Charlestown Township Office
11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 7 p.m.


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Scott Ammerman, Stephanie Robinson, and Cordelia Kane. Makinlee Fox, and Kyla McFadden were absent.


Chuck Barbera has stepped down from the Parks and Recreation board. The board expressed their appreciation for the valuable contributions and insights provided by Barbera.

Standing Items


Mount moved to approve the minutes for June, and Ammerman seconded. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Township Events Announcements

Youth Sport Reports


Trails Report

Kane reported on a recent walk of the Pickering Dam Trail.

Charlestown Township Park and Brightside Farm Update


EAC Updates


Old Business

Girl Scout Gold Award Project Proposal Revision

Aarna Singh, a local Girl Scout working on a Gold Award, returned to present a revised project proposal. The project will include the construction of a gazebo, planting of native plants, and informational signage, and bench restoration. The gazebo is planned to be 10x10 and will be installed by a contractor. Mentors from the Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens and Charlestown EAC will provide insights into plant selection.

Discussion took place regarding the gazebo construction, ability to withstand storms, permitting, the base it will sit on, and regular maintenance.

The Board additionally discussed requirements for the native planting signage. The Board was uncertain if an approval process would be necessary.

Mount moved to recommend the approval of the proposal to the Board of Supervisors, and Robinson seconded. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal Revision

Sarabella Firkin, a scout from Troop 4321 returned to present an updated Silver Award project proposal. The project will establish a Bird Garden in Charlestown Park, including a bird bath, bird house, and bird feeder. The proposed location would be near a bench along the trail that runs through the natural unmowed part of the park. Periodic maintenance of the bird bath and bird feeder would be performed by scouts within the troop.

A question was raised regarding a source of water to fill or clean the bird bath. The stream was proposed as a solution.

Ammerman moved to recommend the approval of the proposal to the Board of Supervisors, and Robinson seconded. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

New Business

Trail and Park Kiosks

Ammerman provided the Board with information on a kiosk design that could be built at the entrances to the various trails. The kiosks would be patterned after the “Appalachian Trail Gateway Bulletin Board”, with additional information available in the “Planning Guide to Design a Designated Appalachian Trail Community Kiosk”. The signage would include the information about the park or trail, a map, rules, and a section to post announcements.

There was a discussion around the area of the kiosk where announcements would be posted. Ideally, having an area for posting information would discourage signs stapled to trees or telephone polls. The area could be covered with plexiglass and a lock if necessary, but there is concern that it would hamper the process of updates. Additional discussions around the procedure to update the kiosk(s) would take place after they are built.

Supervisor Rubinfield recommended a box attached to the kiosk to contain printed maps or information that visitors can take with them.

Ammerman will provide the Board with example sign content at a future meeting.

Other Business

Kwiamwis Siput Interperative Signage

Armstrong requested the Board’s opinion on placing an interpretive sign within Charlestown Park for the Kwiamwis Siput creek. The Board took a favorable position.

Charlestown Park Trash Cans

Ammerman informed the board of ongoing problems with the trash cans at the pavilions in Charlestown Park. The trash cans are attractive to yellow jackets leading to complaints and concerns from event attendees and vendors. The Board had previously recommended the trash cans be replaced and selected a preferred replacement. Mount will request more information on budget and process to replace the existing trash cans.

Adjournment was at 8:00 p.m.

sheet, 7/18/2024