11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Thursday, September 20, 2023


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Stephanie Robinson, Makinlee Fox, and Scott Ammerman. Cordelia Kane was absent.


Charlestown Day is September 30, 2023, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Standing Items


Ms. Robinson moved to approve the September minutes. Ms. Fox seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Youth Sport Reports

Mr. Mauer, of the Phoenixville Area Soccer Club, said they are painting the snack shack. Their enrollment is ~1000 kids. Mr. Koenig will take care of the hornets near field #4.

Trails Reports

The Pickering Trail inspection report was received today at 5 p.m. It will be circulated by Mr. Mount and discusses erosion, invasive growth, and dangerous conditions. Trail Clean Up Day is November 4th, and a large crew of volunteers is going to be needed. Charlestown Day will provide an opportunity for signing up. The Brightside Farm inspection is next week.

EAC Report

Ms. Armstrong stated that native plants will be available at Charlestown Day. They ask that participants provide a picture of the removed invasive and a picture of the native plant in its place. The invasives can also be brought to the next EAC meeting. Check the EAC website for questions.

Old Business

Charlestown Day

New Business

Mr. Andrew Peterson, Mr. Marco Paredes, and Mr. Alek Fahey attended tonight to represent Verizon. The gentlemen are hoping to increase cell phone coverage along Charlestown Road and propose building a 170-foot tower in a 1200-square-foot base station in the northern corner of Charlestown Township, in Charlestown Park.

  1. The Township would receive a base of $34,000 yearly, increasing with other providers leasing space on the tower.
  2. There is also room for local EMS and police frequencies to be added.
  3. The base would be near the PASC clubhouse, at the corner of Southwest Avenue and Bulah Heights.
  4. The land is an irregular shape at 40’ x 40’ x 20’.
  5. It is currently marked out with wood stakes.
  6. Mr. Paredes stated that they tried to contact the University a year or two ago to put it on their property but no one responded.
  7. It will be much taller than the trees and similar to the tower on Whitehorse Road near the dairy.
  8. Ms. Gale, in the audience, said it was very close to soccer activity and she suggested everyone visiting the staked site.
  9. Reps explained that the line of site needed for cell service near the Swiss Pine area all point to this location- to avoid the ground and vegetation interference that causes dropped calls.
  10. Reps discussed following all federal and state requirements along with Township stormwater and drainage ordinances.
  11. A Geotech survey will take place.
  12. An EME (electromagnetic energy) report will be posted but levels fall under .1% of the allowable estimates at the base of the tower.
  13. No exceedance is possible unless someone would maintain the same 170-foot level of the tower. This microwave radiation does not pose a threat to human cells.
  14. As other providers join the tower, the EME levels would only increase to .2 or .3 %.
  15. The revenue agreement shares proceeds with the Township but the Township would have no say regarding who leases space on the tower. It would most likely include T-Mobile and AT&T.
  16. The tower doesn’t allow amateur radio repeaters.
  17. It will be fenced and landscaped according to local ordinances.
  18. It is a permitted Use in that zoning district.
  19. If the lease is ended the tower is removed.
  20. It would take 2 months to construct and the best possible start date would be early 2024.
  21. Ms. Armstrong asked about wind shear and Mr. Peterson stated that it is over-engineered for 123 miles per hour local maximum gusts.
  22. Ms. Fox wants to see a summary report for educational purposes.
  23. Mr. Paredes discussed a balloon test that could help with visualizing what the tower would look like in that location.
  24. Mr. Mount ended the discussion with the agreement that the next move was to visit the Planning Commission Meeting in October.

eBikes on Township Trails

Mr. Mount stated that the Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources suggests unpaved trails use a “no throttle” standard for eBikes on state trails. Current Township rules mention no motorized conveyances, and Mr. Ammerman suggested making this clearer. The eBikes cause erosion and increase the scope of danger.

Trails that allow eBikes are best managed with posted speed limits. Some bikes can go up to 30 miles per hour and are modified to go fast enough to suggest a helmet and license. Mr. Ammerman discussed signage that clarifies the verbiage for active recreation parks in Charlestown Township. Mr. Mount mentioned Brightside Farm Park and Charlestown Park using the DCNR levels to set guidelines.

Mr. Mount recommended moving the eBike subject with guidelines set by the DCNR to the Planning Commission for further review. Ms. Robinson seconded. All were in agreement.

Mr. Ammerman suggested the next step by the Parks and Rec Board would be to finalize signage.

Recap Summer Concert Series

Ms. Fox would like to have ~6 concerts next year with a few movie nights added. The response was all positive and the crowds were a perfect size for the venue. Many other benefits came about from the publicity and the community interaction. There may even be a partnership in some events next year with Kimberton. The budget doesn’t need to change and working with Mr. Koenig is proving successful.

Other Business

Ms. Armstrong discussed the dangerous condition of the Pickering Trail. Although it was closed, she met 2 groups trying to navigate it during her last visit. She has sent pictures of the Ice Dam area to the P&R and mentioned the Township’s liability. She suggested better trail closure measures, especially to protect visitors from stream side erosion. The members told Ms. Armstrong that the area was surveyed yesterday and a report is coming. It will suggest new routes for the trail. Everyone agreed that this trail needed a large number of volunteers to make an impact. The next trail day is scheduled in November when weeds die back. Details will be listed on the website.

The next Park and Rec meeting will be Thursday, October 19th.

Adjournment was at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary
sheet, 9/20/2023