Great Valley Middle School Room 154
255 North Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA
Thursday, July 21, 2022


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, and Stephanie Robinson. Ashlee Beyer, Cordelia Kane, and Bil Longua were absent.
Tim Hubbard, Public Safety & Property Coordinator (via phone), Carol Armstrong, Lana Napoli, Jim O’Brien, Ryan Carver, and Makinlee Fox.


On July 27th at 7 p.m. the Mighty Manatees Band will be at Charlestown Township Park to continue the free summer concert series.

On August 2nd at 6:30 p.m. the Malarkey Brothers Celtic Folk Rock Band will be at the Wisner-Rapp House.

The September P&R Meeting has been rescheduled and is on the 14th of the month.

Standing Items

The May and June minutes were approved.

Trails Reports

– none

Youth Sports Reports

Mr. O’Brien and Mr. Carver visited tonight and after a historical review of the organization, they presented an update on CTP facilities used by the teams. Mr. Wright suggested the reps present this to the P&R this evening.

Fields-Mr. Carver handed out an overhead view of the 4-field area.

Lights- the view included the 4 different phases of upgrades to the field lights and poles.

Work is being done on the fields this summer between 7 and 9 p.m. and the lights are needed. The cost of this year’s lighting upgrade is estimated at ~$26,000. In the next 3 years, the organization expects upgrades to reach $100,000. Mr. Mount and the members agreed with the plan and expect the project to appear on a Board of Supervisors agenda soon.

Clubhouse-although it is only used for storage it is in bad condition. The reps are suggesting a 3-phase repair but would appreciate a consolidated repair due to rising costs. The quotes are below. They are hoping for Township financial assistance.

Siding $17,000 Doors $4,000 Windows $6,000

Mr. O’Brien conveyed their appreciation of Dr. Philip McLeod’s vision for the commemorative marker for the Valley Forge General Hospital Golf Course. They are excited for the entire project to be fulfilled for the Park.

There was further discussion about the new PA law mandating responsible fertilizer use through updated application practices.

Park Reports

Brightside Farm Park

Ms. Robinson read Mr. Kaczmar’s update aloud. There will be weekly practices on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30 starting July 19th. Team link

Ms. Armstrong suggested Mr. Kaczmar be kept in the loop regarding the trail, R.E.S. meetings, and changes discussed for that park.

The need for maps for all Township parks was discussed. Mr. Mount felt a map will naturally come about for Brightside as the project continues. The current map does not reflect the path. The Charlestown Park map includes the pavilion design so it is current.

EAC Report

Ms. Armstrong made the following points tonight.

Old Business

Robinson Scout Project

The P&R could not vote tonight due to member absences. This may push the project out to next spring. Ms. Robinson reviewed the planting plan that included pollinators. She received suggestions about where to obtain plants from the EAC, which had requested her planting list. The project is waiting on Mr. Theurkauf’s suggestions, the Girl Scout Organization’s approval, and the P&R recommendation for the BOS approval.

Charlestown Day Update-Makinlee Fox

  1. The CTD vendor and sponsor flyers went out and they have had a good response.
  2. The applications and sponsor packages are done at the designers.
  3. Ms. Fox has purchased new yard signs.
  4. Social media outlets and the success of each were discussed with Ms. Armstrong.
  5. Ms. Armstrong and Ms. Fox discussed food vendors that are encouraged to be zero waste, but there can be no enforcement. Ms. Armstrong is sending a new green contact to Ms. Fox.

New Business

The poison ivy needs to be removed at the Park under the pine trees near fields 3 & 4, per Ms. Napoli.

Adjournment was at 8:40 p.m.