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Charlestown Township
Minutes were recorded for the meeting on January 9, 2019 at the Great Valley High School Library, 225 N. Phoenixville Pike, Malvern, PA 19355. Meeting was held from 6:00 p.m. - 7:50 p.m.
Attendees were Pete Goodman, Carol Armstrong, Richard Findlay, Veda Maany, Daniel Walker, and Greg Nesspor, Susan Bednar (BoS), and Kevin Kuhns (BoS).
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm with Pete Goodman as the Chair.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved unanimously following a motion by Findlay and Nesspor seconded the motion.
Goodman provided on updates on the Adelphia Gateway Project pipeline. They have issued a 300 plus page environmental assessment document which Pete (as intervenor) is reviewing. It has passed pressure testing. Environmental impact is still to be determined, and Clean Air Council is organizing a reaction to the recent document. Goodman will clarify what type of natural gas is going to be transported by this specific line, as there is a question if it is liquid or compressed gas, as each has different safety risks. He has also completed the questionnaire from Pipeline Safety Coalition (see last month’s minutes for more details).
Armstrong & Walker continue to work on their education on plastics use and a certification of sustainability for businesses in Charlestown, particularly PJ Whelihans’ restaurant and The Office.
Goodman & Walker report with regards to the issue of turnpike sound walls that in conjunction with BoS, it was determined that the sound wall group be an independent entity with its own funding- “Sound Walls Now Association” is the name of the entity (comprised of 2 EAC members, Dan Walker and Pete Goodman, as well as 2 local residents Peggy Gallagher and Paul Stevens. The group has submitted paperwork to be incorporated as a PA incorporated non-profit. The EAC would play a consulting role, and the township would support the entity by upgrading the noise ordinance and providing funding for engineering and consulting but not towards litigation.
Armstrong & Goodman provide updates on our Riparian Buffer project along a tributary to Pigeon Run on Brightside Farm. They have taken the next step of mapping out the property to delineate the trails and hayfields to identify potential areas for planting (which looks to be about 2 acres). The next step is drafting a map specifying where and what plants, which would be proposed to the BoS for approval, after which we would apply for grants. PACG (progressive action for the Common Good) and Natural Lands Green Region open space program are some additional potential grant sources.
Articles next newsletter: Findlay and Armstrong drafted an article about use of winter salt and Findlay submitted an article which was a summary of the EAC’s plans for 2019 with a request to come join our network of volunteers. Next due date is 4/15th, then 7/15, 10/15.
We discussed our 2019 budget and funds allocated by BoS- $26,000 for 2019. Please see last meeting minutes for specific allocations. It was decided that since septic surveillance is a general township issue and therefore not considered an EAC budget item. Therefore, we will reassign the $100 from septic to expenses for printing.
Confirmation/summary of EAC-initiated project for next 6 months. 1. Brightside Farm Riparian Buffer Planting, 2. Adelphia Gateway Project monitoring 3. PA Turnpike Sound Wall Group 4. Charlestown Park Native Trees project with P&R. We will defer our Stream Naming (un-named tributaries) for a future project.
Maany proposed issue of litter clean up around the township. Also, she would like to address specific sources of littering outside of intentional. She will contact local waste companies to discuss their receptacles and how to reduce overflow and accidental spillage. Also, how to organize clean-ups- involve churches. It was suggested to reach out to Linda, Victoria Laubach (GVWA), Jim Thompson (road master) and Tim Hubbard (fire marshal). Other organizations such as Tidy Up TE and Keep America/PA Beautiful campaign are good resources too.
We are official: BoS adopted ordinance #209-2019 creating the Environmental Advisory Committee with staggered 3-year term appointments.
Term ending 12/31/2019 - Richard Findlay
Term ending 12/31/2020 - Veda Maany and Dan Walker
Term ending 12/31/2021 - Greg Nesspor, Carol Armstrong, and Pete Goodman
Pete Goodman was appointed Chairman by the Supervisors.
Per ordinance there is room for a 7th member. Ideally, we would have someone from planning commission or P&R to satisfy the requirement.
Armstrong requests that each member bring in a couple of topics that are of interest to residents to next EAC meeting so we can start organizing our resident education series.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 immediately followed by the annual EAC organizational meeting. Please see the minutes for the Annual EAC Organizational Meeting.