Great Valley Middle School Room 154
255 North Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA
Thursday, August 18, 2022


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Cordelia Kane, Stephanie Robinson, and Bil Longua via phone.
Lisa Tull


Charleston Day is Saturday, September 24th at Charlestown Park.

The Park & Rec meetings for September and December have been changed to Wednesdays. They are September 14 and December 14.

Standing Items

Mrs. Robinson moved to approve the July minutes and Mr. Mount seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.

Trails Reports

Ms. Kane reported that the Pickering Dam Trail is very overgrown. Mr. Mount asked if she felt the landscapers needed to visit, but she will try to clear it herself. The bridge is still waiting for FEMA funding to come through and is in disrepair.

Park Reports

Brightside Farm Park

The mountain biking club continues to meet at Brightside Park on Tuesday nights.

Charlestown Park

Mrs. Robinson said that there are a few high branches loose and they pose a danger to parkgoers so Mr. Hubbard will be notified. The Roadmaster is making a list for Davey Tree and this can be added. Mr. Longua said the memorial tree has been repaired and the plaque will be installed.

EAC Report

No report.

Old Business

Robinson Scout Project

Mr. Mount gave a brief timeline of the pollinator garden project with input from the EAC, and Theurkauf’s Ms. Kelsey Stanton Murphy. It has stalled due to a procedural delay from the Girl Scouts. However, groundbreaking is expected in the spring of 2023.

Ms. Kane moved to approve the Victoria Robinson Girl Scout Gold Project and Mr. Mount seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor. Mrs. Robinson recused herself from the vote.

Charlestown Day Update

  1. The new marketing flyer is ready and will be emailed for review.
  2. Next is a media/Facebook push.
  3. Yard sale-styled signs should be ready soon.
  4. Invoices will begin arriving at the Township office soon.
  5. This year the day will include vendor demonstrations at the tables and workshops. The pavilions will also hold the carnival games so that all ages can enjoy an interactive day.
  6. Mr. Mount will see if the yoga teacher for Yoga in the Park is interested in doing a demo or class at 9 a.m.
  7. Sponsor activity is still coming in.

New Business

Mrs. Robinson stated that mowing is needed for a large property at Charlestown Road and Sycamore Lane, it is hard to see at the intersection. Mr. Mount will let the Roadmaster know about the situation although it is a state road.

Mrs. Robinson said all three of the summer concerts were well attended. They distributed surveys and received very good ideas about what residents would enjoy the Park & Rec budget next. The survey had perfect timing since the Members just received the call for new budget numbers for 2023.

Adjournment was at 8:00 p.m.