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Earth Day and the Spring Roadside clean-up is Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Mr. Mount moved to accept the February minutes and Ms. Robinson seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.
There were no reports, but next month one is expected if it gets warmer. The Pickering Trail needs to be cleared to be navigational.
Mr. Buck reported to Mr. Mount that the gardens at Brightside are fully committed with 55 reservations and some waiting.
The Weed Warrior project that usually happens on the Pickering Trail was canceled due to no one volunteering. However, a few residents have stepped up and Mr. Mount said a date will be established soon.
Mr. Mauer of the Phoenixville Soccer Club said the fields are being prepared and the season will start the weekend of April 1st.
Mr. O’Brien of the Phoenixville Marion Youth Club said the season has started. They are not using field #4 since it is continually wet. They are also renting fields from the Phoenixville Area School District. Work continues on the Park fields and they are discussing remediation measures. The clubhouse will receive 2 new windows.
Mr. Mount will reach out to the Great Valley Mountain Biking Team. He has not received a report from the rep, and this is the time of year that trail maintenance usually begins.
Mr. Mount stated that repairs are scheduled for the observation deck at Charlestown Park.
There was none.
Ms. Fox asked Mr. Mount about digital storage for the Charlestown Day documents. She will forward them to him and he will put them in a Google account for the Park.
Ms. Fox asked about a list of contractors and vendors that the Township uses frequently. She wants to integrate more vendors and residents into Charlestown Day. Mr. Mount suggested she contact Mr. Heleniak.
Ms. Fox will start the social media push for Earth Day volunteers. She asked for help or information about the road closure discussed at the last meeting and Mr. Mount said that also was a subject for Mr. Heleniak. She asked about a list of places or roads that are often the focus. Mr. Mount said some groups pick their spots or Mrs. Csete has suggestions. Mr. Mount said the Earth Day suggestion list may now be in the hands of the EAC.
Ms. Fox has talked with the Historical Society about the Memorial Day Ceremony at the Charlestown Cemetery on Saturday, May 27th. She is having trouble getting responses for her posts to social media but says it is happening.
Ms. Fox expects 5 concerts in July and August on Thursday nights, with Wednesdays and Fridays being the rain dates. Most will be at the Park, but one may be at the Wisner-Rapp House.
Ms. Fox announced Charlestown Day on September 30th since it doesn’t conflict with any local events. She stressed the importance of considering the increased risk factor of swarming yellow jackets. Mr. Mount stated that the pavilions had been power washed the week before the event and may have displaced them. Plus, there are woods nearby where they may have a nest and the time of year also makes them more aggressive. Ms. Fox needs a recommendation to take care of this liability.
Ms. Fox introduced Mr. Scott Ammerman, the Northeastern Program Manager for Tread Lightly! He is a resident of Charlestown Township and discussed resources for trail cleanups, including overgrowth, trash removal, and signage. He can supply volunteers with personal protective equipment. Tonight’s group was happy to hear he lived in the Township. See treadlightly.org/tread-lightly-continues-to-expand-announces-new-northeast-u-s-program-manager/
Mr. Mount announced to the audience that the Parks and Recreation Board was looking for members and that anyone interested in serving on the Board should consider staying after adjournment to meet the Members and volunteers.
Adjournment at 7:25 p.m.