11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Thursday, June 15, 2023


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, and Stephanie Robinson, were present. Cordelia Kane was absent.


The first concert will be at Brightside Farm Park on June 15, 2023. It is the final concert sponsored by the Charlestown Historical Society. It will be from 7 to 9 p.m. featuring bluegrass music. The next concerts in this series will be sponsored by Parks & Rec.

Standing Items


The minutes for March, April, and May were approved.

Trails Reports

There were no reports.

Park Reports

There were no reports.

EAC Report

Ms. Armstrong stated that at some point there may be some attention given to the riparian buffer at the unnamed stream at Charlestown Park. But for now, a recent inspection deemed it too small for a grant. Ms. Underhill stated that many of the flora markers have disappeared. Mr. Mount said one bridge, at the halfway point of the nature trail, is continually suffering from erosion.

There is also forested Township riparian land, near the Pickering Creek Trail between Route 29 and the trail, that is to be restored if grant money is received from the Stroud grant funding. Ms. Armstrong is researching the property and may be talking with the French Creek and Pickering Trust. The EAC is concerned about a nearby pipeline, once owned by Buckeye Pipeline, that may be compromised, vulnerable, and deteriorating due to age and erosion.

Youth Sports Report

Mr. Donald Kaczmar of the Great Valley Mountain Bike Club visited tonight to report that they had done trail work at Brightside Farm. They have had one of two scheduled bike checks and will be riding the second weekend of July. He will be keeping aware of site work at Brightside and plans on being a presence at Charlestown Day.

Old Business

Charlestown Park

No updates.

Charlestown Day – Ms. Fox

  1. The vendors are on hold and on the schedule.
  2. Flyers and sponsorship info is going out next week.
  3. Next year’s “next-level” attractions are in the works.
  4. EAC has requested a “green” Charlestown Day. Discussion followed about policing pavilion activities, rent and security deposits vs cost of clean-up, the need for cameras, zero footprint, more signage, destructive activity, and areas where cameras could be of assistance.
  5. Mr. Mount will be receiving an email requesting the go-ahead for more concerts. These should all stay under budget. If there are leftover funds, Ms. Fox intends on adding a few movie nights in August. The next concert is scheduled for Charlestown Park on July 6th. These events will now fall under the responsibilities of the P&R.
  6. Ms. Fox said the final partnership with the Charlestown Historical Society on Memorial Day, the Commemorative Cemetery Ceremony, was a success. The Park and Rec will also be taking over this annual event.
  7. There has been no progress on the 5K but Ms. Fox will keep trying to establish contact with the Jax Strong Foundation.

New Business

  1. Mr. Connolly was not in attendance so the suspected herbicide spraying was tabled.
  2. Mr. Mount formally introduced Ms. Fox and mentioned all the talents and ideas that she has brought to the Township. Mr. Mount moved to recommend Ms. Fox to the Parks and Recreation Board and Ms. Robinson seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor. This appointment will be on the next Board of Supervisors agenda.
  3. After a brief history about Mr. Scott Ammerman, Mr. Mount moved to recommend Mr. Ammerman to the Parks and Recreation Board and Ms. Robinson seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor. This appointment will be on the next Board of Supervisors agenda.

Other Business

Ms. Underhill wanted to bring the kiosk at Brightside Farm Park to Mr. Mount’s attention. It has 2021 and 2022 information inside and she is hoping that it can be updated and a procedure can be put in place to take care of kiosks seasonally. Mr. Mount suggested talking with Mr. Heleniak.

Adjournment was at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary
sheet, 6/15/2023