Charlestown Township Parks & Recreation Board
Great Valley Middle School Room 154
255 North Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA
Thursday, January 20, 2022


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, and Stephanie Robinson
Chris Lawrence, Advisor, Cordelia Kane, Ashlee Beyer, Frank Beyer, and Bil Longua.
Ester Underhill, Andy Motel, and Cheryl Speaker of Phoenixville Parks and Recreation Department

Announcements & Minutes

The December minutes were approved.

There were no announcements.

Standing Items

Devault Rails to Trails Report

Mr. Lawrence emailed an update about the Devault Rails to Trails project, read aloud by Chairperson Mount. “There was a meeting with the Natural Lands Trust. Their position on being of assistance to the group will only be during the acquisition phase. They are not a good fit for management or upkeep”.

Parks Update

The rope for the American flag at Charlestown Park has broken and is on the list of repairs for early spring. Mr. Longua said that Charlestown Landscaping will reassess the memorial tree and provide for its care in early spring.

Mr. Motel asked if there was any movement on the list of suggestions made by Mr. Mummert, wildlife biologist, from the PA Game Commission. One item was to stagger the mowing so that a third of the land was mown every year thereby having each third mown every three years to increase habitat for ground-nesting birds. Restoration of some birdboxes and other suggestions have not yet reached a Board agenda per Mr. Mount.

EAC Update

Mrs. Byer (not in attendance) will be working with the Weed Warriors to remove invasive species from Township trails and parks. The EAC is working with her, and an update and workday schedule is expected before spring and will be added to the Township’s website calendar. An article will also be in the newsletter and will hopefully attract some volunteers.

PMYC Sport Club

Mrs. Robinson stated that Mr. O’Brien was expecting ≈200 boys and girls to sign up for lacrosse this year. Sign-ups have begun and the season starts March 15th. They have final quotes for projects and wanted to forward them to the appropriate recipient.

Mr. Mount reminded members to inventory signs and make a list of ones needing replacing. Mrs. Robinson said the nature trail signs at Charlestown Park are damaged.

New Business

Ms. Fox will be joining the February or March meeting to discuss new ideas for community events.

Phoenixville Recreation Mini-Camp Program at Charlestown Park

Ms. Cheryl Speaker, from the Phoenixville Parks and Recreation Department, requested use of the park again this year. Last year was such a success, that they would like to return. She requested a pavilion, which she will obtain from Mrs. Csete, and will be using it for a week. From July 11 to the 15th. This year they are rotating parks, from Kimberton, Charlestown, then Reeves Park. 20-25 campers will attend during the approximate hours of 8-1p.m. Mr. Mount stated that the Township was happy to have them back.

Other Business

Earth Day is approaching and will be on a weekend, probably April 8th or April 22. The date will be set by Mrs. Csete and approved by the Board. The next meeting will focus more on creating a list of locations needing attention.

Adjournment at 7:55 p.m.