Charlestown Township Office
11 General Warren Blvd. Suite 1, Malvern, PA
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 7 p.m.


Parks and Recreation:
Dan Mount, Chairperson, Cordelia Kane, Makinlee Fox, Kyla McFadden, Scott Ammerman, John Kulp. Stephanie Robinson was absent.
Carol Armstrong from EAC


The board welcomed the newest member John Kulp. The board looks forward to the insights John can bring as a longstanding resident of the township.

Standing Items


Ammerman moved to approve the minutes for August, and Mount seconded. Mount called for discussion and there being none, called the vote. All were in favor.

Township Events Announcements

Youth Sport Reports


Trails Report

Kane reported two trees are down on the trail headed towards the mill. Additionally, Kane informed the board that work was underway to place the pipeline that currently exists under the stream, deeper below the stream.

The board discussed the impact of the pipeline work and holidays on the scheduling of the trail cleanup day. The trail day will be planned for November 9th at 9 or 10 am.

Charlestown Township Park and Brightside Farm Update

Two low hanging tree limbs in Charlestown Park near the clubhouse are impacting pedestrian traffic.

EAC Updates

The EAC is planning a Charlestown Road cleanup event on October 9th. It will run from 7am to 11 am and starts at Charlestown Mill.

Scout Program Report

Robinson provided the following to the board via email:

Old Business

Trail and Park Kiosks

Ammerman provided an update to the board regarding the kiosks proposal. Ammerman is currently working on gathering all the relevant GIS data, after which Ammerman will put together a draft for the board to review.

New Business


Other Business

Budget Requests

The board discussed potential budget requests for 2025. Fox informed the board that the event budget was exceeded this year due to fulfilling events planned by other organizations.

Adjournment was at 7:46 p.m.