April 15, 2023
Pictures from our volunteers at the 2023 Earth Day Cleanup

April 9, 2022
Pictures from our volunteers at the 2022 Earth Day Cleanup
April 10, 2021
Pictures of the cleanup at Charlestown Meadows from Frank Pafumi and Girl Scout Troup #440 on Yellow Springs Road taken by Jeannine Espenshade.
April 6, 2019
Among the many 2019 Earth Day efforts was the two-hour closing of Coldstream Road in order to remove over 100
bags of trash covering a decade of accumulation. Other volunteers installed kestrel and owl boxes.
April 14, 2018
This year the weather cooperated spectacularly for our 14th annual Earth Day Event and we wish to thank
the 90+ volunteers who made our day a success. Over 115 bags of trash were collected from roadsides, parks and
stream banks.
April 22, 2017
Charlestown’s 13th Annual Earth Day Clean Up was held on April 22nd. The dreary weather didn’t keep
approximately 92 adults and children from participating, including the Great Valley Mountain Bike Club, Brownie
Troop 41487, scouts working with Trout Unlimited, and the Charlestown Meadows Homeowners Association. Many other
individuals worked alone or in small groups along Route 29, Phoenixville Pike, Howell Road, Whitehorse Road, and
others. Long time participants from Troop 440 were unavailable this weekend but plan to clean up at Brightside
Farm and along Yellow Springs Road next week.