Charlestown Township Office
11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 7 p.m.


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Chuck Barbera, Makinlee Fox, Stephanie Robinson, Scott Ammerman, Kyla McFadden, and Cordelia Kane.


Standing Items


Mr. Mount moved to approve the minutes for February, and Mr. Ammerman seconded. Mr. Mount called for discussion and there being none called the vote. All were in favor.

Youth Sport Reports

Mr. Maurer from PASC reported:

Mr. O’Brien from PMYC reported:

O’Brien inquired about keeping the park bathrooms open until 8pm during the flag football season. Mr. Mount requested that the required dates and times be sent to the board and township manager.

Ms. Fox offered to publish PASC & PMYC events and flyers on the Parks & Recreation social media.

Trails Report

Ms. Kane accompanied Theurkauf Design & Planning on the spring inspection of Pickering Trail. There is concern about a partially exposed open well. Ms. Kane will take measurements for the purchase of a steel plate to cover the well opening.

Charlestown Township Park and Brightside Farm Update

Ms. Robinson has been in contact with a scout looking to do a Gold Project at Charlestown Park. The scout will present the project plans at a future meeting.

Ms. Fox updated the board that new trash cans have been ordered for Charlestown Park. Additionally, there is progress on the planned security cameras.

Mr. Mount updated the board that additional funding sources are being reviewed before moving further with Jenkins Park. Also, trash accumulation at the Jenkins Park borders was highlighted in the recent inspection report.

EAC Updates

Ms. Armstrong updated the board on the Beyond Pesticides Sustainable Park program. The EAC has reached out to other cities participating in the program and the program was very successful. Mr. Mount requested collecting more information around the activity usage of the athletic fields in the other cities.

Ms. Armstrong, Mr. Mauer, and Mr. O’Brien discussed the vendors and actions involved in the current maintenance of the Charlestown Park athletic fields.

Old Business

Charlestown Park & Rec To-Do List

Ms. Fox shared an improved to-do list to review with the board.

McDevitt Trail Repairs

Ammerman informed the board that there will be volunteer sign-ups at Parks and Recreation events in an effort to build a volunteer list for trail maintenance activities. Additionally, he suggested utilizing photos and videos of trail activities to build interest in volunteering.

Wild Flower Walk

Ms. Kane is working with Ms. Fox to finalize the event flier. The walk will begin at 8am at the Mill.

New Business

Off-season use of Charlestown Park Restrooms

People are regularly using Charlestown Park during the off-season. Ms. Robinson suggested the bathrooms be available year-round or a porta-john added during the off-season. Mr. Mount raised concerns about the frequency of off-season bathroom cleaning. Ms. Fox informed the board that the property coordinator is further investigating options. The board agreed to table the topic until July.

Turf Fields in Charlestown Park Update

Mr. Mauer provided the board with an update on the turf field proposal for Charlestown Park. An architect engineering firm was selected to do a light feasibility study. The study will review the constructability, code issues, environmental issues, and field usage. It is expected that the firm will have more information available late spring or early summer.

Ms. Armstrong discussed the report on Turf Fields prepared by the EAC.

Other Business

Disc Golf in Charlestown Park

Mr. Trevor Trotz, a freshman at the University of Valley Forge, presented a proposal of Disc Golf in Charlestown Park to the board. As a long time player Mr. Trotz highlighted the calmness and connectivity with nature the fast growing sport facilitates. Disc golf is played much like traditional golf with the ball and hole replaced by a frisbee like disc and metal basket. The natural trees, shrubs, and terrain of each location provides a challenging unique environment. The sport facilitates a healthy lifestyle, and is suitable for all ages and abilities. Mr. Trotz envisions a 9 hole course at Charlestown Park.

Mr. Mount asked about how it would fit with existing courses available in Phoenixville, West Whiteland, and to the west of Charlestown. Mr. Trotz stated no problem with courses in close proximity.

Trotz advised to route the course around existing playgrounds and picnic areas and have buffer areas. Additionally, utilize signs to raise awareness of flying discs.

Mr. Mount summarized the discussion and outcomes from the proposal of disc golf at Jenkins park and that Brightside was once a location to consider. Further discussion took place on where disc golf might fit at Brightside park.

Mr. O’Brien asked if there was interest from the university and Ms. Kane asked if a club existed. Mr. Trotz stated that the university had not responded and a club does not currently exist.

Mr. Trotz shared additional information regarding portable temporary baskets.

Adjournment was at 8:42 p.m.

sheet, 3/21/2024