Beyer said this year the struggle was due to plenty of bad weather but they had 2 very successful trail workdays and he has cleared all the trees from all trails. Now there is only maintenance to be done other than:
Mrs. Beyer and Mr. Beyer are establishing a plan for 2021 and posting when specific action needs to be taken against invasives on the community calendar and or Newsletter:
Mr. Lawrence said it was easy to sign up and that runners just need to provide the GPS route and may upload photos. Mr. Mount will oversee these posts. See Mr. Lawrence for login information.
Tower Direct contacted the Park & Rec Board as part of a smoking cessation and outreach program. Mr. Lawrence said the Park playground will be specified as a smoke-free location and Mr. Mount and Mr. Longua will be available to chat with Mr. Lawrence and the reps at an upcoming meeting.
Mr. Longua said he applied for the grant but was unable to obtain an official Township resolution that was required by the deadline of November 17, 2020. However, the grant rep contacted him and suggested he use a “draft resolution” and then submit the application. It was accepted. The next step is to get the Board of Supervisors to approve the resolution. This grant funding would help with the acquisition and renovation of the Great Valley Nature Center and could provide up to $10,000.
A condensed history of the GVNC and it’s 10-acre property is below:
Mr. Longua, trail steward, said he is noticing two problems at this trail.
Mr. Longua suggests more signage and waste receptacles (which also requires someone to maintain them). Also, the mention of fines for leaving trash at this park is an option. He spoke with several dog owners as the steward. Mr. Lawrence was reminded to obtain hats for trail stewards to show some level of authentic authority at the trail and prevent unneighborly discussions. This park and Charlestown Park still need to have plaques mounted, one is for Mr. Rodgers.
Adjournment was at 8:40 p.m.