11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Thursday, October 19, 2023


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, and Cordelia Kane. Makinlee Fox, Scott Ammerman, and Stephanie Robinson, were absent.


Visitors are asked to please speak clearly and loudly since tonight’s meeting is being recorded.

November 4th at 8 a.m. is Trail Maintenance Day at the Pickering Dam.

Standing Items


The minutes for September were tabled until October.

Youth Sport Reports

No report.

Trails Reports

The Pickering Trail Maintenance Day has a large list but work will probably wind down around noon. This list below will be started by volunteers to see how much progress can be made with one work day, and then maybe another will follow.

FEMA funding has come through for the bridge going over the Pickering and it will be used to address the two-foot drop on both sides of the bridge. Repairs will be going out to bid and include the handrails, ramps, and features to standup against future storms. The bid package is being assembled by the Township engineer. A visit to Jenkins Park was discussed and conditions at McDevitt Trail, invasive spreading, and care of its easement. Funding may be coming for invasive treatment plans.

Brightside Farm Update

Mr. Buck stated that 56 of the 60 spots were actively used. Poison Ivy was a problem this year. He is exploring options and looking for an herbicide that is natural and used in organic gardens. Ms. Armstrong provided some resource suggestions for the garden. It would also help if gardeners kept a closer eye on their areas.

2024 may be the year for him to submit a new fence plan to the Supervisors. He discussed new ideas for the garden to include the community, farmers, and educational. The idea of expansion, how and at what cost, was discussed again. This will be a part of his preliminary plan. Further discussion followed about spraying weeds and introducing a mowing plan.

EAC Report

Ms. Armstrong mentioned being concerned about Japanese Hops at the basins, but thinks the site is doing well. A plastic pollution prevention ordinance is in the works. They are interviewing businesses to see what impact it may have. Ms. Armstrong discussed sources of volunteers, corporate social responsibility, and untapped local help that would partner with the EAC and create relationships with the Township, with opportunities to work outdoors. Yet to come this fall is the caging of recently planted trees. Ms. Armstrong discussed more items not under the P&R purview that may be found at under Recent Documents.

Old Business

Charlestown Park

Mr. Mount acknowledged the detached basketball hoop at Charlestown Park, fences, and the finished repair of the wetland overlook. The review for Charlestown Day will be next month since Ms. Fox is absent.

New Business

A discussion about adding new member to the Parks and Recreation Board will also be tabled.

Other Business

The next Park and Rec meeting will be Thursday, November 16th.

Adjournment was at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Gardner
Recording Secretary
sheet, 10/19/2023